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2.1.2 • Public • Published

Getting started

Welcome to the Hashgraph React Wallets project, a lightweight library that aims to provide an easier way to interact with the hedera network from a UI perspective.

How? You might ask. Easy ... by bundling the UI functionality of 2 of the most popular wallets on the hashgraph chain, HashPack, Blade and MagicLink, into a set of React components, ready for easy consumption.


The following is a quick code snippet showing the simplicity of using our HWBridgeProvider React component. You just need to define your dApp metadata and choose your wallet-connectors and you're good to go.

import { HWBridgeProvider } from "@buidlerlabs/hashgraph-react-wallets";
import { 
} from "@buidlerlabs/hashgraph-react-wallets/connectors";
import DAppLogo from "./assets/dapp-logo.svg";

const metadata = {
    description: "Hashgraph React Wallets Demo",
    icons: [DAppLogo],
    name: "Hashgraph Wallets Demo",
    url: location.href

function App() {
  return <HWBridgeProvider 
        [MagicConnector, {publicApiKey: 'xxxxx'}]

export default App

Following is the full list of props (along with their default values) available for HWBridgeProvider:

prop description required
network the targeted network which can be either testnet (default) or mainnet Yes
metadata an object describing the dApp to the user Yes
defaultConnector default to use when no connector is specified when using the provided hooks. Can be either HashpackConnector, BladeConnector, MagicConnector or, when left empty, it will pick the first one available No
connectors wallet connectors to use for session interactions. It's an array of connectors (HashpackConnector / BladeConnector / MagicConnector). Default is [].
Each connector can get its own config by passing it as an array where the first index represent the connector class, and the second index its own config (e.g connectors={[ HashpackConnector, [MagicConnector, {publicApiKey: xxxxx}] ]})
multiSession true if you're planning to allow sessions to be created on both wallets and false (default)otherwise No
debug set this to true to get logs of various kinds (default: false) No

A note on polyfill-ing

To have HashPack working (even if you're using it or not!), you will have to polyfill its Buffer class and bind it to the global browser scope.

import { Buffer } from 'buffer'
(window as any).global = window;
global.Buffer = global.Buffer || Buffer;

We're also doing this in our demo-app code so you might take some inspiration from there.


Next, we're gonna present some code snippets showing the usage of the UI component to do various things:


The wallet component must be rendered inside HWBridgeProvider in order to be able to use its context

Connecting to a wallet

import { useWallet, HWBridgeConnector } from "@buidlerlabs/hashgraph-react-wallets"
import { useCallback, useState } from "react"
import Button from "./Button"

interface IProps {
    connector: HWBridgeConnector

const Wallet = ({ connector }: IProps) => {
    const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false);
    const { isConnected, connect, disconnect } = useWallet(connector);

    const handleConnect = useCallback(async () => {
        await connect();
    }, [connect]);

    const handleDisconnect = useCallback(async () => {
        await disconnect();
    }, [connect]);

    return <div>
                ? <Button onClick={handleDisconnect} disabled={loading}>Disconnect</Button>
                : <Button onClick={handleConnect}>{loading ? 'Loading...' : 'Connect'}</Button>

export default WalletCard;

Signing a transaction

import { AccountId, TransferTransaction } from "@hashgraph/sdk";
import { useWallet } from "@buidlerlabs/hashgraph-react-wallets"
import { BladeConnector } from "@buidlerlabs/hashgraph-react-wallets/connectors"

const App = () => {
    const {signer} = useWallet(BladeConnector);

    const handleSendFunds = async () => {
        try {
            const tx = await new TransferTransaction()
                .addHbarTransfer(accountId, -10)
                .addHbarTransfer(AccountId.fromString(state.recipient), 10)

            const txResponse = await tx.executeWithSigner(signer);

        } catch (e) {

    return <button onClick={handleSendFunds}>Send</button>

The hooks

Various hooks have been coded and made available for usage. In the same fashion as the API section, following is a list of code snippets showing the capabilities of these React hooks.


When using any of the following hooks, they must be used inside HWBridgeProvider in order to be able to use its context.


This hook can be used for accessing wallet data and connection status. It's available via

import { useWallet } from "@buidlerlabs/hashgraph-react-wallets"

and you might normally use it like so:

import { useWallet } from "@buidlerlabs/hashgraph-react-wallets"
import { HashpackConnector } from "@buidlerlabs/hashgraph-react-wallets/connectors"

const App = () => {
    const {extensionReady, isConnected, signer, connect, disconnect} = useWallet(HashpackConnector);

    const handleOnConnect = async () => {
        await connect();
        // do something...

    const handleOnDisconnect = async () => {
        await disconnect();
        // do something...

    return <>
        <span>Extension status: {extensionReady ? 'Ready to connect': 'Not available'}</span>

                ? <button onClick={handleOnDisconnect}>Disconnect</button>
                : <button onClick={handleOnConnect} disabled={!extensionReady}>Connect</button>

If you have configured HWBridgeProvider with multiSession set to false or defaultConnector set (ie. not empty), the hook can be used without any arguments.
In which case, it will return the default specified wallet, or the unique connected wallet:

import { useWallet } from "@buidlerlabs/hashgraph-react-wallets"

const App = () => {
    const wallet = useWallet();

    return ...

The returned type has the following signature:

    connect: async () => Promise<HWBridgeSession>
    disconnect: async () => Promise<boolean>
    connector: HWBridgeConnector
    sessionId: string
    extensionReady: boolean
    isConnected: boolean
    isInitialized: boolean
    isLoading: boolean
    sdk: WalletSDKType
    signer: HWBridgeSigner
    autoPaired: boolean
} as HWBridgeSession | {}


This hook is used for accessing a list of connected wallets in case the HWBridgeProvider component has been configured with multiSession set to true.

