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0.10.10 • Public • Published


GossipLog is a decentralized, authenticated, multi-writer log designed to serve as a general-purpose foundation for peer-to-peer applications. It can be used as a simple replicated data store, the transaction log of a database, or the execution log of a full-fledged VM.

GossipLog can run in the browser using IndexedDB for persistence, on NodeJS using SQLite + LMDB, or entirely in-memory.

Table of contents


People use apps, apps use databases, and databases use logs. Rather than creating new peer-to-peer protocols from scratch at the application layer, we can consolidate the work by making a generic log that has networking and syncing built-in. This can be used by developers to make automatically-decentralized apps without writing a single line of networking code.

Logs are identified by a global topic string. Any number of peers can replicate a log, and any peer can append to their local replica at any time. Peers broadcast messages via pubsub using libp2p, and sync directly with each other using special merklized indices called Prolly trees.

GossipLog makes this all possible at the expense of two major tradeoffs:

  1. Logs are only partially ordered. The messages in the log are structured in a causal dependency graph; GossipLog guarantees that each message will only be delivered after all of its transitive dependencies are delivered, but doesn't guarantee delivery order within that.
  2. Logs must be deterministically self-authenticating.

The implications of 1) are that GossipLog is best for applications where eventual consistency is acceptable, and where message delivery is commutative in effect. GossipLog messages carry a built-in logical clock that can be easily used to create last-write-wins registers and other CRDT primitives.

The implications of 2) are that the access control logic - who can append what to the log - must be expressed as a pure function of the payload, message signature + public key, and any state accumulated from the message's transitive dependencies. The simplest case would be a whitelist of known "owner" public keys, although bridging these to on-chain identities like DAO memberships via session keys is also possible. See the notes on advanced authentication use cases for more detail.



Log contain messages. Messages carry abitrary application-defined payloads. GossipLog uses the IPLD data model, a superset of JSON that includes raw bytes and CIDs as primitive types.

type Message<Payload = unknown> = {
  topic: string
  clock: number
  parents: string[]
  payload: Payload

Similar to Git commits, every message has zero or more parent messages, giving the log a graph structure.

We can derive a logical clock value for each message from its depth in the graph, or, equivalently, by incrementing the maximum clock value of its direct parents. When a peer appends a new payload value to its local replica, it creates a message with all of its current "heads" (messages without children) as parents, and incrementing the clock.

Message signatures

GossipLog requires every message to be signed with a Signature object.

type Signature = {
  codec: string /** "dag-cbor" | "dag-json" */
  publicKey: string /** did:key URI */
  signature: Uint8Array

The codec identifies how the message was serialized to bytes for signing. dag-cbor and dag-json are the two codecs supported by default. Only Ed25519 did:key URIs are supported by default. These can be extended by providing a custom signer implementation and providing a custom verifySignature method to the init object.

Message signers

Although it's possible to create and sign messages manually, the simplest way to use GossipLog is to use the ed25519 signature scheme exported from @canvas-js/signatures.

import { ed25519 } from "@canvas-js/signatures"

const signer = ed25519.create()
// or ed25519.create({ type: "ed25519", privateKey: Uint8Array([ ... ]) })

Once you have a signer, you can add it to GossipLogInit to use it by default for all appends, or pass a specific signer into each call to append individually.

const signerA = ed25519.create()
const signerB = ed25519.create()

const log = await GossipLog.init({ ...init, signer: signerA })

// use signerA to sign the message
await log.append({ ...payload })

// use signerB to sign the message
await log.append({ ...payload }, { signer: signerB })

Message IDs

Message IDs begin with the message clock, followed by the sha2-256 hash of the serialized signed message, and truncated to 20 bytes total. These are encoded using the base32hex alphabet to get 32-character string IDs, like 054ki1oubq8airsc9d8sbg0t7itqbdlf.

The message clock is encoded using a special variable-length format designed to preseve sorting order (ie message IDs sort lexicographically according to their clock values).

Clock values less than 128 are encoded as-is in a single byte.

For clock values larger than 128, the variable-length begins with a unary representation (in bits) of the number of additional bytes (not bits) used to represent the clock value, followed by a 0 separator bit, followed by the binary clock value padded on the left.

| input   | input (binary)             | output (binary)            | output (hex)  |
| ------- | -------------------------- | -------------------------- | ------------- |
| 0       | 00000000                   | 00000000                   | 0x00          |
| 1       | 00000001                   | 00000001                   | 0x01          |
| 2       | 00000002                   | 00000010                   | 0x02          |
| 127     | 01111111                   | 01111111                   | 0x7f          |
| 128     | 10000000                   | 10000000 10000000          | 0x8080        |
| 129     | 10000001                   | 10000000 10000001          | 0x8081        |
| 255     | 11111111                   | 10000000 11111111          | 0x80ff        |
| 256     | 00000001 00000000          | 10000001 00000000          | 0x8100        |
| 1234    | 00000100 11010010          | 10000100 11010010          | 0x84d2        |
| 16383   | 00111111 11111111          | 10111111 11111111          | 0xbfff        |
| 16384   | 01000000 00000000          | 11000000 01000000 00000000 | 0xc04000      |
| 87381   | 00000001 01010101 01010101 | 11000001 01010101 01010101 | 0xc15555      |
| 1398101 | 00010101 01010101 01010101 | 11010101 01010101 01010101 | 0xd55555      |

For example, consider the clock value 87381. The encoded output begins with 110 to indicate that two additional bytes are used to encode the clock. Then, the remaining bits 00001 01010101 01010101 are decoded as the clock value.

The rationale here is that prefixing message IDs with a lexicographically sortable logical clock has many useful consquences. Regular Protobuf-style unsigned varints don't sort the same as their decoded values.

