
1.0.0 • Public • Published

JS Contact

Implement Botmatic Integrations with ease.
Allows you to easily create integrations to synchronize Botmatic contacts with an external service.

Table of contents

  1. Install
  2. Basic usage
  3. Implementations steps
  4. Configuration
  • Parameters descripiton
  • Using the default express instance
  • Using an existing express instance
  • Authenticating requests from Botmatic
  1. Botmatic Events
  • Handling INSTALL
  • Handling UNINSTALL
  • Handling other events
  • Handling actions
  1. Reference
  • Properties
  • Methods
  • Interfaces


npm install @botmatic/js-contact

Basic usage

Upon initialization, js-contact takes a configuration object as follow:

const app = express()

const botmaticConfig = {
   consumer: yourConsumer, // REQUIRED // API consumer for your external API. Implements the ExternalAPIConsumer Interface
   mappings: yourMappings, // REQUIRED // An array of Mapping. See js_mapper module
   keyStore: keyStore, // REQUIRED // The storage to map ids. Implements the KeyStorage Interface
   endpoint: "/", // OPTIONAL // Botmatic will send events and actions to this path
   server:   app, // OPTIONAL // The express server to add those routes
   port:   3456, // OPTIONAL // If using the default express instance, the port the app listens
   auth: () => true // OPTIONAL // Authorization function to authorize requests sent by Botmatic

const botmatic = require('@botmatic/js-contact')(botmaticConfig)

Once the module is initialized, it will start listening to events from Botmatic.

Implementation steps

In order to have a complete contact integration you should:

  1. Create mappings (See @botmatic/js-mapper)
  2. Implement an ExternalAPIConsumer for your external service
  3. Optional: if choose not to use @botmatic/js-redis-key-store, implement your own
  4. Add routes to your express server (or to the default one) to handle events from your external service.
  5. Optional: add listeners for other events or actions


Parameters descripiton

properties type  attributes description
consumer ExternalAPIConsumer required Used to create, updated and delete contacts on your external service
mappings Mapping[] required Used to convert contacts to and from your external service
keyStore KeyStore required Used to store botmatic/external id pairs
endpoint string optional, default = "/" The route to which Botmatic will send events
server Express optional An existing Express server instance
auth function(token) => {token, client} optional, default = () => true A function to validate request sent to Botmatic. Not called on Install

Using the default express instance

You can start using @botmatic/js-contact without having to setup an express server, @botmatic/js-contact includes a default one.
It will listen on port 3000 by default, by you can specify a custom one using the port parameter.

const botmaticConfig = {
   consumer: yourConsumer, // your API consumer
   mappings: yourMappings, // your mappings
   keyStore: keyStore, // a key store
   endpoint: "/", // your endpoint path
   port:   3456, // port to listen 
   auth: authorizeBotmatic // an auth function

const botmatic = require('@botmatic/js-contact')(botmaticConfig)
// botmatic.app is the running express server

Using an existing express instance

If you wish to add @botmatic/js-contact to an existing express server, pass it as the server parameter. Routes will be added to the specified endpoint path.

const app = express()

const botmaticConfig = {
   consumer: yourConsumer, // your API consumer
   mappings: yourMappings, // your mappings
   keyStore: keyStore, // a key store
   endpoint: "/", // your endpoint path
   server:   app, // your existing express app
   auth: authorizeBotmatic // an auth function

const botmatic = require('@botmatic/js-contact')(botmaticConfig)


Authenticating requests from Botmatic

The auth function passed on initialization is called on every received event, except INSTALL. It takes the token from the request headers as first and only parameter, and must return a Promise resolving to an object as follow:

  "token": "THE_BOTMATIC_TOKEN",
  "client": { // OPTIONAL // contains any information required about the client related this integration token
    "id": "deadbeef"

This object will be the auth property of the object passed as parameter to all events listeners.

