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This module uses the ES modules feature and requires Node v8.15.0+. Please refer to Node's documentation to read more on how to enable this functionality in your environment.

A case detection + conversion library.


npm i --save @calmdownval/casey


detect(phrase: string): Case | null

Detects case in the phrase and returns a value from the Case enum if successfully identified, returns null otherwise.

import { detect, Case } from '@calmdownval/casey';

if (detect('thisIsCamelCase') === Case.CAMEL) {
    // ...

is(phrase: string, case: Case): boolean

Returns a boolean indicating whether the phrase is in the provided case or not.

import { is, Case } from '@calmdownval/casey';

if (is('some-string', Case.KEBAB)) {
    // ...

convert(phrase: string, options: object | Case): string

Converts a phrase between cases. The options argument can be an object with the following options:

  • caseTo: Case - Required. The case to convert the phrase into.
  • caseFrom?: Case - If provided, phrase will be treated as a string in the specified case. If omitted the function will attempt to auto-detect the input case. This will throw when auto-detection fails.
  • acronyms?: string[] - Allows to preserve acronyms across cases (more info below).

You can also pass just a member of the Case enum instead of the options object. In such case the argument is treated as the caseTo option.

import { convert, Case } from '@calmdownval/casey';

// returns: 'some-phrase'
convert('SomePhrase', Case.KEBAB);

split(phrase: string, caseFrom?: Case): string[]

Splits a phrase into an array of words. This array is always lowercased. If the second argument is omitted the function will attempt to auto-detect the input case. This throw throw when auto-detection fails.

join(words: string[], caseTo: Case): string

Joins an array of words into a single phrase in the specified case.

Acronym Preservation

When converting between pascal- or camel-case and one of the dash or underscore delimited cases acronyms become a problem since usually acronyms are written in all-caps when using pascal- or camel-case but are written together when using the delimited cases.

import { convert, Case } from '@calmdownval/casey';

// 1) returns 'FftHelper'
convert('fft-helper', Case.PASCAL);

// 2) returns 'f-f-t-helper'
convert('FFTHelper', Case.KEBAB);

// 3) returns 'FFTHelper'
convert('fft-helper', {
    caseTo: Case.PASCAL,
    acronyms: [ 'fft' ]

// 4) returns 'fft-helper'
convert('FFTHelper', {
    caseTo: Case.KEBAB,
    acronyms: [ 'fft' ]

The problem is perhaps not very apparent in the first example, but notice we do lose information about 'FFT' being an acronym during the conversion. The second example better shows an undesirable output caused by an acronym. Examples 3) and 4) showcase the usage of the options object and its acronyms option to overcome this issue. Please note that all acronyms in this array MUST be lowercase for this to function properly.

Supported Cases

Case Example
Case.CAMEL camelCase
Case.PASCAL PascalCase
Case.SNAKE snake_case
Case.KEBAB kebab-case

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  • calmdownval