TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

6.2.1 • Public • Published


Stripe SDK bindings for Capacitor Applications. This plugin is still in the RC (release candidate) phase. We have confirmed that it works well in the demo project. Please refer to https://github.com/capacitor-community/stripe/tree/main/demo/angular for the implementation.


npm install @capacitor-community/stripe-terminal
npx cap sync


No additional steps are necessary.

Note: Stripe Web SDK is beta version. So this plugin's implement is experimental. Please refer to https://github.com/stripe/terminal-js for more information.



Add permissions to your android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml file:

+ <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />
+ <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH" android:maxSdkVersion="30" />
+ <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN" android:maxSdkVersion="30" />
+ <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_SCAN" />
+ <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADVERTISE" />
+ <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_CONNECT" />

If used in conjunction with the @capacitor-community/stripe plugin, the following settings may be necessary

Add packagingOptions to your android/app/build.gradle file:

android {
+  packagingOptions {
+    resources.excludes.add("org/bouncycastle/x509/*")
+  }

And update minSdkVersion to 26 And compileSdkVersion to 34 in your android/app/build.gradle file:

  ext {
-    minSdkVersion = 22
-    compileSdkVersion = 33
+    minSdkVersion = 30
+    compileSdkVersion = 34


Simple collect payment

Use plugin client

(async ()=> {
   * tokenProviderEndpoint: The URL of your backend to provide a token. Use Post request to get a token.
  await StripeTerminal.initialize({ tokenProviderEndpoint: 'https://example.com/token', isTest: true })
  const { readers } = await StripeTerminal.discoverReaders({
    type: TerminalConnectTypes.TapToPay,
    locationId: "**************",
  await StripeTerminal.connectReader({
    reader: readers[0],
  // Collect payment intent
  await StripeTerminal.collectPaymentMethod({ paymentIntent: "**************" });
  // Process and confirm payment intent
  await StripeTerminal.confirmPaymentIntent();
  // disconnect reader
  await StripeTerminal.disconnectReader();

set string token

(async ()=> {
  // run before StripeTerminal.initialize
  StripeTerminal.addListener(TerminalEventsEnum.RequestedConnectionToken, async () => {
    const { token } = (await fetch("https://example.com/token")).json();
    StripeTerminal.setConnectionToken({ token });
(async ()=> {
  await StripeTerminal.initialize({ isTest: true })
  const { readers } = await StripeTerminal.discoverReaders({
    type: TerminalConnectTypes.TapToPay,
    locationId: "**************",
  await StripeTerminal.connectReader({
    reader: readers[0],
  // Collect payment intent
  await StripeTerminal.collectPaymentMethod({ paymentIntent: "**************" });
  // Process and confirm payment intent
  await StripeTerminal.confirmPaymentIntent();
  // disconnect reader
  await StripeTerminal.disconnectReader();

Listen device update

The device will if necessary automatically start updating itself. It is important to handle them as needed so as not to disrupt business operations.

(async ()=> {
  StripeTerminal.addListener(TerminalEventsEnum.ReportAvailableUpdate, async ({ update }) => {
    if (window.confirm("Will you update the device?")) {
      await StripeTerminal.installAvailableUpdate();
  StripeTerminal.addListener(TerminalEventsEnum.StartInstallingUpdate, async ({ update }) => {
    if (window.confirm("Will you interrupt the update?")) {
  StripeTerminal.addListener(TerminalEventsEnum.ReaderSoftwareUpdateProgress, async ({ progress }) => {
    // be able to use this value to create a progress bar.
  StripeTerminal.addListener(TerminalEventsEnum.FinishInstallingUpdate, async ({ update }) => {

Get terminal processing information

For devices without leader screen, processing information must be retrieved and displayed on the mobile device. Get it with a listener.

 * Listen battery level. If the battery level is low, you can notify the user to charge the device.
StripeTerminal.addListener(TerminalEventsEnum.BatteryLevel, async ({ level, charging, status }) => {
  console.log(level, charging, status);

 * Listen reader event. You can get the reader's status and display it on the mobile device.
StripeTerminal.addListener(TerminalEventsEnum.ReaderEvent, async ({ event }) => {

 * Listen display message. You can get the message to be displayed on the mobile device.
StripeTerminal.addListener(TerminalEventsEnum.RequestDisplayMessage, async ({ messageType, message }) => {
  console.log(messageType, message);

 * Listen reader input. You can get the message what can be used for payment.
StripeTerminal.addListener(TerminalEventsEnum.RequestReaderInput, async ({ options, message }) => {
  console.log(options, message);