You can gain access to it via

import { useConnectedWallets } from "@buidlerlabs/hashgraph-react-wallets"

and use it like so:

import { useConnectedWallets } from "@buidlerlabs/hashgraph-react-wallets"

const App = () => {
    const connectedWallets = useConnectedWallets();
    const hasMultipleWallets = connectedWallets.length > 0;

    const handleOnClick = () => {
        if(hasMultipleWallets) {
            // open wallet selector modal (add your custom impementation)
        } else {
            // sign transaction

    return <button onClick={handleOnClick}>Sign transaction</button>

In this case, the returned type has the following signature:

HWBridgeSession[] | []


You can use this hook to display account balance.

It's found here

import { useBalance } from "@buidlerlabs/hashgraph-react-wallets"

and this is a typical context where you might use it:

import { useBalance } from "@buidlerlabs/hashgraph-react-wallets"
import { BladeConnector } from "@buidlerlabs/hashgraph-react-wallets/connectors"

const App = () => {
    const {balance, loading, updateBalance} = useBalance(BladeConnector);

    return <>
                ? 'Fetching balance'
                : <span>Balance: {balance.toString()}</span>
        <button onClick={() => updateBalance()}>Update balance</button>

Using the HWBridgeProvider component configured with multiSession set to false or defaultConnector set to an actual connector (ie. not empty), the hook can be used without any arguments.
In this case, it will return the default specified wallet balance, or the unique connected wallet balance:

import { useBalance } from "@buidlerlabs/hashgraph-react-wallets"

const App = () => {
    const {balance, loading} = useBalance();

    return <>
                ? 'Fetching balance'
                : <span>Balance: {balance.toString()}</span>

The signature of the returned object looks as follows:

    balance: AccountBalanceJson
    loading: boolean
    updateBalance: () => void


Use this hook to display the hedera connected AccountId.

You gain access to it like so

import { useAccountId } from "@buidlerlabs/hashgraph-react-wallets"

then you would normally use it in the following way:

import { useAccountId } from "@buidlerlabs/hashgraph-react-wallets"
import { BladeConnector } from "@buidlerlabs/hashgraph-react-wallets/connectors"

const App = () => {
    const {accountId, loading} = useAccountId(BladeConnector);

    return <>
                ? 'Fetching account id...'
                : <span>AccountId: {accountId.toString()}</span>

If HWBridgeProvider was configured with either multiSession set to false or defaultConnector set to a non empty value, the hook can be used without any arguments.
In this case, it will return the default specified wallet account id, or the unique connected wallet account id:

import { useAccountId } from "@buidlerlabs/hashgraph-react-wallets"

const App = () => {
    const {accountId, loading} = useAccountId();

    return ...

the returned object adheres to the following signature:

    accountId: AccountId
    loading: boolean


Use this hook to display your wallet HNS name.

You gain access to it like so

import { useHNS } from "@buidlerlabs/hashgraph-react-wallets"

then you would normally use it in the following way:

import { useAccountId } from "@buidlerlabs/hashgraph-react-wallets"
import { useHNS } from "@buidlerlabs/hashgraph-react-wallets"
import { HashpackConnector } from "@buidlerlabs/hashgraph-react-wallets/connectors"

const App = () => {
    const {accountId, loading} = useAccountId(HashpackConnector);
    const {hnsName} = useHNS(HashpackConnector);

    return <>
                ? 'Fetching...'
                : <span>Account: {hnsName ?? accountId}</span>

If HWBridgeProvider was configured with either multiSession set to false or defaultConnector set to a non empty value, the hook can be used without any arguments.
In this case, it will return the default specified wallet HNSResult, or the unique connected wallet HNSResult:

import { useHNS } from "@buidlerlabs/hashgraph-react-wallets"

const App = () => {
    const {hnsName, avatar, tokenId, serial} = useHNS();

    return ...

In some situations we might want to use a different HNS resolver for a connector, and this is possible by passing a custom resolver along a connector config:

import { HWBridgeProvider } from "@buidlerlabs/hashgraph-react-wallets";
import { 
} from "@buidlerlabs/hashgraph-react-wallets/connectors";
import { HashpackHNSResolver } from "@buidlerlabs/hashgraph-react-wallets/hns-resolvers";
import DAppLogo from "./assets/dapp-logo.svg";

const metadata = {
    description: "Hashgraph React Wallets Demo",
    icons: [DAppLogo],
    name: "Hashgraph Wallets Demo",
    url: location.href

function App() {
  return <HWBridgeProvider 
        [BladeConnector, {hnsResolver: HashpackHNSResolver}]
        [MagicConnector, {publicApiKey: "xxxxx"}]

export default App

the returned object adheres to the following signature:

IHNSNameResult {
  loading: boolean  
  hnsName: string
  avatar: string
  tokenId: string
  serial: number


Use this hook to use your wallet sdk.

You gain access to it like so

import { useWalletSDK } from "@buidlerlabs/hashgraph-react-wallets"

then you would normally use it in the following way:

import { useState, useEffect } from "react"
import { useWalletSDK, MagicSDK } from "@buidlerlabs/hashgraph-react-wallets"
import { MagicConnector } from "@buidlerlabs/hashgraph-react-wallets/connectors"

const App = () => {
    const sdk = useWalletSDK<MagicSDK>(MagicConnector);
    const [idToken, setIdToken] = useState();
    useEffect(() => {
        const idToken = await sdk.user.getIdToken();
    }, [])

    return <>
                ? 'Fetching idToken...'
                : <span>ID Token: {idToken}</span>

the returned object adheres to the following signature:

type ConnectorSDKs = HashConnectSDK | BladeSDK | MagicSDK


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