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1.5.2 • Public • Published
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Manage your users with AWS Cognito

This Angular Library, which currently supports Angular 6.x and 7.x, is a wrapper around the aws-sdk and amazon-cognito-identity-js libraries to easily manage your Cognito User Pool.


The sample application uses our authentication component : @caliatys/login-form.

Important : If you plan to use the CognitoService as we do in the sample application, please follow the next chapters (External packages installation and usage) or refer to the dedicated documentations. You can also take a look at the src/app folder to see how we use packages together in a concrete example of implementation.

Table of contents

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git clone https://github.com/Caliatys/CognitoService
cd CognitoService/
npm install

Don't forget to edit the parameters located in src/app/shared/consts/cognito.const.ts.

ng build cognito-service --prod
ng serve



Add @caliatys/cognito-service module as dependency to your project.

npm install @caliatys/cognito-service --save

Copy/paste src/app/shared/consts/cognito.const.ts and replace the parameters with your resource identifiers.

export const CognitoConst = {
  storagePrefix    : 'AngularApp',
  googleId         : 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.apps.googleusercontent.com',
  googleScope      : '',
  poolData         : {
    UserPoolId     : 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', // CognitoUserPool
    ClientId       : 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', // CognitoUserPoolClient
    Paranoia       : 7 // An integer between 1 - 10
  identityPool     : 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', // CognitoIdentityPool
  region           : 'eu-west-1', // Region matching CognitoUserPool region
  // Admin (optional)

Copy/paste src/app/shared/helpers/cognito.helper.ts. This file is used to simplify the implementation of the CognitoService in your application while keeping a single instance of it.

// Angular modules
import { Injectable }     from '@angular/core';

// External modules
import { CognitoService } from '@caliatys/cognito-service';
import { AuthType }       from '@caliatys/cognito-service';
import { RespType }       from '@caliatys/cognito-service';

// Consts
import { CognitoConst }   from '../consts/cognito.const';

export class CognitoHelper
  // Services
  public cognitoService : CognitoService = new CognitoService(CognitoConst);

  // Consts
  public cognitoConst                    = CognitoConst;

  // Enums
  public authType                        = AuthType;
  public respType                        = RespType;

Include CognitoHelper into the providers of app.module.ts :

import { CognitoHelper } from './shared/helpers/cognito.helper';

  providers :
export class AppModule { }

Add the API inside the <head> of index.html to enable authentication with Google :

<script src="https://apis.google.com/js/platform.js"></script>

Add the Google type declaration :

  • Add "types": ["node", "gapi", "gapi.auth2"] to the tsconfig.app.json file that the angular-cli creates in the src directory.

External packages


Show / Hide : Installation

Install @caliatys/login-form :

npm install @caliatys/login-form --save

Create a new login module with its routing and component :

ng generate module login --routing --no-spec
ng generate component login --no-spec

Include LoginFormModule into login.module.ts or in module where you will use it.

import { LoginFormModule } from '@caliatys/login-form';

  imports :
export class LoginModule { }

or include LoginFormModule into your shared.module.ts. This could be usefull if your project has nested Modules.

Angular Sharing Modules - Official documentation

You can generate it with :

ng generate module shared --no-spec
// shared.module.ts
import { NgModule }        from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule }    from '@angular/common';
import { LoginFormModule } from '@caliatys/login-form';

  imports: [
  exports: [
export class SharedModule {
// app.module.ts
import { SharedModule } from './shared/shared.module';

  imports :
export class AppModule { }

Create an home module with its routing and component :

ng generate module home --routing --no-spec
ng generate component home --no-spec

Bonus : Create and custom a 404 page.

ng generate module static --routing --no-spec
ng generate component static/not-found --no-spec

Include StaticModule into app.module.ts :

import { StaticModule } from './static/static.module';

  imports :
export class AppModule { }

Include CognitoHelper into not-found.component.ts :

// Angular modules
import { Component }     from '@angular/core';

