
1.1.0 • Public • Published


Object-3d is build on top of react-three-fiber, a react reconciler for ThreeJS. Provides an abstraction for manage 3d objects easily

NPM JavaScript Style Guide


npm install @cofrico/3d-objects


import  React  from  'react'
import { Layout } from  '@cofrico/layout-3d'
import { Object3d, Room } from  '@cofrico/layout-3d'

const FBXLoader = __CLIENT__ && require('three/examples/jsm/loaders/FBXLoader').FBXLoader

const  App = () => {
	return {

      position={[10, 0, 1]}
      nodes={[[-5, 5], [5, 5], [5, -5], [-5, -5]]}
      doors={[{ width: 2, height: 4, offset: 3, roomFaceIndex: 1 }]}
        position={[0, 0, 0]}

Object3D Options

A wrapper to create objects from 3d object file without pain

Name Type Description Default Required
objectURL string path to object file true
loader object Can be FBXLoader, OBJLoader or any other ThreeJs loader true
position array Array of 3d coordinates [0, 0, 0] false
rotation array Array of 3d coordinates [0, 0, 0] false
selected bool Set object as selected or not false false
selectedColor string Color used when the object is selected. Can be a hex, or other css color type 'red' false
userData object An object that can be used to store custom data { } false

Room Options

A wrapper to create rooms (extrude structures) from parameters. Rooms can have childs like other Rooms or Object3D

Name Type Description Default Required
nodes array Array of 2d array coordinates true
heigh number The room height true
children node React children node false
doors array Array of objects. Each object represents a door. See Door options [ ] false
userData object An object that can be used to store custom data { } false
color string Color used when the object is selected. Can be a hex, or other css color type '#009b7f' false
disabled bool Set the object disabled or not, it only changes the color and opacity false false
selected bool Set object as selected or not false false

###Door options A room can have many doors. Each one can be defined with this options

Name Type Description Default Required
roomFaceIndex number An index representing a room face, in the same order than room nodes true
width number Door with true
heigh number Door height true
offset number Offset from right corner of the room to position the door 0 false
color string Color used when the object is selected. Can be a hex, or other css color type '#dcdcdcf' false
opacity number The opacity of the door 0.5 false


You have a simple playground to show the objects usage in /example folder. To run it, simply install the dependencies with yarn or npm install and run it from /example directory with yarn start. Then you can go to localhost:3000 to see the example working


MIT © [Glue Digital](https://github.com/Glue Digital)


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