Example auth function
const authorization = token => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    // you should check you received this token upon installation
    if (validate(token)) {
      .then(client => {
        resolve({token, client})
      .catch(error => {
        reject(`error get client for token ${error}`)
    else {
      // Returning false will stop propagating the event and return a 401 status code
      reject("invalid token")

// in Botmatic configuration
const botmaticConfig = {
   consumer: yourConsumer, // REQUIRED // API consumer for your external API. Implements the ExternalAPIConsumer Interface
   mappings: yourMappings, // REQUIRED // An array of Mapping. See js_mapper module
   keyStore: keyStore, // REQUIRED // The storage to map ids. Implements the KeyStorage Interface
   endpoint: "/", // OPTIONAL // Botmatic will send events and actions to this path
   server:   app, // OPTIONAL // The express server to add those routes
   auth: authorization // Authorization function to authorize requests sent by Botmatic

// initialize @botmatic/js-contact
const botmatic = require('@botmatic/js-contact')(botmaticConfig)

Botmatic Events

@botmatic/js-contact takes care of handling CONTACT_CREATED, CONTACT_UPDATED and CONTACT_DELETED events.
You will still have to implement listeners for INSTALL, UNINSTALL, BOT_REPLY and USER_REPLY events, and any action you wish to integrate in Botmatic.

Handling the INSTALL event

When an integration is installed on Botmatic, an INSTALL event is sent to your implementation.
The token is then verified and the properties defined in your mappings are created.
This is when you should store the Botmatic authorization token, and import your contacts to Botmatic.

botmatic.onInstall(async ({auth: token}) => {
  // Store your token
  redis.set('mytoken', token)
  // Import your contacts
  // return the default format
  return {data: {success: true}, type: "data"}

Handling the UNINSTALL event

When an integration is uninstalled from Botmatic, an UNINSTALL event is sent to your implementation. The botmatic/external id pairs will have been removed from your storage.
You should remove your Botmatic authorization from your storage.

botmatic.onUninstall(async ({auth: token}) => {
  // remove the token
  // return the default format
  return {data: {success: true}, type: "data"}

Handling other events

@botmatic/js-contact provides an onEvent function to allow you to respond to BOT_REPLY and USER_REPLY events

botmatic.onEvent(botmatic.events.BOT_REPLY, ({auth: {token, client}, data}) => {
  // data.event == "bot_reply"
  // data.data contains the event data
  return {data: {success: true}, type: "data"}

Handling actions

botmatic.onAction("your_action_name", ({auth: {token, client}, data}) => {
  // handle your action
  return {data: your_action_result, type: "data"}




  • type : Express
  • *description : * An express server instance.

.events (read only)

  • type : Object
  • description : Constants for events names
properties description
CONTACT_CREATED event sent when a contact is created on botmatic
CONTACT_UPDATED event sent when a contact is updated on botmatic
CONTACT_DELETED event sent when a contact is deleted on botmatic
BOT_REPLY event sent when bot sent a message to a user on botmatic
USER_REPLY event sent when a user sent a message to a bot on botmatic
INSTALL event sent when your integration is installed on a workspace
UNINSTALL event sent when your integration is uninstalled on a workspace


createContact(contact, token) -> Promise<{success, id, error}>

Transforms the contact according to the mappings and creates it on Botmatic.
Saves the botmatic/external ids pair in the keyStore.


  • contact, object: a contact in your API format
  • token, string: the botmatic integration token

The response success is true when:

  • The contact has successfully been created
  • The new id is returned

It is false when:

  • The creation failed
  • No id has been returned
  • An error occurred
const {success, id, error} = await botmatic.createContact({"first_name": "Patrick", "last_name": "Chen"}, token)
// success == true
// id is the id returned by your external service
importContacts(contacts, token) -> Promise<{success, error}>

Transforms all the contact according to the mappings and creates them on Botmatic.
Saves all botmatic/external id pairs in the keyStore


  • contacts, array: an array of contact in your API format
  • token, string: the botmatic integration token

The response success is true when:

  • The contacts have successfully been imported

It is false when:

  • The import failed
  • An error occurred
const {success, error} = await botmatic.importContacts(contacts, token)
// success == true
// error == undefined
updateContact(contact, token) -> Promise<{success, error}>

Transforms the contact according to the mappings and updates it on Botmatic.
The contact object must have its external id in the identifying field specified in mappings configuration.


