
6.0.6 • Public • Published

Backbase Schematics

Backbase provides a @bb-cli/schematics NPM package, which contains a collection of Angular Schematics. These can be used to transform your project by generating or modifying code.

This section provides reference information to scaffold the following:

Backbase Project

npm run ng -- generate ng-new <name> [-dir|--directory=<directory>] [--npm-scope=<npm-scope>] [--version=<version>] [-p|--prefix=<prefix>] [--registry=<registry>] [--skip-install=<true|false>]


Argument Description
<name> Project name


Option Description

The directory name to create the project in

Aliases: -dir


Npm scope for importing libs


The version of the module

Default: 1.0.0


The prefix to apply to generated component & decorator selectors

Default: bb

Aliases: -p


Npm registry for @backbase scoped packages

Default: https://repo.backbase.com/artifactory/api/npm/npm-backbase/


When true, does not install dependency packages


npm run ng -- generate app <name> [--project-root=<project-root>] [-s|--inline-style=<true|false>] [-t|--inline-template=<true|false>] [--view-encapsulation=<Emulated|Native|None|ShadowDom>] [-S|--skip-tests=<true|false>] [--skip-package-json=<true|false>]


Argument Description
<name> The name of the application


Option Description

The root directory of the new application


Specifies if the style will be in the ts file

Default: true

Aliases: -s


Specifies if the template will be in the ts file

Aliases: -t


The view encapsulation strategy to use in the new app.


Skip creating spec files

Default: true

Aliases: -S


Do not add dependencies to package.json


npm run ng -- generate bundle  [--project=<project>] [--strategy=<single|per-spa|per-route>] [--depth=<depth>] [--portal-protocol=<portal-protocol>] [--portal-host=<portal-host>] [--portal-port=<portal-port>] [--portal-context=<portal-context>] [--portal-version=<portal-version>] [--auth-type=<auth-type>] [--portal-username=<portal-username>] [--portal-password=<portal-password>] [--portal-auth-path=<portal-auth-path>] [--ropc-identity-provider=<ropc-identity-provider>] [--ropc-client-id=<ropc-client-id>] [--ropc-scope=<ropc-scope>] [--ropc-client-secret=<ropc-client-secret>] [--model-files=<model-files>]


Option Description

The name of the project.


The bundling strategy to use. Should be one of 'single', 'per-spa', or 'per-route'.


For the per-route strategy only, how deep into the routing tree to split into bundles (defaults to max depth)


Protocol of the URL identifying Backbase server


Host name of the URL identifying Backbase server


Port of the URL identifying Backbase server


Application context of the Backbase server


Portal version (5, 6, 6.1)


The type of authentication mechanism to use. The default is 'basic' for legacy Backbase Authentication Services, using basic Auth. Use 'ropc' for Backbase Identity and Access Management (or other compatible Identity Provider. See the online Backbase Documentation for more details.






Authorization path (for basic auth only)


Full URL of the identity provider for ROPC auth


A unique string that was used when registering the CLI as a client


The scope of the access request


Usually optional, a secret/password assigned to the client in the Identity Provider config when the CLI was registered as a client'


comma seprated json files that contains page model


npm run ng -- generate widget <name> [--item-name=<item-name>] [--inline-template=<true|false>] [--npm-scope=<npm-scope>] [--public=<true|false>] [--spec=<true|false>] [--project=<project>]


Argument Description
<name> The name of the module


Option Description

The name of the backbase application item


Include template inline in the component.ts file


Npm scope of the package


Whether this library needs to be published to an NPM registry (in Angular Package Format). This is only required to share this library with a project outside of this repository


Specifies if a spec file is generated


Project to add widget to

UI Component

npm run ng -- generate ui-component <name> <lib> 


Argument Description
<name> The name of the component
<lib> The library name which the component is going to be a part of


npm run ng -- generate library <name> [--version=<version>] [--project=<project>] [--npm-scope=<npm-scope>] [--public=<true|false>] [-np|--no-project=<true|false>] [--skip-test=<true|false>] [--skip-lint=<true|false>]


Argument Description
<name> The name of the module


Option Description

The version of the module (for public)

Default: 1.0.0


Project to add the library to


Npm scope of the package


Whether this library needs to be published to an NPM registry (in Angular Package Format) - this is only required to share this library with a project outside of this repository


The option to skip the step where library is added to the project

Aliases: -np


The option to skip test architect


The option to skip lint architect


npm run ng -- generate theme  [--name=<name>] [--project-name=<project-name>] [--theme-version=<theme-version>]


Option Description

Theme name. Defaults to 'backbase-theme'

Default: backbase-theme


Project name. If not provided the defaultProject inside angular.json will be selected.


The version of the Backbase Theme to create from, defaults to 'latest'

Default: latest


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5.76 MB

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  • backbase-admin
  • bb-cli