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0.9.11 • Public • Published

Camera Processor Virtual Background v0.9.11

Simple, Easy-to-use Background Masking Using Camera-Processor.


This package uses the camera-processor framework.

Preparation (For MLKit Model)

You need to host the MLKit Selfie Segmentation Model's .tflite file (here) somewhere on your server.
Since this package uses tflite-helper, you'll also need to do the steps described in that package's Preparation section.


import CameraProcessor from 'camera-processor';
import {
} from '@camera-processor/virtual-background';

const camera_processor = new CameraProcessor(); // Instantiate framework object
camera_processor.setCameraStream(camera_stream); // Set the camera stream from somewhere
camera_processor.start(); // Start the camera processor

// Add the segmentation analyzer
const segmentation_analyzer = camera_processor.addAnalyzer(
  new SegmentationAnalyzer(SEGMENTATION_BACKEND.MLKit)

// Add the virtual background renderer
const background_renderer = camera_processor.addRenderer(new VirtualBackgroundRenderer(RENDER_PIPELINE._2D));

// Set the virtual background settings
const image = new Image();
image.src = '...some image source'; // Stream will freeze if this image is CORS protected
background_renderer.setBackground(VIRTUAL_BACKGROUND_TYPE.Image, image);

// Load the model
// modelPath is the path where you hosted the model's .tflite file
// modulePath is the path where you hosted tflite-helper's module files
  modelPath: './tflite/models/selfie_segmentation.tflite',
  modulePath: './tflite/'

const output_stream = camera_processor.getOutputStream(); // Get the output stream and use it

Segmentation Analyzer

// There are two Segmentation Backends:
// BodyPix
// MLKit
const segmentation_analyzer = new SegmentationAnalyzer(SEGMENTATION_BACKEND.MLKit);

// Depending on the Segmentation Backend you're using the settings here are different
// The settings for the BodyPix Backend are here: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@tensorflow-models/body-pix#config-params-in-bodypixload
// And these are the settings for the MLKit Backend
// modelPath is the path where you hosted the model's .tflite file
// modulePath is the path where you hosted tflite-helper's module files
  modelPath: './tflite/models/selfie_segmentation.tflite',
  modulePath: './tflite/'

// Depending on the Segmentation Backend you're using the settings here are different
// The settings for the BodyPix Backend are here (under config): https://www.npmjs.com/package/@tensorflow-models/body-pix#params-in-segmentperson
// And there are no settings for the MLKit Backend

// You can also dynamically change the Segmentation Backend
segmentation_analyzer.setBackend(SEGMENTATION_BACKEND.BodyPix); // You might have to load the model again

Virtual Background Renderer

// There are two Render Pipelines:
// _2D
// WebGL (Unfinished)
const background_renderer = new VirtualBackgroundRenderer(RENDER_PIPELINE._2D);

// The first argument is the type and the second is some data for that type
// There are five Virtual Background Types:
// None - no data - leave the camera alone
// Transparent - no data
// Color - string data (canvas fillStyle)
// Filter - string data (canvas filter)
// Image - Image data (image object)
background_renderer.setBackground(VIRTUAL_BACKGROUND_TYPE.Filter, 'blur(20px)');

// You can also dynamically change the RenderPipeline
background_renderer.setPipeline(RENDER_PIPELINE.WebGL); // WebGL doesn't work right now though

// The contourFilter is the canvas filter to apply to the segmentation mask.
// It's usually blur to smoothen it a bit.
// By default it's 'blur(4px)' which works well for images, but
// 'blur(8px)' works best for a blurred background
background_renderer.setRenderSettings({ contourFilter: 'blur(8px)' });


  • Cache image scaling in the _2DRenderPipeline and support more image options.
  • Finish implementing the WebGLRenderPipeline. (which I probably won't do for a long time, since it's very compilcated and the performance gain isn't big either)

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