More details on the leader screen

The contents of the payment can be shown on the display. This requires a leader screen on the device. This should be run before collectPaymentMethod.

await StripeTerminal.setReaderDisplay({
  currency: 'usd',
  tax: 0,
  total: 1000,
  lineItems: [{
    displayName: 'winecode',
    quantity: 2,
    amount: 500
  }] as CartLineItem[],

// Of course, erasure is also possible.
await StripeTerminal.clearReaderDisplay();

Simulate reader status changes for testing

To implement updates, etc., we are facilitating an API to change the state of the simulator. This should be done before discoverReaders.

await StripeTerminal.setSimulatorConfiguration({ update: SimulateReaderUpdate.UpdateAvailable })



initialize(options: { tokenProviderEndpoint?: string; isTest: boolean; }) => Promise<void>
Param Type
options { tokenProviderEndpoint?: string; isTest: boolean; }


discoverReaders(options: { type: TerminalConnectTypes; locationId?: string; }) => Promise<{ readers: ReaderInterface[]; }>
Param Type
options { type: TerminalConnectTypes; locationId?: string; }

Returns: Promise<{ readers: ReaderInterface[]; }>


setConnectionToken(options: { token: string; }) => Promise<void>
Param Type
options { token: string; }


setSimulatorConfiguration(options: { update?: SimulateReaderUpdate; simulatedCard?: SimulatedCardType; simulatedTipAmount?: number; }) => Promise<void>

Stripe docs reference

Param Type
options { update?: SimulateReaderUpdate; simulatedCard?: SimulatedCardType; simulatedTipAmount?: number; }


connectReader(options: { reader: ReaderInterface; autoReconnectOnUnexpectedDisconnect?: boolean; merchantDisplayName?: string; onBehalfOf?: string; }) => Promise<void>
Param Type
options { reader: ReaderInterface; autoReconnectOnUnexpectedDisconnect?: boolean; merchantDisplayName?: string; onBehalfOf?: string; }


getConnectedReader() => Promise<{ reader: ReaderInterface | null; }>

Returns: Promise<{ reader: ReaderInterface | null; }>


disconnectReader() => Promise<void>


cancelDiscoverReaders() => Promise<void>


collectPaymentMethod(options: { paymentIntent: string; }) => Promise<void>
Param Type
options { paymentIntent: string; }


cancelCollectPaymentMethod() => Promise<void>


confirmPaymentIntent() => Promise<void>


installAvailableUpdate() => Promise<void>


cancelInstallUpdate() => Promise<void>


setReaderDisplay(options: Cart) => Promise<void>
Param Type
options Cart


clearReaderDisplay() => Promise<void>


rebootReader() => Promise<void>


cancelReaderReconnection() => Promise<void>

addListener(TerminalEventsEnum.Loaded, ...)

addListener(eventName: TerminalEventsEnum.Loaded, listenerFunc: () => void) => Promise<PluginListenerHandle>
Param Type
eventName TerminalEventsEnum.Loaded
listenerFunc () => void

Returns: Promise<PluginListenerHandle>

addListener(TerminalEventsEnum.RequestedConnectionToken, ...)

addListener(eventName: TerminalEventsEnum.RequestedConnectionToken, listenerFunc: () => void) => Promise<PluginListenerHandle>
Param Type
eventName TerminalEventsEnum.RequestedConnectionToken
listenerFunc () => void

Returns: Promise<PluginListenerHandle>

addListener(TerminalEventsEnum.DiscoveredReaders, ...)

addListener(eventName: TerminalEventsEnum.DiscoveredReaders, listenerFunc: ({ readers }: { readers: ReaderInterface[]; }) => void) => Promise<PluginListenerHandle>
Param Type
eventName TerminalEventsEnum.DiscoveredReaders
listenerFunc ({ readers }: { readers: ReaderInterface[]; }) => void

Returns: Promise<PluginListenerHandle>

addListener(TerminalEventsEnum.ConnectedReader, ...)

addListener(eventName: TerminalEventsEnum.ConnectedReader, listenerFunc: () => void) => Promise<PluginListenerHandle>
Param Type
eventName TerminalEventsEnum.ConnectedReader
listenerFunc () => void

Returns: Promise<PluginListenerHandle>

addListener(TerminalEventsEnum.DisconnectedReader, ...)

addListener(eventName: TerminalEventsEnum.DisconnectedReader, listenerFunc: ({ reason }: { reason?: DisconnectReason | undefined; }) => void) => Promise<PluginListenerHandle>

Emitted when the reader is disconnected, either in response to disconnectReader() or some connection error.