The upshot is that these string message IDs can be sorted directly using the normal JavaScript string comparison to get a total order over messages that respects both logical clock order and transitive dependency order. For example, implementing a last-write-wins register for message effects is as simple as caching and comparing message ID strings.



The browser/IndexedDB and NodeJS/SQLite GossipLog implementations are exported from separate subpaths:

import { GossipLog } from "@canvas-js/gossiplog/idb"

// opens an IndexedDB database named `canvas/${init.topic}`
const gossipLog = await GossipLog.open({ ...init })
import { GossipLog } from "@canvas-js/gossiplog/sqlite"

// opens a SQLite database at path/to/data/directory/db.sqlite,
// and an LMDB merkle index at path/to/data/directory/message-index
const gossipLog = await GossipLog.open({ ...init, path: "path/to/data/directory" })

All backends are configured with the same init object:

import type { Signature, Signer, Message } from "@canvas-js/interfaces"

type GossipLogConsumer<Payload = unknown> = (
	signedMessage: { id: string; signature: Signature, message: Message<Payload> },
) => Awaitable<void>

interface GossipLogInit<Payload = unknown> {
  topic: string
	apply: GossipLogConsumer<Payload>
	validatePayload?: (payload: unknown) => payload is Payload
	verifySignature?: (signature: Signature, message: Message<Payload>) => Awaitable<void>

	signer?: Signer<Payload>

The topic is the global topic string identifying the log - we recommend using NSIDs like com.example.my-app. Topics must match /^[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]+$/.

Logs are generic in a Payload parameter. You can provide a validatePayload method as a TypeScript type predicate to synchronously validate an unknown value as a Payload (it is only guaranteed to be an IPLD data model value). Only use validatePayload for type/schema validation, not for authentication or authorization.

The apply function is the main attraction. It is invoked once for every message, both for messages appended locally and for messages received from other peers. It is called with the message ID, the signature, and the message itself. If apply throws an error, then the message will be discarded and not persisted.

apply has three primary responsibilities: authorizing public keys, validating payload semantics, and performing side effects.


The message signature will be verified before apply is called. This means that, within apply, signature.publicKey is known to have signed the message, but it is still apply's responsibility to verify that the given public key is authorized to append the given payload to the log.

Semantic validation

Payloads may require additional application-specific validation beyond what is checked by the validatePayload type predicate, like bounds/range checking, or anything requiring async calls.

Side effects

apply's basic role is to "process" messages. If the log is only used as a data store, and the application just needs to look up payloads by message ID, nothing more needs to happen. But typically, applications will index message payloads in another local database and/or execute some local side effects.

Appending new messages

Once you have a GossipLog instance, you can append a new payload to the log with gossipLog.append(payload).

When , the signature and message will be sent to other peers, who will insert them directly using gossipLog.insert.

Inserting existing messages

Given an existing signature: Signature and message: Message<Payload> - such as a signed message received over the network from another peer - we can insert them locally using gossipLog.insert(signature, message).

Syncing with other peers


Advanced authentication use cases

Expressing an application's access control logic purely in terms of public keys and signatures can be challenging. The simplest case is one where a only a known fixed set of public keys are allowed to write to the log. Another simple case is for open-ended applications where end users have keypairs, and the application can access the private key and programmatically sign messages directly.

A more complex case is one where the application doesn't have programmatic access to a private key, such as web3 apps where wallets require user confirmations for every signature (and only sign messages in particular formats). One approach here is to use sessions, a designated type of message payload that registers a temporary public key and carries an additional signature authorizing the public key to take actions on behalf of some other identity, like an on-chain address. This is implemented for Canvas apps for a variety of chains via the session signer interface.


Topics must match /^[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]+$/.

import type { Signature, Signer, Message, Awaitable } from "@canvas-js/interfaces"

export type GossipLogConsumer<Payload = unknown> = (
	signedMessage: { id: string; signature: Signature, message: Message<Payload> },
) => Awaitable<void>

export type GossipLogInit<Payload = unknown> = {
	topic: string
	apply: GossipLogConsumer<Payload>
	validatePayload?: (payload: unknown) => payload is Payload
	verifySignature?: (signature: Signature, message: Message<Payload>) => Awaitable<void>

	signer?: Signer<Payload>
	schema?: ModelSchema

export type GossipLogEvents<Payload = unknown> = {
	message: CustomEvent<{ id: string; signature: Signature; message: Message<Payload> }>
	commit: CustomEvent<{ root: Node; heads: string[] }>
	sync: CustomEvent<{ duration: number; messageCount: number; peerId?: string }>
	error: CustomEvent<{ error: Error }>

export interface GossipLog<Payload = unknown>
  extends EventEmitter<GossipLogEvents<Payload>> {

  public readonly topic: string

  public close(): Promise<void>

  public append<T extends Payload>(
    payload: T,
    options?: { publish?: boolean; signer?: Signer<Payload> }
  ): Promise<{ id: string; signature: Signature; message: Message<T> }>

  public insert(
    signedMessage: { signature: Signature, message: Message<Payload> },
    options?: { publish?: boolean },
  ): Promise<{ id: string }>

  public has(id: string): Promise<boolean>
  public get(id: string): Promise<[signature: Signature, message: Message<Payload>] | [null, null]>

  public iterate(
    range?: { lt?: string; lte?: string; gt?: string; gte?: string; reverse?: boolean; limit?: number },
  ): AsyncIterable<{ id: string; signature: Signature; message: Message<Payload> }>

  public getClock(): Promise<[clock: number, parents: string[]]>

  public replay(): Promise<void>


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