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CodeZero CLI

The czctl command-line interface makes it easy to develop against a Kubernetes cluster.

Documentation can be found here: https://docs.codezero.io/

CodeZero provides a simple CLI tool to help manage the development and testing of CodeZero applications. Install it globally from NPM using npm install -g @c6o/cli.

Install the CLI

sudo npm install -g @c6o/cli

[!WIP] Yarn fails to install the @c6o/cli, so please use npm for now.


  • NPM (Version 6.14+)
  • Node (Version 14+)

Configure the CLI

After installing the CLI, run:

> sudo czctl start

[!NOTE] The CLI requires sudo access to modify your systems hosts file. The hosts file is used to define in-cluster DNS information on your local machine during a teleport session.

[!NOTE] Node.js version 13.0.0 (or newer) is required.

Access Your Cluster

Many CLI commands need to interact with a Kubernetes cluster. Therefore, the CLI requires access to a kubeconfig for your cluster. By default, we use the default cluster in ~/.kube/config. Alternatively, you can set the KUBECONFIG environment variable to your kubeconfig file.

export KUBECONFIG=<path to kubeconfig>

[!NOTE] Some commands let you explicitly specify a kubeconfig file. This is the same as configuring the kubectl CLI. See here for more information.

Using the CLI

The CLI is invoked via the czctl command. To get more information about individual commands, check out the CLI reference, or run:

> czctl help


see: https://docs.codezero.io/#/references/teleport

> czctl deployment teleport --help
Teleport your local machine so you can reference the name of a deployment in a network request.

$ czctl deployment teleport [RESOURCENAME]

RESOURCENAME  The name of the Kubernetes resource.

-a, --additional=additional    Additional namespaces to include. Repeat this flag for each additional namespace.
-c, --clean                    Close and clean up
-f, --file=file                Write environment variables to a file.
-k, --kubeconfig=kubeconfig    Path to a specific the kubeconfig file to use for cluster credentials
-m, --format=sh|env|json|yaml  The format of the environment file. One of the following: sh (source-able shell file), env (env format p=v), json (JSON format), or yaml (YAML format).
-n, --namespace=namespace      Namespace for the operation
-q, --quiet                    Only display error messages
-w, --wait                     Wait for terminate signal and then clean up
--all                          Include all other namespaces as secondary namespaces

czctl deployment teleport halyard-backend -n halyard -f env.sh


See: https://docs.codezero.io/#/references/intercept

> czctl service intercept --help
Intercept Service traffic to a locally running service through a tunnel

  $ czctl service intercept [SERVICE]

  SERVICE  The name of the remote service to be intercepted.

  -a, --all                    Intercept all traffic irrespective of headers
  -c, --clean                  Close and clean up
  -k, --kubeconfig=kubeconfig  Path to a specific the kubeconfig file to use for cluster credentials
  -l, --localPort=localPort    The local port number of the local service
  -n, --namespace=namespace    Namespace for the operation
  -q, --quiet                  Only display error messages
  -r, --remotePort=remotePort  The remote port number of the remote service to be intercepted.
  -w, --wait                   Wait for terminate signal and then clean up
  -x, --header=header          Custom intercept header and value header:value. Default is X-C6O-INTERCEPT:yes

  czctl service intercept <service name> -r <remote port> -l <local port> -n <namespace>
  czctl service intercept foo --remotePort 3000 --localPort 3010 --namespace bar
  czctl service intercept foo -r 8080 -l 3010 -n bar


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