For all reader types, this is emitted in response to disconnectReader() without a reason property.

For Bluetooth and USB readers, this is emitted with a reason property when the reader disconnects.

Note: For Bluetooth and USB readers, when you call disconnectReader(), this event will be emitted twice: one without a reason in acknowledgement of your call, and again with a reason when the reader finishes disconnecting.

Param Type
eventName TerminalEventsEnum.DisconnectedReader
listenerFunc ({ reason }: { reason?: DisconnectReason; }) => void

Returns: Promise<PluginListenerHandle>

addListener(TerminalEventsEnum.ConnectionStatusChange, ...)

addListener(eventName: TerminalEventsEnum.ConnectionStatusChange, listenerFunc: ({ status }: { status: ConnectionStatus; }) => void) => Promise<PluginListenerHandle>

Emitted when the Terminal's connection status changed.

Note: You should not use this method to detect when a reader unexpectedly disconnects from your app, as it cannot be used to accurately distinguish between expected and unexpected disconnect events.

To detect unexpected disconnects (e.g. to automatically notify your user), you should instead use the UnexpectedReaderDisconnect event.

Stripe docs reference

Param Type
eventName TerminalEventsEnum.ConnectionStatusChange
listenerFunc ({ status }: { status: ConnectionStatus; }) => void

Returns: Promise<PluginListenerHandle>

addListener(TerminalEventsEnum.UnexpectedReaderDisconnect, ...)

addListener(eventName: TerminalEventsEnum.UnexpectedReaderDisconnect, listenerFunc: ({ reader }: { reader: ReaderInterface; }) => void) => Promise<PluginListenerHandle>

The Terminal disconnected unexpectedly from the reader.

In your implementation of this method, you may want to notify your user that the reader disconnected. You may also call discoverReaders() to begin scanning for readers, and attempt to automatically reconnect to the disconnected reader. Be sure to either set a timeout or make it possible to cancel calls to discoverReaders()

When connected to a Bluetooth or USB reader, you can get more information about the disconnect by implementing the DisconnectedReader event.

Stripe docs reference

Param Type
eventName TerminalEventsEnum.UnexpectedReaderDisconnect
listenerFunc ({ reader }: { reader: ReaderInterface; }) => void

Returns: Promise<PluginListenerHandle>

addListener(TerminalEventsEnum.ConfirmedPaymentIntent, ...)

addListener(eventName: TerminalEventsEnum.ConfirmedPaymentIntent, listenerFunc: () => void) => Promise<PluginListenerHandle>
Param Type
eventName TerminalEventsEnum.ConfirmedPaymentIntent
listenerFunc () => void

Returns: Promise<PluginListenerHandle>

addListener(TerminalEventsEnum.CollectedPaymentIntent, ...)

addListener(eventName: TerminalEventsEnum.CollectedPaymentIntent, listenerFunc: () => void) => Promise<PluginListenerHandle>
Param Type
eventName TerminalEventsEnum.CollectedPaymentIntent
listenerFunc () => void

Returns: Promise<PluginListenerHandle>

addListener(TerminalEventsEnum.Canceled, ...)

addListener(eventName: TerminalEventsEnum.Canceled, listenerFunc: () => void) => Promise<PluginListenerHandle>

Emitted when cancelCollectPaymentMethod() is called and succeeds. The Promise returned by cancelCollectPaymentMethod() will also be resolved.

Param Type
eventName TerminalEventsEnum.Canceled
listenerFunc () => void

Returns: Promise<PluginListenerHandle>

addListener(TerminalEventsEnum.Failed, ...)

addListener(eventName: TerminalEventsEnum.Failed, listenerFunc: () => void) => Promise<PluginListenerHandle>

Emitted when either collectPaymentMethod() or confirmPaymentIntent() fails. The Promise returned by the relevant call will also be rejected.

Param Type
eventName TerminalEventsEnum.Failed
listenerFunc () => void

Returns: Promise<PluginListenerHandle>

addListener(TerminalEventsEnum.ReportAvailableUpdate, ...)

addListener(eventName: TerminalEventsEnum.ReportAvailableUpdate, listenerFunc: ({ update, }: { update: ReaderSoftwareUpdateInterface; }) => void) => Promise<PluginListenerHandle>

Emitted when a software update is available for the connected reader.

