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1.0.0-alpha.20240718.4 • Public • Published

Azure Communication Short Codes client library for JavaScript

The phone numbers library provides capabilities for short codes administration.

Getting started



npm install @azure-tools/communication-short-codes

Browser support

JavaScript Bundle

To use this client library in the browser, first you need to use a bundler. For details on how to do this, please refer to our bundling documentation.

Key concepts

The short codes package exposes the ShortCodesClient which provides methods to manage short codes.

Short Code types

Short Codes come in two types; shortCode and alphaId. ShortCode = 5 digit number | alphaId = alphanumeric 5 digit combination.

Short Codes

Short codes are a type of number that are available to enterprise customers. They come in the form of a 5 or 6 digit number and can be used to send sms similar to how a toll-free or geographic number is used. In order to acquire a short code it is necessary to submit an application, or program brief.

Program Briefs

A program brief tracks the application for a short code and contains all the information necessary to process the application as well as information on the status of the application and any updates that may be needed. It can take 8-12 weeks for a program brief to be approved and a short code to be issued once the program brief is submitted.



To create a client object to access the Communication Services API, you will need a connection string or the endpoint of your Communication Services resource and a credential. The Phone Numbers client can use either Azure Active Directory credentials or an API key credential to authenticate.

You can get a key and/or connection string from your Communication Services resource in the Azure Portal. You can also find the endpoint for your Communication Services resource in the Azure Portal.

Once you have a key, you can authenticate the ShortCodesClient with any of the following methods:

Using a connection string

import { ShortCodesClient } from "@azure-tools/communication-short-codes";

const connectionString = "endpoint=<endpoint>;accessKey=<accessKey>";
const client = new ShortCodesClient(connectionString);

Using an access key with AzureKeyCredential

If you use a key to initialize the client you will also need to provide the appropriate endpoint. You can get this endpoint from your Communication Services resource in Azure Portal. Once you have a key and endpoint, you can authenticate with the following code:

import { AzureKeyCredential } from "@azure/core-auth";
import { ShortCodesClient } from "@azure-tools/communication-short-codes";

const credential = new AzureKeyCredential("<key-from-resource>");
const client = new ShortCodesClient("<endpoint-from-resource>", credential);

Using an Azure Active Directory Credential

Connection string authentication is used in most of the examples, but you can also authenticate with Azure Active Directory using the Azure Identity library. To use the DefaultAzureCredential provider shown below, or other credential providers provided with the Azure SDK, please install the @azure/identity package:

npm install @azure/identity

The @azure/identity package provides a variety of credential types that your application can use to do this. The README for @azure/identity provides more details and samples to get you started.

import { DefaultAzureCredential } from "@azure/identity";
import { ShortCodesClient } from "@azure-tools/communication-short-codes";

let credential = new DefaultAzureCredential();
const client = new ShortCodesClient("<endpoint-from-resource>", credential);


The following sections provide code snippets that cover some of the common tasks using the Azure Communication Services Phone Numbers client. The scenarios that are covered here consist of:

Create and submit a program brief

Initialize a ShortCodesCreateUSProgramBriefParams object and populate it with the details for your program brief.

import { ShortCodesClient } from "@azure-tools/communication-short-codes";

const connectionString = "endpoint=<endpoint>;accessKey=<accessKey>";
const client = new ShortCodesClient(connectionString);

async main function() {
  const programBriefId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000";
  const programBriefRequest: ShortCodesCreateUSProgramBriefParams = {
    body: {
      id: programBriefId,
      programDetails: {
        description: "Customers can sign up to receive regular updates on coupons and other perks of our loyalty program.",
        expectedDateOfService: new Date(2022, 1, 25),
        isPoliticalCampaign: false,
        isVanity: false,
        name: "Contoso Loyalty Program",
        numberType: "shortCode",
        privacyPolicyUrl: "https://contoso.com/privacy",
        signUp: "This program will allow customers to receive exclusive offers and information to help them utilize our loyalty program to their best advantage. Customers who opt-in will receive regular coupons they can use in our stores, as well as advanced notice of sales and other promotional and marketing campaigns.",
        signUpTypes: [ "sms", "website" ],
        termsOfServiceUrl: "https://contoso.com/terms",
        url: "https://contoso.com/loyalty-program"
      companyInformation: {
        address: "1 Contoso Way Redmond, WA 98052",
        name: "Contoso",
        url: "contoso.com",
        contactInformation: {
          email: "alex@contoso.com",
          name: "Alex",
          phone: "+14255551234"
        customerCareInformation: {
          email: "customercare@contoso.com",
          tollFreeNumber: "+18005551234"
      messageDetails: {
        types: [ "sms" ],
        recurrence: "subscription",
        contentTypes: [ "coupons", "loyaltyProgram", "loyaltyProgramPointsPrizes" ],
        optInMessage: "Someone requested to subscribe this number to receive updates about Contoso's loyalty program.  To confirm subscription, reply to this message with 'JOIN'",
        optInReply: "JOIN",
        confirmationMessage: "Congrats, you have been successfully subscribed to loyalty program updates.  Welcome!",
        useCase: "two-way"
      trafficDetails: {
        estimatedVolume: 10000,
        monthlyAverageMessagesFromUser: 1,
        monthlyAverageMessagesToUser: 3,
        isSpiky: true,
        spikeDetails: "Higher traffic expected around major shopping holidays, most notably Black Friday and Memorial Day."


