
1.0.1 • Public • Published

Various helpers, tools and utilities for Node.js

API authorization

Use in a server application to implement basic authentication in it's REST API.

The class BasicAuthChecker is used in code the do authorization. Credentials are read from the local directory secrets which when running locally contains uncommitted credentials for development, and in Kubernetes a ecret containing the credentials are mounted at secrets so the application always reach it by:

const credentials = require('../secrets/api-credentials/api-credentials.json')

disregarding if running on a local laptop, in cloud stage or cloud prod.

Use in code like this:

const {BasicAuthChecker} = require('@cag-group/utils')
const credentials = require('../secrets/api-credentials/api-credentials.json')
const checker = new BasicAuthChecker(credentials)
const username = checker.getValidUser(req)
if (!username) {
  console.log('Missing/invalid auth')
  return res.sendStatus(401)

Create file api-credentials.json in the folder secrets/api-credentials with accounts for local tests:

  { "name": "u1", "pass": "somepass" },
  { "name": "u1", "pass": "changedpass" },
  { "name": "u2", "pass": "anotherpass" }

do not commit files in /secrets, these are for local tests.

In the example above user "u1" is present twice with different passwords. basic-auth-checker supports this in order to support change of API-passwords without downtime.

Create api-credentials secret

Create a local file api-credentials.json in the root directory with the intended users and generated passwords (see command below).

Create the secret:

kubectl -n your-namespace create secret generic api-credentials --from-file=api-credentials.json

Use api-credentials secret in Kubernetes

  1. Define a volume in server.yaml on the same level as containers::
        - name: api-credentials
            secretName: api-credentials
  1. Mount the secret volume in the server container
        - name: api-credentials
          mountPath: /server/secrets/api-credentials/
          readOnly: true

Update existing usernames/passwords in existing kubernetes secret

  1. Get existing credentials api-credentials.json from your secrets vault and save it in the root folder.
  2. Generate a new password, for example with: dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1 count=32 2>/dev/null | base64 | rev | cut -b 2- | rev | tr -dc _A-Z-a-z-0-9 | head -c15;
  3. Edit the file and add a new row with same username and the generated password
  4. Create a new secret with the updated content:
kubectl -n your-namespace delete secret api-credentials
kubectl -n your-namespace create secret generic api-credentials --from-file=api-credentials.json

Restart the pod in order for it to read the changed secret:

kubectl -n your-namespace delete pod <podname>
  1. Save the new credentials in the secrets vault and delete the local file


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  • 1.0.1
  • 1.0.0
  • 0.0.1

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