  • contact, object: a contact in your API format
  • token, string: the botmatic integration token

The response success is true when the contact has successfully been updated.
It is false when:

  • the contact was not found on the remote service. error == "resource not found"
  • an error occurred
const {success, error} = await botmatic.updateContact(contact, token)
// success == true
// error == undefined
deleteContact(contact_id, token) -> Promise<{success, error}>

Deletes a contact on Botmatic. contact_id must be the contact's external id.


  • contact_id, string: the contact's external id
  • token, string: the botmatic integration token

The response success is true when the contact has successfully been deleted.
It is false when:

  • the contact was not found on the remote service. error = "resrouce not found"
  • an error occured
const {success, error} = await botmatic.deleteContact(contact_id, token)
// success == true
// error == undefiend
createProperty(property, token) -> Promise<{success, error}>

Adds a property on Botmatic.


  • property, {name: string [, type: string]}: the property
  • token, string: the botmatic integration token

The response success is true when the property has successfully been created.
It is false otherwise, check the response error.

const {success, error} = await botmatic.createProperty(property, token)
// success == true
// error == undefiend
createProperties(properties, token) -> Promise<{success, error}>

Adds many properties on Botmatic.


  • properties, array: the properties to add
  • token, string: the botmatic integration token

The response success is true when the properties have successfully been created.
It is false otherwise, check the response error.

const {success, error} = await botmatic.createProperty(property, token)
// success == true
// error == undefiend

Adds a listener for the INSTALL event. The callback's signature is:
callback({auth: {token}}) -> Promise<{data: object, type: "data"}> Where token is the integration token to be used when creating, updating or deleting contacts or properties.
See "Handling INSTALL" for an example.


Adds a listener for the UNINSTALL event. The callback's signature is:
callback({auth: {token, client}}) -> Promise<{data: object, type: "data"}> Where token is the integration token to be used when creating, updating or deleting contacts or properties, client is the client data return by the auth function in configuration.
See "Authenticating requests from Botmatic"
See "Handling UNINSTALL"

onEvent(eventName, callback)

Adds a listener for any event in js-contact.events The callback's signature is:
callback({auth: {token, client}}) -> Promise<{data: object, type: "data"}> Where token is the integration token to be used when creating, updating or deleting contacts or properties, client is the client data return by the auth function in configuration.
See "Authenticating requests from Botmatic" See "Handling other events"


Adds a listener for an action. The callback's signature is:
callback({auth: {token, client}}) -> Promise<{data: object, type: "data"}> Where token is the integration token to be used when creating, updating or deleting contacts or properties, client is the client data return by the auth function in configuration.
See "Authenticating requests from Botmatic" See "Handling other actions"


Properly shuts down the express server. If provided, calls callback when done.


ExternalAPIConsumer Interface

An ExternalAPIConsumer is used to communicate with your service's API. It should implement the set of methods descibed bellow, and handle authentication to your service.

createContact(contact) -> Promise<{success, id, error}>

Creates a contact.
The response success is true when:

  • The contact has successfully been created
  • The new id is returned

It is false when:

  • The creation failed
  • No id has been returned
  • An error occurred
const {success, id, error} = await consumer.createContact({"first_name": "Patrick", "last_name": "Chen"})
// success == true
// id is the id returned by your external service
getContact(id) -> Promise<{success, contact, error}>

Fetches a contact by its id.
The response success is true when:

  • A contact with the given id is found

It is false when:

