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Codius Manifest

Codius is an open-source decentralized hosting platform using Interledger. It allows anyone to run software on servers all over the world and pay using any currency. Users package their software inside of containers. Multiple containers can run together inside of a pod.

Codius Manifest (this repository) is a module for validating and generating Codius manifests. The Codius manifest format allows users to specify container images, public and private environment variables, and other information about pods. Manifests are used by Codius hosts to setup the container environments and download images.

Manifest Format

Manifests must match the standard format, which is specified here. Manifests that are valid against the standard schema are considered complete.

  "manifest": {
    "name": "my-codius-pod",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "machine": "small",
    "port": " 8080",
    "containers": [{
      "id": "app",
      "image": "hello-world@sha256:f5233545e43561214ca4891fd1157e1c3c563316ed8e237750d59bde73361e77",
      "command": ["/bin/sh"],
      "workdir": "/root",
      "environment": {
    "vars": {
      "AWS_ACCESS_KEY": {
        "value": "AKRTP2SB9AF5TQQ1N1BB"
      "AWS_SECRET_KEY": {
        "encoding": "private:sha256",
        "value": "95b3449d5b13a4e60e5c0218021354c447907d1762bb410ba8d776bfaa1a3faf"
  "private": {
    "vars": {
      "AWS_SECRET_KEY": {
        "nonce": "123450325",
        "value": "AKRTP2SB9AF5TQQ1N1BC"

Simple Manifest

A simple manifest has the environment fields fully interpolated, with the public and private variable fields removed.

  "manifest": {
    "name": "my-codius-pod",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "machine": "small",
    "port": " 8080",
    "containers": [{
      "id": "app",
      "image": "hello-world@sha256:f5233545e43561214ca4891fd1157e1c3c563316ed8e237750d59bde73361e77",
      "command": ["/bin/sh"],
      "workdir": "/root",
      "environment": {

Codius Files

Manifests are generated from two files: codius.json and codiusvars.json.


This file includes details about the pod to be uploaded . Unlike the generated manifest, codius.json may contain description fields for public variables. The official specification can be found here.

  "manifest": {
    "name": "my-codius-pod",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "machine": "small",
    "port": "8080",
    "containers": [{
      "id": "app",
      "image": "hello-world@sha256:f5233545e43561214ca4891fd1157e1c3c563316ed8e237750d59bde73361e77",
      "command": ["/bin/sh"],
      "workdir": "/root",
      "environment": {
    "vars": {
      "AWS_ACCESS_KEY": {
        "value": "AKRTP2SB9AF5TQQ1N1BB"
      "AWS_SECRET_KEY": {
        "encoding": "private:sha256",
        "value": "95b3449d5b13a4e60e5c0218021354c447907d1762bb410ba8d776bfaa1a3faf"


This file defines the public and private variables to be included in the generated manifest. Similar to codius.json, this file may include description fields for the public variables. The official specification can be found here.

  "vars": {
    "public": {
      "AWS_ACCESS_KEY": {
        "value": "AKRTP2SB9AF5TQQ1N1BB",
        "description": "My AWS access key"
    "private": {
      "AWS_SECRET_KEY": {
        "nonce": "123450325",
        "value": "AKRTP2SB9AF5TQQ1N1BC"


The Codius manifest module exports the following functions to validate and generate manifests.

  generateManifest(codiusVarsPath, codiusPath)


Validates a generated manifest against the standard manifest schema.


  • manifest
    • Type: JSON
    • Description: the manifest to be validated

The function returns an array of errors in the following format:

[ { <varPath1>: <errorMsg1> }, { <varPath2>: <errorMsg2> }, ... ]

For example:

  { 'manifest.containers[0].environment.ENV_VAR': 'env variable is not defined within manifest.vars.' },
  { 'manifest.name': "schema is invalid. error={'path':'manifest.name','keyword':'required'}" }

generateManifest(codiusVarsPath, codiusPath)

Generates a manifest from codiusvars.json and codius.json. An error will be thrown if the generated manifest is invalid.


  • codiusVarsPath
    • Type: string
    • Description: the path to a codiusvars.json file
  • codiusPath
    • Type: string
    • Description: the path to a codius.json file

The function returns a JSON object representing the generated manifest.

NOTE: Docker image fields without a sha256 hash will be resolved to include the image digest. For example:

  nginx:1.15.0 => nginx@sha256:62a095e5da5f977b9f830adaf64d604c614024bf239d21068e4ca826d0d629a4

This ensures that a host will pull identical images for a single manifest upon multiple uploads. The image resolution functionality was partially adapted from the docker-manifest module.


Generates the hash of a complete Codius manifest.


  • manifest
    • Type: JSON
    • Description: the manifest to be hashed

The function returns the sha256 manifest hash with base32 encoding.


Generates a manifest with the container environment fields interpolated.


  • manifest
    • Type: JSON
    • Description: the manifest to be interpolated

The function returns a JSON object representing the interpolated manifest, with the public and private variable fields removed.


The module can be used to easily generate manifest files.

const { generateManifest, hashManifest } = require('codius-manifest')

async function generateManifestHash (codiusVarsPath, codiusPath) {
  // generate new manifest
  const generatedManifest = await generateManifest(codiusVarsPath, codiusPath)
  console.log(`New Manifest: ${JSON.stringify(generatedManifest, null, 2)}`)

  // generate manifest hash
  const manifestHash = hashManifest(generatedManifest)
  console.log(`New Manifest Hash: ${manifestHash}`)
  return manifestHash

const codiusVarsPath = './codiusvars.json'
const codiusPath = './codius.json'
generateManifestHash(codiusVarsPath, codiusPath)
  .then(() => { console.log('Success!') })
  .catch(error => { console.log(error) })




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