// Helpers
import { CognitoHelper } from '../../shared/helpers/cognito.helper';

  selector    : 'app-not-found',
  templateUrl : './not-found.component.html',
  styleUrls   : ['./not-found.component.scss']
export class NotFoundComponent
  constructor(public cognitoHelper : CognitoHelper) { }

And use it into not-found.component.html :

<h1>404 - Page not found</h1>
<!-- Authenticated user -->
<button type="button" [routerLink]="['/home']"
  Go to home page
<!-- Unknown user -->
<button type="button" [routerLink]="['/login']"
  Go to login page

To restrict the access to the home page and redirect to the login page, the routing system requires an auth-guard.helper.ts :

// Angular modules
import { Injectable }    from '@angular/core';
import { Router }        from '@angular/router';
import { Route }         from '@angular/router';
import { CanLoad }       from '@angular/router';

// Helpers
import { CognitoHelper } from '../../shared/helpers/cognito.helper';

export class AuthGuardHelper implements CanLoad
  constructor(private router : Router, private cognitoHelper : CognitoHelper) { }

  public canLoad(route : Route) : boolean
    return this.isAuthenticated();

  private isAuthenticated() : boolean
    let isAuthenticated : boolean = false;
    isAuthenticated = this.cognitoHelper.cognitoService.isAuthenticated();

    if (!isAuthenticated)

    return isAuthenticated;

If you don't have app-routing.module.ts, here's how to create and import it :

ng generate module app-routing --flat --module=app --no-spec

--flat puts the file in src/app instead of its own folder.

--module=app tells the CLI to register it in the imports array of the AppModule.

Angular Routing - Official documentation

Include AppRoutingModule into app.module.ts :

import { AppRoutingModule } from './app-routing.module';

  imports :
export class AppModule { }

Now let's add and protect the routes into app-routing.module.ts :

// Angular modules
import { NgModule }          from '@angular/core';
import { RouterModule }      from '@angular/router';
import { Routes }            from '@angular/router';

// Components
import { NotFoundComponent } from './static/not-found/not-found.component';

// Helpers
import { AuthGuardHelper }   from './shared/helpers/auth-guard.helper';

const routes : Routes = [
    path         : 'login',
    loadChildren : './login/login.module#LoginModule',
    path         : 'home',
    loadChildren : './home/home.module#HomeModule',
    canLoad      : [ AuthGuardHelper ]
  { path : '',   redirectTo : '/login', pathMatch : 'full' },
  { path : '**', component  : NotFoundComponent }

  imports   : [ RouterModule.forRoot(routes) ],
  exports   : [ RouterModule ],
  providers : [ AuthGuardHelper ]
export class AppRoutingModule { }

Here is an overview of the file structure :

├── home/                            
│   ├── home-routing.module.ts       
│   ├── home.component.html          
│   ├── home.component.scss          
│   ├── home.component.ts            
│   └── home.module.ts               
├── login/                           
│   ├── login-routing.module.ts      
│   ├── login.component.html         
│   ├── login.component.scss         
│   ├── login.component.ts           
│   └── login.module.ts              
├── shared/                          
│   ├── consts/                      
│   │   └── cognito.const.ts         
│   ├── helpers/                     
│   │   ├── auth-guard.helper.ts     
│   │   └── cognito.helper.ts        
│   └── shared.module.ts             
├── static/                          
│   ├── not-found/                   
│   │   ├── not-found.component.html 
│   │   ├── not-found.component.scss 
│   │   └── not-found.component.ts   
│   ├── static-routing.module.ts     
│   └── static.module.ts             
├── app-routing.module.ts            
├── app.component.html               
├── app.component.scss               
├── app.component.ts                 
└── app.module.ts                    



To start using the service, import the CognitoHelper into the app.component.ts, for example :

// Angular modules
import { Component }     from '@angular/core';
import { OnInit }        from '@angular/core';
import { OnDestroy }     from '@angular/core';
import { Router }        from '@angular/router';

