
0.3.2 • Public • Published

Brikcss Component

A scaffolding / starter repo for new brikcss components. Follow these steps to set up a new component.

npm (scoped) npm (scoped) Travis branch Commitizen friendly semantic-release npm

  1. Set up the new component repo & test
  2. Update configs / root files
  3. Set up the automated release
  4. Build the component

Set up the new component repo & test

  • [ ] Clone this repo.
  • [ ] Create a new repo in GitHub for the new component.
  • [ ] Configure remote tracking as follows:
     # IMPORTANT: Set new master branch as upstream (not remote).
     # Otherwise commits will go to the component scaffold repo.
     # Setting as upstream also allows you to stay in sync with component scaffold repo.
     git remote rename origin upstream
     # Create a new local master branch based on upstream/master.
     git branch -m master master-upstream # Rename local upstream/master first.
     git checkout -b master master-upstream # Create new local master.
     git branch -d master-upstream # Delete local master-upstream.
     # Add the new GitHub repo as the remote origin.
     git remote add origin <github repo url>
     # Run this the first time you push changes.
     # This will set up origin/master to track local master and push.
     git push -u origin master
  • [ ] When you run git remote -v, the origin should track the new GitHub repo and the upstream should track this component scaffold repo.
  • [ ] In the future, to stay in sync with this component upstream repo:
     git merge upstream/master

Update configs / root files

  • [ ] .browsersync.js:
    • [ ] files property to watch build files.
    • [ ] server property to set the correct baseDir and index values.
    • [ ] Any other browsersync settings as desired.
  • [ ] .gitignore.
  • [ ] .travis.yml (scripts fields).
  • [ ] package.json:
    • [ ] All fields with "component" to the new component name.
    • [ ] description.
    • [ ] keywords.
    • [ ] main and module with the correct entry files.
    • [ ] files with all files necessary for a release.
    • [ ] scripts:
      • [ ] prod:clean paths (and possibly add mkdirp to recreate dist dirs?).
      • [ ] js:watch and js:lint paths.
      • [ ] sass:watch and sass:lint and sass:dist paths.
      • [ ] If the component will have dist files, or if there are any tasks you want the release process to run prior to publishing, add the following NPM script to package.json:
         	"prepublishOnly": "npm run prod"
    • [ ] devDependencies.
  • [ ] README.md:
    • [ ] Update shields to show data for the new component.
    • [ ] Update the rest of README.md as desired.
  • [ ] webpack.config.js to ensure it compiles the correct files / bundles.

Set up the automated release

  • [ ] Install NPM packages with npm install.
  • [ ] (Optional): semantic-release creates the first release at version 1.0.0. If you want to start at a different version (such as 0.0.1), do the following:
    • [ ] Change the version field in package.json to 0.0.1 (or the version you wish to start at).
    • [ ] Publish your first release manually:
       npm publish --tag=dev --access=public
    • [ ] Change version in package.json back to 0.0.0-development.
    • [ ] Delete all git tags (which come from the upstream / scaffold component repo).
       git tag | xargs git tag -d
    • [ ] Create a git tag for 0.0.1 (or whatever version you started at) and push it (this is so semantic-release is able to recognize where you're at):
       # Create the tag.
       git tag v<version> <commit hash>
       # Push it to remote origin.
       git push --tags origin master
  • [ ] Set up semantic-release by running semantic-release-cli setup. Important: Make sure to not overwrite the .travis.yml file we already have.
  • [ ] After it is published, create a dev channel / dist-tag:
     npm dist-tag add @brikcss/<component>@<version> dev -d

Build the component

The directory structure should be as follows:

  • src: Original source code.
  • dist: Files for distribution (if any).
  • examples: Code or test examples.
  • docs: Documentation.
  • tests: UI and unit tests.
  • lib: Helper scripts (i.e., NPM scripts or git hooks).

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  • thezimmee