Param Type
eventName TerminalEventsEnum.ReportAvailableUpdate
listenerFunc ({ update, }: { update: ReaderSoftwareUpdateInterface; }) => void

Returns: Promise<PluginListenerHandle>

addListener(TerminalEventsEnum.StartInstallingUpdate, ...)

addListener(eventName: TerminalEventsEnum.StartInstallingUpdate, listenerFunc: ({ update, }: { update: ReaderSoftwareUpdateInterface; }) => void) => Promise<PluginListenerHandle>

Only applicable to Bluetooth and USB readers.

Emitted when the connected reader begins installing a software update. If a mandatory software update is available when a reader first connects, that update is automatically installed. The update will be installed before ConnectedReader is emitted and before the Promise returned by connectReader() resolves. In this case, you will receive this sequence of events:

  1. StartInstallingUpdate
  2. ReaderSoftwareUpdateProgress (repeatedly)
  3. FinishInstallingUpdates
  4. ConnectedReader
  5. connectReader() Promise resolves

Your app should show UI to the user indiciating that a software update is being installed to explain why connecting is taking longer than usual.

Stripe docs reference

Param Type
eventName TerminalEventsEnum.StartInstallingUpdate
listenerFunc ({ update, }: { update: ReaderSoftwareUpdateInterface; }) => void

Returns: Promise<PluginListenerHandle>

addListener(TerminalEventsEnum.ReaderSoftwareUpdateProgress, ...)

addListener(eventName: TerminalEventsEnum.ReaderSoftwareUpdateProgress, listenerFunc: ({ progress }: { progress: number; }) => void) => Promise<PluginListenerHandle>

Only applicable to Bluetooth and USB readers.

Emitted periodically while reader software is updating to inform of the installation progress. progress is a float between 0 and 1.

Stripe docs reference

Param Type
eventName TerminalEventsEnum.ReaderSoftwareUpdateProgress
listenerFunc ({ progress }: { progress: number; }) => void

Returns: Promise<PluginListenerHandle>

addListener(TerminalEventsEnum.FinishInstallingUpdate, ...)

addListener(eventName: TerminalEventsEnum.FinishInstallingUpdate, listenerFunc: (args: { update: ReaderSoftwareUpdateInterface; } | { error: string; }) => void) => Promise<PluginListenerHandle>

Only applicable to Bluetooth and USB readers.

Stripe docs reference

Param Type
eventName TerminalEventsEnum.FinishInstallingUpdate
listenerFunc (args: { update: ReaderSoftwareUpdateInterface; } | { error: string; }) => void

Returns: Promise<PluginListenerHandle>

addListener(TerminalEventsEnum.BatteryLevel, ...)

addListener(eventName: TerminalEventsEnum.BatteryLevel, listenerFunc: ({ level, charging, status, }: { level: number; charging: boolean; status: BatteryStatus; }) => void) => Promise<PluginListenerHandle>

Only applicable to Bluetooth and USB readers.

Emitted upon connection and every 10 minutes.

Stripe docs reference

Param Type
eventName TerminalEventsEnum.BatteryLevel
listenerFunc ({ level, charging, status, }: { level: number; charging: boolean; status: BatteryStatus; }) => void

Returns: Promise<PluginListenerHandle>

addListener(TerminalEventsEnum.ReaderEvent, ...)

addListener(eventName: TerminalEventsEnum.ReaderEvent, listenerFunc: ({ event }: { event: ReaderEvent; }) => void) => Promise<PluginListenerHandle>

Only applicable to Bluetooth and USB readers.

Stripe docs reference

Param Type
eventName TerminalEventsEnum.ReaderEvent
listenerFunc ({ event }: { event: ReaderEvent; }) => void

Returns: Promise<PluginListenerHandle>

addListener(TerminalEventsEnum.RequestDisplayMessage, ...)

addListener(eventName: TerminalEventsEnum.RequestDisplayMessage, listenerFunc: ({ messageType, message, }: { messageType: ReaderDisplayMessage; message: string; }) => void) => Promise<PluginListenerHandle>

Only applicable to Bluetooth and USB readers.

Emitted when the Terminal requests that a message be displayed in your app.

Stripe docs reference

Param Type
eventName TerminalEventsEnum.RequestDisplayMessage
listenerFunc ({ messageType, message, }: { messageType: ReaderDisplayMessage; message: string; }) => void

Returns: Promise<PluginListenerHandle>

addListener(TerminalEventsEnum.RequestReaderInput, ...)

addListener(eventName: TerminalEventsEnum.RequestReaderInput, listenerFunc: ({ options, message, }: { options: ReaderInputOption[]; message: string; }) => void) => Promise<PluginListenerHandle>

Only applicable to Bluetooth and USB readers.