// External modules
import { Subscription }  from 'rxjs';

// Helpers
import { CognitoHelper } from './shared/helpers/cognito.helper';

  selector    : 'app-root',
  templateUrl : './app.component.html',
  styleUrls   : ['./app.component.scss']
export class AppComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy
  public  isAuthenticated : boolean = false;

  // Subscriptions
  private signInSub  : Subscription;
  private signOutSub : Subscription;

    private cognitoHelper : CognitoHelper,
    private router        : Router
  ) { }

  public ngOnInit() : void
    this.isAuthenticated = this.cognitoHelper.cognitoService.isAuthenticated();
    if (this.isAuthenticated)

    this.signInSub  = this.signInSubscription();
    this.signOutSub = this.signOutSubscription();

  public ngOnDestroy() : void

  // Subscription

  private signInSubscription() : Subscription
    let signInSub : Subscription = null;
    signInSub = this.cognitoHelper.cognitoService.onSignIn.subscribe(() =>
      this.isAuthenticated = true;
    return signInSub;

  private signOutSubscription() : Subscription
    let signOutSub : Subscription = null;
    signOutSub = this.cognitoHelper.cognitoService.onSignOut.subscribe(() =>
      this.isAuthenticated = false;
      this.router.navigate([ '/login' ]);
    return signOutSub;

External packages


Show / Hide : Usage

Once the LoginFormModule is imported, you can start using the cal-login-form component into login.component.html :

<cal-login-form #loginForm

The component accepts several inputs that are listed in the documentation.

Here is how we integrate the output events with LoginFormComponent in login.component.ts :

// Angular modules
import { Component }          from '@angular/core';
import { ViewChild }          from '@angular/core';
import { Router }             from '@angular/router';
import { MatSnackBar }        from '@angular/material';

// External modules
import { LoginFormComponent } from '@caliatys/login-form';

// Helpers
import { CognitoHelper }      from '../shared/helpers/cognito.helper';

  moduleId    : module.id,
  templateUrl : 'login.component.html',
  styleUrls   : ['login.component.scss']
export class LoginComponent
  // @caliatys/login-form
  @ViewChild('loginForm') loginForm : LoginFormComponent;

    public  router        : Router,
    public  snackBar      : MatSnackBar,
    private cognitoHelper : CognitoHelper
    if (this.cognitoHelper.cognitoService.isAuthenticated())

  // Actions :

  // Google login

  public loginSocial($event : any) : void
    let social : string = null;
    social = $event.social;

    if (social !== this.cognitoHelper.authType.GOOGLE)

    this.cognitoHelper.cognitoService.signIn(this.cognitoHelper.authType.GOOGLE).then(res =>
    }).catch(err =>

  // Cognito login

  public login($event : any) : void
    let username : string = null;
    let password : string = null;
    username = $event.username;
    password = $event.password;

    this.cognitoHelper.cognitoService.signIn(this.cognitoHelper.authType.COGNITO, username, password).then(res =>
      // Successful signIn
      if (res.type === this.cognitoHelper.respType.ON_SUCCESS)

      // First connection
      if (res.type === this.cognitoHelper.respType.NEW_PASSWORD_REQUIRED)

      // MFA required
      if (res.type === this.cognitoHelper.respType.MFA_REQUIRED)

      // MFA setup : associate secret code
      if (res.type === this.cognitoHelper.respType.MFA_SETUP_ASSOCIATE_SECRETE_CODE)
        this.loginForm.showMfaSetupForm('JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP', 'otpauth://totp/john@doe.com?secret=JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP&issuer=Caliatys');
    }).catch(err =>
      console.error('LoginComponent : login -> signIn', err);
      this.snackBar.open(err.data.message, 'X');

