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2.1.0-beta.6 • Public • Published

Social Previews

This package contains low level components that can be used to display an approximation of how a given post might like look when viewed on various social media / search platforms.

At the current time there are components to display previews for:

  • Facebook post.
  • Twitter post.
  • Google Search result.
  • Tumblr post.
  • LinkedIn post.
  • Nextdoor post.
  • Threads post.


Your application must be able to load Sass/SCSS files. You may implement this however you like.


Here's a simple usage example using the preview component for Facebook:

import { FacebookPreviews } from '@automattic/social-previews';

	title="Five for the Future"
	description="Launched in 2014, Five for the Future encourages organizations to contribute five percent of their resources to WordPress development. WordPress co-founder Matt Mullenweg proposed this benchmark to maintain a “golden ratio” of contributors to users."
	user={ { displayName: 'Matt Mullenweg' } }

Here is another example using the Search result component:

import { GoogleSearchPreview } from '@automattic/social-previews';

	title="Five for the Future"
	description="Launched in 2014, Five for the Future encourages organizations to contribute five percent of their resources to WordPress development. WordPress co-founder Matt Mullenweg proposed this benchmark to maintain a “golden ratio” of contributors to users."
	siteTitle="Five for the Future"

Twitter previews support the same properties for previewing a single tweet, but can also preview multiple tweets in the form of a Twitter thread. For that, the tweets property takes an array of tweets. Each item in this array can take additional information about the tweet, giving the preview a more native feel.

import { TwitterPreviews } from '@automattic/social-previews';

const tweetTemplate = {
	date: Date.now(),
	name: 'My Account Name',
	profileImage: 'https://abs.twimg.com/sticky/default_profile_images/default_profile_bigger.png',
	screenName: '@myAccount',

	tweets={ [
			text: 'This is the first tweet in a thread, it only has text in it.',
			text: 'The second tweet has some images attached, too!',
			media: [
					alt: 'The alt text for the first image.',
					url: 'https://url.for.the/first/image.png',
					type: 'image/png',
					alt: 'The alt text for the second image.',
					url: 'https://url.for.the/second/image.png',
					type: 'image/png',
	] }

An example of LinkedIn preview

import { LinkedInPreviews } from '@automattic/social-previews';

	jobTitle="Job Title (Company Name)"
	name="LinkedIn Account Name"
	title="Post title goes here"
	text="The text of the post goes here."

Tumblr preview

import { TumblrPreviews } from '@automattic/social-previews';

	title="Five for the Future"
	description="Launched in 2014, Five for the Future encourages organizations to contribute five percent of their resources to WordPress development. WordPress co-founder Matt Mullenweg proposed this benchmark to maintain a “golden ratio” of contributors to users."
	user={ { displayName: 'Matt Mullenweg' } }
	customText="Some custom text here"


There are a number of common properties used across all components:

  • title - the title of the post being previewed.
  • description - a longer description of the post being previewed.
  • url - the full URL of the post being previewed.

In addition each individual component accepts optional additional properties that may be specific to their given platform (eg: image, author...etc).

Auto Truncation

Note that due to limits enforced by each given platform some strings may need to be truncated. Each component has its individual rules governing the number of characters in a given field allowed before truncation occurs. Limits are typically higher for description fields and shorter for title fields. Truncation by SPACE character is preferred, but where that is not possible a hard truncation is imposed. In both cases an ellipsis character ()`is appended to the end of the string to indicate that a truncation has occurred.

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