Then add a call to upsertUSProgramBrief and use the object you created as the parameter. This will create a program brief object which can then be modified as much as needed until it's ready to be submitted.

  // create program brief
  var createResponse = await client.upsertUSProgramBrief(programBriefId, programBriefRequest);
  if (createResponse._response.status != 201) {
    throw new Error(`Program brief creation failed.
    Status code: ${createResponse._response.status}; Error: ${createResponse._response.bodyAsText}; CV: ${createResponse._response.headers.get("MS-CV")}`);
  } else {
    console.log(`Successfully created a new program brief with Id ${programBriefId}.`);

When ready to submit, call submitUSProgramBrief to submit for processing. After submission no edits will be allowed unless requested as part of the application process.

  // submit program brief
  var submittedProgramBrief = await client.submitUSProgramBrief(programBriefId);
  if (submittedProgramBrief._response.status == 200) {
    console.log(`Successfully submitted program brief with Id ${programBriefId}`);
  } else {
    throw new Error(`Failed to submit program brief with Id ${programBriefId}.
    Status code: ${submittedProgramBrief._response.status}; Error: ${submittedProgramBrief._response.bodyAsText}; CV: ${submittedProgramBrief._response.headers.get("MS-CV")}`);

Get and delete program briefs

Use the listUSProgramBriefs method to page through all program briefs for an ACS resource. Use deleteUSProgramBrief to delete unwanted program briefs. Keep in mind that once a program brief is submitted it is not eligible for deletion.

import { ShortCodesClient } from "@azure-tools/communication-short-codes";

const connectionString = "endpoint=<endpoint>;accessKey=<accessKey>";
const client = new ShortCodesClient(connectionString);

async main function() {
  // get all program briefs for a resource
  var programBriefs = await client.listUSProgramBriefs();

  // find draft program briefs, and delete them
  for await (const programBrief of programBriefs) {
    console.log(`Program Brief with Id ${programBrief.id} has status ${programBrief.status}`);

    // identify drafts
    if (programBrief.status == 'draft') {
      var unsubmittedProgramBriefId = programBrief.id;
      // delete draft program brief
      var deleteResponse = await client.deleteUSProgramBrief(unsubmittedProgramBriefId);
      if (deleteResponse._response.status == 200) {
          console.log(`Successfully deleted draft program brief with Id ${unsubmittedProgramBriefId}`);
      } else {
          console.log(`Failed to delete draft program brief with Id ${unsubmittedProgramBriefId}.
          Status code: ${deleteResponse._response.status}; Error: ${deleteResponse._response.bodyAsText}; CV: ${deleteResponse._response.headers.get("MS-CV")}`);


Get and update program brief

Use the getUSProgramBrief to retrieve a single program brief by its Id. Use the upsertUSProgramBrief to update a program brief. upsertUSProgramBrief accepts a ShortCodesUpsertUSProgramBriefOptionalParams object, in which only the fields that are changing need to be set.

import { ShortCodesClient } from "@azure-tools/communication-short-codes";

const connectionString = "endpoint=<endpoint>;accessKey=<accessKey>";
const client = new ShortCodesClient(connectionString);

async main function() {
  // get a program briefs for a resource
  const programBriefId = process.env.PROGRAM_BRIEF_TO_GET || "<program brief Id>";
  var programBrief = await client.getUSProgramBrief(programBriefId);
  console.log(`Program brief with Id ${programBrief.id} has status ${programBrief.status} which was last updated ${programBrief.statusUpdatedDate}`);

  // update the program brief
  var updateRequest: ShortCodesUpsertUSProgramBriefOptionalParams = {
      body: {
          id: programBriefId,
          programDetails: {
              privacyPolicyUrl: "https://contoso.com/updated-privacy",
              termsOfServiceUrl: "https://contoso.com/updated-terms-of-service"
  var upsertResponse = await client.upsertUSProgramBrief(programBriefId, updateRequest);
  if (upsertResponse._response.status == 200) {
      console.log(`Successfully updated terms of service and privacy policy for program brief ${programBriefId}`);
  } else {
      throw new Error(`Failed to update program brief with Id ${programBriefId}.
      Status code: ${upsertResponse._response.status}; Error: ${upsertResponse._response.bodyAsText}; CV: ${upsertResponse._response.headers.get("MS-CV")}`);


Get short codes

Use listShortCodes to page through all short codes owned by a resource.

import { ShortCodesClient } from "@azure-tools/communication-short-codes";

const connectionString = "endpoint=<endpoint>;accessKey=<accessKey>";
const client = new ShortCodesClient(connectionString);

async main function() {
  // get all short codes for a resource
  var shortCodes = await client.listShortCodes();

  // print all short codes
  for await (const shortCode of shortCodes) {


Get short code costs

Use listShortCodeCosts to page through all short code costs eligible by a resource.

import { ShortCodesClient } from "@azure-tools/communication-short-codes";

const connectionString = "endpoint=<endpoint>;accessKey=<accessKey>";
const client = new ShortCodesClient(connectionString);

async main function() {
  // get all eligible short code costs for a resource
  var shortCodeCosts = await client.listShortCodeCosts();

  // print all short code costs
  for await (const shortCodeCost of shortCodeCosts) {



Next steps

Please take a look at the samples directory for detailed examples on how to use this library.


If you'd like to contribute to this library, please read the contributing guide to learn more about how to build and test the code.

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