  // First connection

  public firstPassword($event : any) : void
    let username    : string = null;
    let newPassword : string = null;
    username    = $event.username;
    newPassword = $event.password;

    this.cognitoHelper.cognitoService.newPasswordRequired(newPassword).then(res =>
      // Success
      if (res.type === this.cognitoHelper.respType.ON_SUCCESS)
      // MFA required
      if (res.type === this.cognitoHelper.respType.MFA_REQUIRED)
    }).catch(err =>
      console.error('LoginComponent : firstPassword -> changePassword', err);
      this.snackBar.open(err.data.message, 'X');

  // Forgot password

  public forgotPassword($event : any) : void
    let username : string = null;
    username = $event.username;

    if (!username)
      return; // Username required

    this.cognitoHelper.cognitoService.forgotPassword(username).then(res =>
      // Verification code
      if (res.type === this.cognitoHelper.respType.INPUT_VERIFICATION_CODE)
    }).catch(err =>
      console.error('LoginComponent : forgotPassword -> forgotPassword', err);
      this.snackBar.open(err.data.message, 'X');

  // Reset password : complete the forgot password flow

  public resetPassword($event : any) : void
    let newPassword : string = null;
    let verifCode   : string = null;
    newPassword = $event.password;
    verifCode   = $event.verificationCode;

    this.cognitoHelper.cognitoService.confirmPassword(newPassword, verifCode).then(res =>
      this.loginForm.hidePwdForm(newPassword); // Password updated successfully
    }).catch(err =>
      console.error('LoginComponent : resetPassword -> confirmPassword', err);
      this.snackBar.open(err.data.message, 'X');

  private successfulConnection() : void


Events that you can subscribe to deal with signIn and signOut events

// Events that you can subscribe to
public onSignIn  : EventEmitter<null>;
public onSignOut : EventEmitter<null>;




Register a new user :

this.cognitoHelper.cognitoService.signUp('username', 'password').then(res => {

  let signUpResult : AWSCognito.ISignUpResult = res.data;

}).catch(err => { });

Confirm registration

Depending on your settings, email confirmation may be required. In that case, the following function must be called :

.then(res => { }).catch(err => { });

Resend confirmation code



Connect an existing user with Google or Cognito.

this.cognitoHelper.cognitoService.signIn(this.cognitoHelper.authType.GOOGLE).then(res => {

  let profile : gapi.auth2.BasicProfile = res.data;
  let email = profile.getEmail();

}).catch(err => { });
this.cognitoHelper.cognitoService.signIn(this.cognitoHelper.authType.COGNITO, 'username', 'password').then(res => {

  // Successful connection
  if (res.type === RespType.ON_SUCCESS)
    let session : AWSCognito.CognitoUserSession = res.data;

  // First connection
  if (res.type === RespType.NEW_PASSWORD_REQUIRED)

  // MFA required
  if (res.type === RespType.MFA_REQUIRED)

  // MFA setup : associate secret code
  if (res.type === RespType.MFA_SETUP_ASSOCIATE_SECRETE_CODE)
    let secretCode : string = res.data;

}).catch(err => {

  // Error
  if (err.type === RespType.ON_FAILURE)
    let err : any = res.data;

  // MFA setup : error
  if (err.type === RespType.MFA_SETUP_ON_FAILURE)
    let err : any = res.data;


Refresh session

Generate new refreshToken, idToken and accessToken with a new expiry date. If successful, you retrieve 3 auth tokens and the associated expiration dates (same as signIn).

this.cognitoHelper.cognitoService.refreshCognitoSession().then(res => {

  let session : AWSCognito.CognitoUserSession = res.data;

}).catch(err => { });




Send MFA code

Complete the MFA_REQUIRED sent by the signIn or by the newPasswordRequired method using the mfaCode received by SMS to finish the signIn flow.

this.cognitoHelper.cognitoService.sendMFACode('mfaCode', 'SOFTWARE_TOKEN_MFA or SMS_MFA').then(res => {

  let session : AWSCognito.CognitoUserSession = res.data;

}).catch(err => { });

Get MFA status

If MFA is enabled for this user, retrieve its options. Otherwise, returns null.

this.cognitoHelper.cognitoService.getMFAOptions().then(res => {

  let mfaOptions : AWSCognito.MFAOption[] = res.data;

