
1.3.0 • Public • Published


Adpaters for vue-visual using @nuxt/image.


  1. Install with yarn add @cloak-app/visual
  2. Add to nuxt.config with buildModules: ['@cloak-app/visual']

Also, you'll likely want to add a provider to @nuxt/image as well. Here is an example configuration using imgix with a source images uploaded to a different domain (like if we were using DigitalOcean Spaces for image storage).

// nuxt.config.js
export default {
  image: {
    provider: 'imgix',
    domains: ['your-source.domain.com'],
    imgix: {
      baseURL: 'https://your-subdomain.imgix.net',

At the moment, there is no support for Craft image transforms. I'm not entirely sure I even want to support them because it puts a heavy load on the CMS server. Thus, when working with Craft, use 3rd party image CDN, like Imgix, or the static provider.

Project Dependencies

  • .max-w* styles (included in Cloak via whitespace.styl)

Module Options

Set these properties within cloak: { visual: { ... } } in the nuxt.config.js:

  • placeholderColor - Sets the vue-visual placeholder-color. Defaults to rgba(0,0,0,.2).
  • srcsetWidths - An array of viewport widths that will be used to make srcset values from. Defaults to [1920, 1440, 1024, 768, 425, 210].
  • blockMaxWidth - A string that should match a global CSS class that adds horizontal padding and a max-width to the block component. Defaults to max-w.




<cloak-visual />

Renders a vue-visual instance using Cloak defaults.

  • props:
    • provider - Use a specific @nuxt/image provider rather than the default
    • preset - Use a specific @nuxt/image preset
    • natural - Set width and height to natural size
    • no-upscale - Use image's width as a max-width
    • no-placeholder - Clear placeholder color, like for logos. The placeholder is automatically isabled
    • ... all other vue-visual props

<cloak-visual-responsive />

Conditionally render landscape or portrait Visual instances.

  • props:
    • landscape-image - Image shown on landscape orientation viewports
    • portrait-image - Image shown on landscape orientation viewports
    • ... all other cloak-visual props

<cloak-visual-block />

The block component simply renders a 100% width Visual within the max-width gutters using the default @nuxt/image provider.

  • props:
    • maxWidth - A max-w-* class to apply to the block
    • ... all other cloak-visual-responsive props


<cloak-visual-craft-block />

Renders a cloak-visual-responsive at 100vw but with max-width gutters. It's expecting data from a GQL fragment like this:

#import "@cloak-app/craft/queries/fragments/responsive-image.gql"
#import "@cloak-app/craft/queries/fragments/responsive-video.gql"

fragment mediaAssetBlock on blocks_mediaAsset_BlockType {
  image: responsiveImage { ... responsiveImage }
  video: responsiveVideo { ... responsiveVideo }

<responsive-craft-visual />

Renders a cloak-visual-responsive instance using Craft Super Table objects that contain landscape and portrait assets.

<craft-visual />

Renders a cloak-visual instance using Craft asset objects.


Run yarn dev to open a Nuxt dev build of the demo directory.


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    npm i @cloak-app/visual

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    • isaazgarcia
    • lemoswilson
    • mattaebersold
    • brokenhd
    • sjstark
    • weotch