Emitted when the reader begins waiting for input. Your app should prompt the customer to present a source using one of the given input options. If the reader emits a message, the RequestDisplayMessage event will be emitted.

Stripe docs reference

Param Type
eventName TerminalEventsEnum.RequestReaderInput
listenerFunc ({ options, message, }: { options: ReaderInputOption[]; message: string; }) => void

Returns: Promise<PluginListenerHandle>

addListener(TerminalEventsEnum.PaymentStatusChange, ...)

addListener(eventName: TerminalEventsEnum.PaymentStatusChange, listenerFunc: ({ status }: { status: PaymentStatus; }) => void) => Promise<PluginListenerHandle>

Stripe docs reference

Param Type
eventName TerminalEventsEnum.PaymentStatusChange
listenerFunc ({ status }: { status: PaymentStatus; }) => void

Returns: Promise<PluginListenerHandle>

addListener(TerminalEventsEnum.ReaderReconnectStarted, ...)

addListener(eventName: TerminalEventsEnum.ReaderReconnectStarted, listenerFunc: ({ reader, reason, }: { reader: ReaderInterface; reason: string; }) => void) => Promise<PluginListenerHandle>
Param Type
eventName TerminalEventsEnum.ReaderReconnectStarted
listenerFunc ({ reader, reason, }: { reader: ReaderInterface; reason: string; }) => void

Returns: Promise<PluginListenerHandle>

addListener(TerminalEventsEnum.ReaderReconnectSucceeded, ...)

addListener(eventName: TerminalEventsEnum.ReaderReconnectSucceeded, listenerFunc: ({ reader }: { reader: ReaderInterface; }) => void) => Promise<PluginListenerHandle>
Param Type
eventName TerminalEventsEnum.ReaderReconnectSucceeded
listenerFunc ({ reader }: { reader: ReaderInterface; }) => void

Returns: Promise<PluginListenerHandle>

addListener(TerminalEventsEnum.ReaderReconnectFailed, ...)

addListener(eventName: TerminalEventsEnum.ReaderReconnectFailed, listenerFunc: ({ reader }: { reader: ReaderInterface; }) => void) => Promise<PluginListenerHandle>
Param Type
eventName TerminalEventsEnum.ReaderReconnectFailed
listenerFunc ({ reader }: { reader: ReaderInterface; }) => void

Returns: Promise<PluginListenerHandle>



Prop Type
remove () => Promise<void>

Type Aliases


{ /** * The unique serial number is primary identifier inner plugin. / serialNumber: string; label: string; batteryLevel: number; batteryStatus: BatteryStatus; simulated: boolean; id: number; availableUpdate: ReaderSoftwareUpdateInterface; locationId: string; ipAddress: string; status: NetworkStatus; location: LocationInterface; locationStatus: LocationStatus; deviceType: DeviceType; deviceSoftwareVersion: string | null; /* * iOS Only properties. These properties are not available on Android. / isCharging: number; /* * Android Only properties. These properties are not available on iOS. / baseUrl: string; bootloaderVersion: string; configVersion: string; emvKeyProfileId: string; firmwareVersion: string; hardwareVersion: string; macKeyProfileId: string; pinKeyProfileId: string; trackKeyProfileId: string; settingsVersion: string; pinKeysetId: string; /* * @deprecated This property has been deprecated and should use the serialNumber property. */ index?: number; }


{ deviceSoftwareVersion: string; estimatedUpdateTime: UpdateTimeEstimate; requiredAt: number; }


{ id: string; displayName: string; address: { city: string; country: string; postalCode: string; line1: string; line2: string; state: string; }; ipAddress: string; }




{ currency: string; tax: number; total: number; lineItems: CartLineItem[]; }


{ displayName: string; quantity: number; amount: number; }



Members Value
Unknown 'UNKNOWN'
Critical 'CRITICAL'
Low 'LOW'
Nominal 'NOMINAL'


Members Value


Members Value
Unknown 'UNKNOWN'
Online 'ONLINE'
Offline 'OFFLINE'


Members Value
NotSet 'NOT_SET'
Set 'SET'
Unknown 'UNKNOWN'


