GPM - Git Project Manager
Git Package Manager, make you manage and develop projects easily.
gpm 1.2.4 — Git Project Manager
▸ gpm <command> [ARGUMENTS...] [OPTIONS...]
COMMANDS — Type 'gpm help <command>' to get some help about a command
add Add an project
bootstrap Project Bootstrap
build Project Build
clean Project Clean
cli Project CLI
commit Project Commit
dev Project Dev
fmt Project Fmt
github Project GitHub Open
info Get gpm info
install Project Install Dependencies
new Create an project
open Project Finder Open
proxy Run command in proxy
release Project Install Dependencies
remove Remove a project
run Project Run
search Search a project
serve Project Serve, alias of Run
share terminal Share terminal
share web Share Web Service
sync Sync a project
terminal Share terminal
test Project Test
vscode Project VSCode Open
watch Project Watch
-h, --help Display global help or command-related help.
-V, --version Display version.
--no-color Disable use of colors in output.
-v, --verbose Verbose mode: will also output debug messages.
--quiet Quiet mode - only displays warn and error messages.
--silent Silent mode: does not output anything, giving no
indication of success or failure other than the exit
Project Manager
- [x] add project
- [x] create project
- [x] remove project
- [x] sync project
- [x] search project
Devtools Manager
- [x] bootstrap
- [x] dev
- [x] build
- [x] test
- [x] commit
- [x] fmt
- [x] clean
- [x] run
- [x] watch
Package Manager
- [x] publish
- [ ] create package from template
Share Manager
- [x] share terminal
- [x] share web app
- [x] info => get system info
- [x] proxy => run commit with proxy
- [x] vscode => open in VSCode
- [x] github => open in GitHub
- [x] open => open in Finder
npm i -g @cliz/gpm
# add a project
gpm add
# dev a project
gpm dev
# build a project
gpm build
# format a project
gpm fmt
# test a project
gpm test
The MIT License