
1.2.3 • Public • Published

A Codebaby Avatar library

A library to run codebaby on React. That's come with hooks and AvatarProvider.

Installing codebaby-react

npm install @codebaby-avatars/codebaby-react


Add our provider surrounding your components

"use client";
import { useRef } from 'react';
import { AvatarProvider } from '@codebaby-avatars/codebaby-react';

const App = () => {
    const aProviderRef = useRef(null);
	return (
	        // on ref will provide you an events handler instance
	        // with listener (on, off) and emitter method
	        // You could listen all codebaby events here
	        // using lowerCamelCase like 'initialized' should be 'onInitialized'
	        onInitialized={() => {
	        // Your components and/or page(s) goes here
	        // all components that will use useCodebabyEvents, should go here

Replace "react-avatar" with your avatarId from Codebaby portal.



You can use this hook to access the Event handler instace and set or remove event listeners or dispatch a event too.

The Event handler instace is the same on ref for AvatarProvider and in useCodebabyEvents, with on to set event listener, and off to unset, and with trigger to dispatch event

Sending a message to avatar

    import { useCodebabyEvents } from '@codebaby-avatars/codebaby-react';
    const MyComp = () => {
        /* ... */
        const { trigger } = useCodebabyEvents();
        function handleEvent() {
            trigger('ask', 'Why is the sky blue?')
        /* ... */


You can use this hook to verify if codebaby was initialized, if the UI was loaded and do something like set a new event listener.

    import { useEffect } from 'react';
    import { useCodebabyEvents, useIsInitialized } from '@codebaby-avatars/codebaby-react';
    const MyComp = () => {
        /* ... */
        const { on, off } = useCodebabyEvents();
        const {isInitialized} = useIsInitialized();
        useEffect(() => {
            if(isInitialized) {
                const onResponse = (e, responseData) => {
                    // do something
                on('response', onResponse);
                return () => {
                    off('response', onResponse);
        }, [isInitialized]);
        /* ... */
    import { useEffect } from 'react';
    import { useHandleAvatar, useIsInitialized } from '@codebaby-avatars/codebaby-react';
    const MyComp = () => {
        /* ... */
        const { handleMute } = useHandleAvatar();
        const { isUILoaded } = useIsInitialized();
        useEffect(() => {
            if(isUILoaded) {
        }, [isUILoaded]);
        /* ... */


This hook provides several functionalities to control the avatar more effectively, including:

  • changeAvatarPlace: Moves the avatar to a new element. The first parameter is the target element or null if you want to return the avatar to its original element. The second parameter is an options object { returnToPlace: boolean, notResize: boolean }, where returnToPlace defines if the avatar should return to its original position, and notResize prevents the avatar from resizing after being moved.
  • resizeAvatar: Resizes the avatar responsively based on its current location.
  • setCamera: Changes the avatar's camera by passing the name of the camera as a parameter.
  • removeBackground: Removes the avatar's background.
  • handleCamControls: Enables or disables camera controls for users interacting with the avatar using their mouse. Accepts a boolean value.
  • addBackground: Sets a background image for the avatar by passing an image URL.
  • getCamera: Retrieves the current camera settings for the avatar.
  • handleVolume: Gets the current volume level or sets it by passing a float between 0 and 1.
  • handleMute: Retrieves the mute status of the avatar or mutes/unmutes it by passing a boolean.

Codebaby Events

This document lists all the events supported by the Codebaby library. The events are divided into two categories: triggered events that your application can trigger, and listened events that your application can listen for to respond to specific actions or state changes.


These events can be triggered by your application using ref from AvatarProvider or useCodebabyEvents().trigger:

    const avatarProviderRef = useRef(null);
    function handleDispatch() {
        avatarProviderRef.current.trigger('<event_name>', '<event_data>')
    /* ... */
    <AvatarProvider id="react-avatar" ref={avatarProviderRef}>
        {/* ... */}

Replace <event_name> with the event name from the list below, and optional <event_data> with any relevant data for that event. List of Triggered Events

  • ask: Trigger a question or query.
  • microphoneStop: Stop the microphone from recording.
  • play: Start media playback.
  • pause: Pause media playback.
  • mute: Mute media playback.
  • unmute: Unmute media playback.
  • record-start: Start video recording.
  • record-stop: Stop video recording.
  • video-cancel: Cancel video recording or conversion.
  • camChange: Change the camera input source.


Your application can listen for these events and respond to specific actions or state changes. To listen for an event, you can use ref from AvatarProvider, the event on AvatarProvider with 'on' and first letter of event in uppercase or using useCodebabyEvents().on:

    /* ... */
    <AvatarProvider onUnmute={() => {
        // do something
        {/* ... */}

Don't forget, you should use with 'on' and first character on uppercase, like 'camChange' should be 'onCamChange' and in case like 'record-start' should be 'onRecordStart'


List of Listened Events

  • initialized: Triggered when the library has completed its initialization process.
  • playResponseData: Triggered when response data is ready to be played.
  • response: Triggered when the library receives a response from the server.
  • playResponse: Triggered when a response starts playing.
  • microphoneStarted: Triggered when the microphone starts recording.
  • microphoneAudio: Triggered when new microphone audio data is available.
  • microphoneData: Triggered when the microphone data is processed and ready.
  • microphoneStopped: Triggered when the microphone has stopped recording.
  • playerBuilt: Triggered when the media player has been built and initialized.
  • unPark: Triggered when the parked state is removed.
  • segmentEnded: Triggered when a media segment has ended.
  • clientData: Triggered when the library receives new client data.
  • extractedEntity: Triggered when an entity is extracted from the user's input.
  • player:state: Triggered when the player's state changes.
  • preRender: Triggered before rendering a new UI element.
  • interimPlayResponse: Triggered when an interim response starts playing.
  • interimResponse: Triggered when the library receives an interim response from the server.
  • interimSegmentEnded: Triggered when an interim media segment has ended.
  • playerLoadingAssets: Triggered when the media player is loading new assets.
  • video-progress: Triggered when the video conversion process makes progress.
  • video-converted: Triggered when the video conversion process is completed.
  • video-ready: Triggered when the video is ready for playback.
  • glbLoaded: Triggered when a 3D model (GLB file) is loaded.

Remember to replace the event name and data with the appropriate values for your use case.

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