Members Value
cotsDevice 'cotsDevice'
wisePad3s 'wisePad3s'
appleBuiltIn 'appleBuiltIn'
chipper1X 'chipper1X'
chipper2X 'chipper2X'
etna 'etna'
stripeM2 'stripeM2'
stripeS700 'stripeS700'
stripeS700DevKit 'stripeS700Devkit'
verifoneP400 'verifoneP400'
wiseCube 'wiseCube'
wisePad3 'wisePad3'
wisePosE 'wisePosE'
wisePosEDevKit 'wisePosEDevkit'
unknown 'unknown'


Members Value
Simulated 'simulated'
Internet 'internet'
Bluetooth 'bluetooth'
Usb 'usb'
TapToPay 'tap-to-pay'


Members Value
UpdateAvailable 'UPDATE_AVAILABLE'
None 'NONE'
Required 'REQUIRED'
Random 'RANDOM'
LowBattery 'LOW_BATTERY'


Members Value
Visa 'VISA'
VisaDebit 'VISA_DEBIT'
Mastercard 'MASTERCARD'
MastercardDebit 'MASTERCARD_DEBIT'
MastercardPrepaid 'MASTERCARD_PREPAID'
Amex 'AMEX'
Amex2 'AMEX_2'
Discover 'DISCOVER'
Discover2 'DISCOVER_2'
DinersClub 'DINERS'
DinersClulb14Digits 'DINERS_14_DIGITS'
UnionPay 'UNION_PAY'
Interac 'INTERAC'
EftposAustraliaDebit 'EFTPOS_AU_DEBIT'
ChargeDeclined 'CHARGE_DECLINED'
EftposAustraliaVisaDebit 'EFTPOS_AU_VISA_DEBIT'
EftposAustraliaMastercardDebit 'EFTPOS_AU_DEBIT_MASTERCARD'


Members Value
Loaded 'terminalLoaded'
DiscoveredReaders 'terminalDiscoveredReaders'
CancelDiscoveredReaders 'terminalCancelDiscoveredReaders'
ConnectedReader 'terminalConnectedReader'
DisconnectedReader 'terminalDisconnectedReader'
ConnectionStatusChange 'terminalConnectionStatusChange'
UnexpectedReaderDisconnect 'terminalUnexpectedReaderDisconnect'
ConfirmedPaymentIntent 'terminalConfirmedPaymentIntent'
CollectedPaymentIntent 'terminalCollectedPaymentIntent'
Canceled 'terminalCanceled'
Failed 'terminalFailed'
RequestedConnectionToken 'terminalRequestedConnectionToken'
ReportAvailableUpdate 'terminalReportAvailableUpdate'
StartInstallingUpdate 'terminalStartInstallingUpdate'
ReaderSoftwareUpdateProgress 'terminalReaderSoftwareUpdateProgress'
FinishInstallingUpdate 'terminalFinishInstallingUpdate'
BatteryLevel 'terminalBatteryLevel'
ReaderEvent 'terminalReaderEvent'
RequestDisplayMessage 'terminalRequestDisplayMessage'
RequestReaderInput 'terminalRequestReaderInput'
PaymentStatusChange 'terminalPaymentStatusChange'
ReaderReconnectStarted 'terminalReaderReconnectStarted'
ReaderReconnectSucceeded 'terminalReaderReconnectSucceeded'
ReaderReconnectFailed 'terminalReaderReconnectFailed'


Members Value
Unknown 'UNKNOWN'
DisconnectRequested 'DISCONNECT_REQUESTED'
RebootRequested 'REBOOT_REQUESTED'
SecurityReboot 'SECURITY_REBOOT'
PoweredOff 'POWERED_OFF'
BluetoothDisabled 'BLUETOOTH_DISABLED'


Members Value
Unknown 'UNKNOWN'
NotConnected 'NOT_CONNECTED'
Connecting 'CONNECTING'
Connected 'CONNECTED'


Members Value
Unknown 'UNKNOWN'
CardInserted 'CARD_INSERTED'
CardRemoved 'CARD_REMOVED'


Members Value
RetryCard 'RETRY_CARD'
InsertCard 'INSERT_CARD'
SwipeCard 'SWIPE_CARD'
RemoveCard 'REMOVE_CARD'


Members Value
None 'NONE'
Insert 'INSERT'
Swipe 'SWIPE'
Tap 'TAP'
ManualEntry 'MANUAL_ENTRY'


Members Value
Unknown 'UNKNOWN'
NotReady 'NOT_READY'
Ready 'READY'
Processing 'PROCESSING'


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481 kB

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