  • No contact was found. error == "resource not found"
  • An error occurred
const {success, contact, error} = await cosumer.getContact(23)
// success == true
// contact == { first_name: "Patrick", last_name: "Chen" }
getContactByEmail(email) -> Promise<{success, contact, error}>

Fetches a contact by its email.
The response success is true when:

  • A contact with a matching email is found

It is false when:

  • No matching contact was found. error == "resource not found"
  • An error occured
const {success, contact, error} = await consumer.getContactByEmail("patrick.chen@fake.org")
// success == true
// contact == { first_name: "Patrick", last_name: "Chen", email: "patrick.chen@fake.org" }
listContacts([page=1], [limit=30]) -> Promise<{success, contacts, error}>

Fetches a paginated list of contacts.
The response success is true when:

  • The request is successful
  • If no contacts are found, contacts is an empty array

The response success is false when:

  • An error occured
const {success, contacts, error} = await consumer.listContacts(2, 30)
// success == true
// contacts is an array containing contacts from 31 to 61
listAllContacts([page_size=30], callback) -> Promise<{success, contacts, error}>

Fetches all contacts, page by page, and calls callback with each page. callback may be called with an empty array.
Actually calls listContact() until it returns an empty array.

The response success is always true. The response contacts will only contains the result of successful calls to listContacts()

const {success, contacts, error} = await consumer.listAllContacts(30, (contacts) => {
  console.log(`Fetched ${contacts.length} contacts`)

console.log(`Fetched a total of ${contacts.length} contacts`)
// success == true
// contains all contacts
// Console shows : 
//  Fetched 30 contacts
//  Fetched 13 contacts
//  Fetched a total of 43 contacts
updateContact(contact) -> Promise<{success, error}>

Updates a contact.

The response success is true when the contact has successfully been updated.
It is false when:

  • the contact was not found on the remote service. error == "resource not found"
  • an error occurred
const {success, error} = await consumer.updateContact(contact)
// success == true
deleteContact(contact_id) -> Promise<{success, error}>

Deletes a contact.

The response success is true when the contact has successfully been deleted.
It is false when:

  • the contact was not found on the remote service. error = "resrouce not found"
  • an error occured
const {success, error} = await consumer.deleteContact(29)
// success == true
Implementation example
const API_BASE = "http://dummy.api.com"
const CONTACT_ENDPOINT = `${API_BASE}/contacts`

const createContact = (contact) => {
  return Promise(resolve => {
    request(CONTACT_ENPOINT, {
      method: 'post',
      headers: {'content-type': 'application/json'},
      json: contact
    }, (err, responseBody) => {
      if (!err) {
        resolve({success: true, id: responseBody.id})
      else {
        resolve({success: false, error: err})

// Implement the other functions

module.exports = {

KeyStore Interface

Because ids on Botmatic won't necessarily match ids on your external service, a KeyStore is used to store botmatic/external id pairs. Although there is a @botmatic/js-redis-key-store implementing this interface with redis, you can implement your own for any type storage your want.
All functions take an integrationId as first argument. It is recommended to use the token received upon installation as it unique per integration.

saveIds(integrationId, botmaticId, externalId) -> Promise<boolean>

Saves a botmatic/external id pair. The returned Promise resolves to true in case of success, false in case of error.

getBotmaticId(integrationId, externalId) -> Promise<string | null>

Gets the botmatic id associated with the given external id.
The returned Promise resolves to the botmatic id, or null if none is found.

getExternalId(integrationId, botmaticId) -> Promise<string | null>

Gets the external id associated with the given botmatic id.
The returned Promise resolves to the external id, or null if none is found.

deleteIds(integrationId, botmaticId, externalId) -> Promise<boolean>

Deletes a botmatic/external id pair.
The returned Promise resolves to true in case of success, false in case of error.

deleteAllIds(integrationId) -> Promise<boolean>

Deletes all botmatic/external id pairs for a given integration. The returned Promise resolves to true in case of success, false in case of error.


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