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AYYO A.I. Bot Software Development Kit

Alpha Edition

Create your own ayyo.ai Bot

AYYO fully supports automated agents playing our games and has incorporated ayyo.ai Bots into the ayyo.gg autopilot control system. This means players can either develop and deploy AI behaviors to run autonomously in the cloud or in-game with the flip of a switch in the auto-pilot console. This repository provides a Software Development Kit for building AYYO AI bots.

AYYO AI bots act as virtual players in the AYYO game. AYYO A.I. Bots subscribe and process the AYYO game state in real time, responding and sending controller inputs to the AYYO servers.


npm install git@gitlab.com:ayyo.ai/sdk.git


import AYYO from '@ayyo.ai/sdk';

async function go () {

  // Creates a new AYYO.Bot client
  let bobbyBot = new AYYO.Bot({
    nickname: 'Bobby',
    apiKey: '0xAaAaaaAAaaaAaaeEEeeEeeEe89a9EF980AdcA1fC' // your public ETH address

  // Listens for any errors from the client
  bobbyBot.on('error', function(err){
    throw err;

  // Listens for each gamestate tick event ( 33.33 FPS, 40ms fixed time step)
  bobbyBot.on('gamestate', function(gamestate){

  // Connects the bot to a random room
  await bobbyBot.connect();
  // Joins the default game room
  await bobbyBot.join();

  console.log('whoami:', bobbyBot.currentPlayer);

  // Emit player controller input to the server
  // ( see documentation for all available inputs )
    // Moves player forward while auto-firing weapon
    bobbyBot.sendInputs({ UP: true, primaryWeapon: true });
  }, 2000);


Low-Level API

import AYYO from '@ayyo.ai/sdk';

async function go () {
  // Creates a new AYYO.Bot client
  let bobbyBot = new AYYO.Bot({
    nickname: 'Bobby',
    apiKey: '0xAaAaaaAAaaaAaaeEEeeEeeEe89a9EF980AdcA1fC' // your public ETH address

  // Listens for any errors from the client
  bobbyBot.on('error', function(err){
    throw err;

  bobbyBot.on('gamestate', function(gamestate){
    //console.log('gamestate', gamestate)
    // Perform arbitrary logic on gamestate array
    // Each item contains a "Thing" which represents a gamestate entity
      // TODO: paste console output from term
    // set any of the available control input values to true or false,
    // for example, move the player up
      UP: false,
      primaryWeapon: true

  // Connects the bot to a random room
  await bobbyBot.connect();
  // Joins the default game room
  await bobbyBot.join();

  console.log('whoami:', bobbyBot.game.currentPlayer);



AI Behaviors API ( recommended )

Chainable API with built-in AI Behaviors ( found here ) and custom middlewars

import AYYO from '@ayyo.ai/sdk';

async function go () {

  // Creates a new AYYO.Bot client
  let bobbyBot = new AYYO.Bot({
    nickname: 'Bobby',
    apiKey: '0xAaAaaaAAaaaAaaeEEeeEeeEe89a9EF980AdcA1fC' // your public ETH address

  // Listens for any errors from the client
  bobbyBot.on('error', function(err){
    throw err;

  function autoFire (gamestate, response, next) {
    console.log('Firing Primary Weapon')
    // Set controller inputs
    response.inputs.primaryWeapon = true;
    // Call next() to continue to the next middleware
    // To stop middleware processing for this game tick,
    // you can call response.end() instead of next() to end the response
    // response.end();

  // after connection, each of these behaviors are run top to bottom each each gametick 
    .use(function avoidDanger(gamestate, response, next) {
      // Perform custom logic here based on gamestate.snapshot
      // Set response.inputs controller values to true or false
    .use(function logger(gamestate, response, next) {
      //console.log(gamestate, response, next)
        console.log(thing.type, thing.id, thing.x.toFixed(2),thing.y.toFixed(2));

  // Connects the bot to AYYO game servers
  await bobbyBot.connect();

  // Joins a random game room
  await bobbyBot.join();

  console.log('whoami:', bobbyBot.currentPlayer);



Note: The Server will reset all input values to false on each new gametick.

Available Controller Inputs

const controls = {
  UP: 'UP',
  primaryWeapon: 'SPACE',
  secondaryWeapon: 'D',
  tertiaryWeapon: 'A',
  quadWeapon: 'F',
  leftBumper: 'SHIFT',
  leaderboardToggle: 'TAB',
  zoomIn: 'OPEN_BRACKET',
  zoomOut: 'CLOSED_BRACKET',
  exit: 'ESC'


Copyright AYYO.ai 2023


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