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0.32.1 • Public • Published

Causa TypeScript runtime SDK for Google services

➕ Requirements

This package is intended to be run in an environment configured with Google services. This could be a Cloud Function, a Cloud Run container, etc. This can also be a local environment set up with the relevant emulators.

In Google-provided environments, authentication to Google services should be automatic. Locally, you can use the Causa CLI with the Google module to easily run emulators. See the configuration section for more details.

🎉 Installation

The package can be added like any other to a Node.js project:

npm install @causa/runtime-google

🔧 Configuration

Here is an example of the environment variables that are used by this package:

# The name of the Spanner instance configured by the `SpannerModule`.
# The name of the Spanner database configured by the `SpannerModule`.
# An example of the expected format for environment variables containing Pub/Sub topic IDs (for publishing).

# Google client variables.
# Various ways of setting the GCP project ID. `GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT` is used by the `AuthUsersFixture` (only relevant for testing).

# Emulator-related variables, used for local development.

✨ Features

Firebase AppCheck NestJS guard

The AppCheckGuard provides a NestJS app guard which verifies Firebase AppCheck tokens on routes, unless decorated with @AppCheckDisabled. The token must be set in the X-Firebase-AppCheck header of HTTP requests.

Firebase NestJS module

The FirebaseModule is a NestJS module which exports various Firebase services for injection: Auth, Firestore, AppCheck, and Messaging. The @InjectFirebaseApp decorator can be used to retrieve the parent Firebase application.

Outside of a NestJS context, getDefaultFirebaseApp() can be used to retrieve a consistently initialized singleton app.

For testing, overrideFirebaseApp can be set as an overrides option for makeTestAppFactory(), which ensures the default Firebase application is used across tests and avoids lifecycle issues (repeatedly creating and tearing down new applications).


The makeFirestoreDataConverter is a utility that returns a FirestoreDataConverter. It converts regular TypeScript classes to Firestore documents and back. Firestore Timestamps are converted to Dates, and class-transformer decorators are applied.

The FirestoreCollectionsModule builds upon the FirebaseModule and provides Firestore collections for the listed document types. In services, the @InjectFirestoreCollection decorator can be used to retrieve a Firestore collection, prepared with the aforementioned converter.

Testing utilities are also provided. clearFirestoreCollection() can be used in between tests to reinitialize the collection. overrideFirestoreCollections can be used as an overrides option for makeTestAppFactory() to replace collections with temporary ones. This ensures separate collections are used for each test and avoids conflicts.

NestJS health checks

This package provides 3 health check indicators that can be used with Causa's HealthCheckModule: SpannerHealthIndicator, PubSubHealthIndicator, and FirestoreHealthIndicator.

Identity Platform Passport strategy

The IdentityPlatformStrategy is a Passport strategy for NestJS which verifies bearer tokens as Identity Platform ID tokens. It returns the decoded token as a User object, with an id and possibly claims.

For testing, the AuthUsersFixture provides a way to easily create and delete Identity Platform users, as well as generate tokens for them. This utility requires the GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT environment variable to properly construct the tokens.

Logger configuration for Cloud Logging and Error Reporting

The googlePinoConfiguration provides options which can be applied using updatePinoConfiguration() to match Cloud Logging expectations (the logging level as a severity field in the JSON logs). It also tags error-level logs such that they are picked up by Cloud Logging.


The PubSubPublisherModule provides the PubSub client, as well as the PubSubPublisher, which implements the EventPublisher interface. As such, it can be injected as either PubSubPublisher, or using the @InjectEventPublisher decorator.

The PubSubPublisher requires the PUBSUB_TOPIC_* environment variables to be set for all the topics a service is expected to publish to. The name of the environment variables should be prefixed with PUBSUB_TOPIC_, followed by the topic full name in upper case, and using _ as the only punctuation. For example, my-domain.my-topic.v1 would become PUBSUB_TOPIC_MY_DOMAIN_MY_TOPIC_V1.

For services being triggered by Pub/Sub messages, the PubSubEventHandlerModule can be used to automatically parse Pub/Sub messages coming from HTTP requests made by a Pub/Sub push subscription. Any route with a parameter decorated with @EventBody will trigger the PubSubEventHandlerInterceptor, and will receive the parsed event pushed by Pub/Sub.

The PubSubHealthIndicator is a HealthIndicator which can be used in a health check controller, such as the GoogleHealthcheckModule. It attempts to list topics using the Pub/Sub client to check connectivity to the Pub/Sub API.

To test publishers, the PubSubFixture handles the creation and deletion of temporary topics. The PubSubFixture.createWithOverrider() method is especially useful when used in combination with the makeTestAppFactory() utility.

To test event handlers, the makePubSubRequester() utility returns a function which can be used to make HTTP requests in the same way a Pub/Sub push subscription would.


The SpannerEntityManager is an entity manager having some similarities with TypeORM, but with a much more limited feature set. It handles entity classes decorated using @SpannerTable and @SpannerColumn.

The SpannerModule provides a Database instance configured using the SPANNER_INSTANCE and SPANNER_DATABASE environment variables, and the SpannerEntityManager.

The SpannerHealthIndicator is a HealthIndicator which can be used in a health check controller, such as the GoogleHealthcheckModule. It runs a dummy SELECT 1 query against the database to check connectivity.

For testing, the createDatabase utility creates a temporary database, copying the DDL from the configured database (set with the SPANNER_DATABASE environment variable). overrideDatabase can be used as an overrides option for makeTestAppFactory to substitute the database with a temporary one.

GCP-based Causa transaction runners

This package provides two TransactionRunners: the SpannerPubSubTransactionRunner and the FirestorePubSubTransactionRunner. Both use Pub/Sub and a BufferEventTransaction to publish events. They only differ by the service used to store the state.

The SpannerPubSubTransactionRunner uses a Spanner transaction as the underlying transaction for the SpannerPubSubTransaction, while the FirestorePubSubTransactionRunner uses a Firestore transaction for the FirestorePubSubTransaction. Both state transactions implement the FindReplaceStateTransaction interface, and therefore the runners can be used with the VersionedEntityManager.

One feature sets the FirestorePubSubTransactionRunner and its FirestoreStateTransaction apart: the handling of deleted entities using a separate, "soft-deleted document collection". Entities with a non-null deletedAt property are moved to a collection suffixed with $deleted, and an _expirationDate field is added to them. A TTL is expected to be set on this field. The @SoftDeletedFirestoreCollection decorator must be added to document classes that are meant to be handled using the FirestorePubSubTransactionRunner.


The @IsValidFirestoreId validation decorator checks that a property is a string which is not . or .., and does not contain forward slashes. This ensures the property's value can be used as a Firestore document ID.

More testing utilities

Additionally to the testing utilities provided alongside many features in this package, the GoogleAppFixture ties many of those together to provide a smooth experience when testing a full NestJS application using Google services (Spanner, Pub/Sub, Firestore, Identity Platform) together. It manages the setup and tear down of all these services locally and provides a single entrypoint to interact with GCP-related fixtures in tests.

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