
1.0.0 • Public • Published


A mini clone of the Lodash library.


BEWARE: This library was published for learning purposes. It is not intended for use in production-grade software.

This project was created and published Chris Pytel as part of my learnings at Lighthouse Labs.


Install it:

npm install @chrispytel/lotide

Require it:

const _ = require('@chrispytel/lotide');

Call it:

const results = _.tail([1, 2, 3]) // => [2, 3]


The following functions are currently implemented:

  • assertEqual : AssertEqual checks two values against each other (strictly without type coercion). Prints the result to console if they are equal or not.

  • assertArraysEqual : assertArraysEqual asserts two arrays against each other utilizing the imported eqArrays module, prints the result of the assertions to the console if are equal or not.

  • assertObjectsEqual : assertObjectsEqual takes in two objects and console.logs if theyre equal or different,passes the objects through eqObjects first to check if they contain matching properties.

  • countLetters : countletters takes in a string and counts how many time a particular letter appears inside, it stores the letters and their total number of times it appears into an object. Lastly, it returns the object.

  • countOnly : countOnly takes in two parameters
    allItems: an array of strings that we need to look through.
    itemsToCount: an object specifying what to count.
    It will create a new object and log how many times that item appears, then returns results.

  • eqArrays : eqArrays takes in two arrays and checks their values against each other. Returns true/false depending if the two arrays contents are an exact match.

  • eqObjects : eqObjects checks two objects against each other and returns true if both objects have identical keys and values, returns false if there is a mismatch. Contents within arrays are also checked if they match. Returns undefined if 1 or 0 parameters are passed in.

  • findKey : findKey passes in an object and a callback as parameters. It returns the first key that matches the callbacks parameter.

  • findKeyByValue : findKeyByValue takes in an object and a value. It iterates through the object and return the first key which contains the given value. If no key with that value is found, then it should return undefined.

  • flatten : flatten will take in an array as an argument (potentially containing many nested arrays) and return a single array with all of the values "flattened". Now contains logic for dealing with infinitely nested arrays via recursion and a new helper function within flatten.

  • head : head takes in an array as a parameter, and returns the first value found in it.

  • tail : tail takes in an array, and returns the result of everything that isnt the first element and returns a new array.

  • middle : Middle takes in an array and returns an new array containing the middle value or values. Returns the 1 value from the middle of the array if the length is odd. Returns the 2 values from the middle of the array if the length is even. Returns an empty array if its length is under 3 total indexes as there is no middle.

  • letterPositions : letterPostions takes in a string as its parameter and returns an object. The function logs every time a letter appears in the string, and marks where it appears in the index. An object is compiled containing letters and their index numbers and is returned at the end.

  • map : similar to the JS map() function, this version takes in an array as its parameter and returns a new array based on what we want the callback function to do with the elements from our initial array.

  • takeUntil : takeUntil takes in an array, and a callback, creates a new array of elements after checking what our callback function requires, stopping when condition is met and returning the new array.

  • without : without function returns a filtered array by taking in 2 parameters.
    array: an array that we want filtered.
    removeThis: an array that contains elements to remove from our first array.

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