}).catch(err => { });

Enable or Disable MFA

let enableMfa : boolean = true;
.then(res => { }).catch(err => { });


New password required

Complete the NEW_PASSWORD_REQUIRED response sent by the signIn method to finish the first connection flow.

this.cognitoHelper.cognitoService.newPasswordRequired('newPassword').then(res => {
  // Success
  if (res.type === RespType.ON_SUCCESS)
    // ...
  // MFA required
  if (res.type === RespType.MFA_REQUIRED)
    // ...
}).catch(err => { });

Forgot password

Start a forgot password flow. Cognito will send a verificationCode to one of the user's confirmed contact methods (email or SMS) to be used in the confirmPassword method below.

this.cognitoHelper.cognitoService.forgotPassword('username').then(res => {
  // Verification code
  if (res.type === RespType.INPUT_VERIFICATION_CODE)
    // ...
}).catch(err => { });

Confirm password

Complete the INPUT_VERIFICATION_CODE response sent by the forgotPassword method to finish the forgot password flow.

this.cognitoHelper.cognitoService.confirmPassword('newPassword', 'verificationCode')
.then(res => { }).catch(err => { });

Change password

Use this method to change the user's password.

this.cognitoHelper.cognitoService.changePassword('oldPassword', 'newPassword')
.then(res => { }).catch(err => { });


Is authenticated

Compare the token expiration date with the current date.

let connected : boolean = this.cognitoHelper.cognitoService.isAuthenticated();

Get username

let username : string = this.cognitoHelper.cognitoService.getUsername();

Get provider

let provider : string = this.cognitoHelper.cognitoService.getProvider();

Get id token

let idToken : string = this.cognitoHelper.cognitoService.getIdToken();

Get tokens

let tokens : any = this.cognitoHelper.cognitoService.getTokens();
// tokens = {
//   accessToken          : string,
//   accessTokenExpiresAt : number, (milliseconds)
//   idToken              : string,
//   idTokenExpiresAt     : number, (milliseconds)
//   refreshToken         : string
// }

Automatic refresh session


Get token expiration date

let expiresAt : Date = this.cognitoHelper.cognitoService.getExpiresAt();

Get the remaining time

let remaining : Number = this.cognitoHelper.cognitoService.getRemaining(); // milliseconds

Initialize credentials


Update credentials


Get credentials

.then(res => { }).catch(err => { });

STS - getCallerIdentity

.then(res => { }).catch(err => { });


Admin create user

this.cognitoHelper.cognitoService.adminCreateUser('username', 'password')
.then(res => { }).catch(err => { });

Admin delete user

.then(res => { }).catch(err => { });

Admin reset user password

.then(res => { }).catch(err => { });

Admin update user attributes

let userAttributes : AWS.CognitoIdentityServiceProvider.Types.AttributeListType;
this.cognitoHelper.cognitoService.adminUpdateUserAttributes('username', userAttributes)
.then(res => { }).catch(err => { });

Admin helpers

Reset expired account

this.cognitoHelper.cognitoService.resetExpiredAccount('usernameKey', 'username')
.then(res => { }).catch(err => { });

Set admin



Important : This project uses the following dependencies :

"peerDependencies"             : {
  "@angular/common"            : "^6.0.0 || ^7.0.0",
  "@angular/core"              : "^6.0.0 || ^7.0.0",
  "rxjs"                       : "^6.0.0",
  "rxjs-compat"                : "^6.0.0",
  "amazon-cognito-identity-js" : "^2.0.6",
  "aws-sdk"                    : "^2.247.1",
  "@types/gapi"                : "0.0.35",
  "@types/gapi.auth2"          : "0.0.47"
"devDependencies"              : {
  "@types/node"                : "10.12.0"

If it's an empty Angular application :


In progress


  • Facebook


Contributions are welcome, please open an issue and preferably submit a pull request.


CognitoService is built with Angular CLI.


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