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0.1.8 • Public • Published


⚡️ Design your API around your TypeORM entities in minutes.

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entity-routes allows you to make an instant CRUD with a single @EntityRoute decorator. Compatible with Koa/Express/Next/Nuxt.

No boilerplate controllers. No code generation. No custom schema.


Check the docs here.


Basically this is a Node / Typescript route handler tightly coupled with TypeORM entities.

I wanted to get rid of writing the same boring controllers again & again for each entities and I could not find a NodeJS project that would fit my needs : being simple enough not to require any configuration (or controllers), yet easily customizable when needed.

Table of Contents

Core Features

  • Instant CRUD with a simple @EntityRoute decorator
  • Independant service components (Database Reader, Persister, RelationManager etc...)
  • Built-in validation using class-validator/entity-validator decorators on your entities
  • Granular control over which properties are exposed (with @Groups) in which context
  • (nestable) Subresources (Entity properties that have dedicated endpoints)
  • Inferred entity route mappings (with generated endpoints to get the summary of an entity exposed properties for each contexts)
  • (async?) Computed properties (methods exposed as properties)
  • @MaxDepth decorator for entity/properties
  • Optimized SQL queries with only exposed properties selected
  • Soft delete/restoration supported (also for Subresources)
  • Built-in powerful filters for lists (Search/Pagination) that should fit well for 99% use cases
  • Custom filters if you find yourself in the 1%
  • Hooks to alter a request handling at any point in the process
  • Standardized REST responses


Since this library depends on TS Decorators just like typeorm, we need to install ReflectMetadata.

npm i @astahmer/entity-routes reflect-metadata typeorm

Don't forget to import ReflectMetadata in your app entrypoint.

import "reflect-metadata";

You also need this in your tsconfig.json

    "emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
    "experimentalDecorators": true

Learn about typescript decorators here.

Quick start

Make your entities

You're just gonna have to create your TypeORM entities just like you always did. Then there are 2 @ decorators that are specific to entity-routes :

  • @EntityRoute which is a class decorator, must be placed at the top of it so that your entities can be exposed through an EntityRouter.
  • @Groups which is a property decorator, must be placed at the top of every properties you want to expose through your routes, more details on it later

Here is a simple example.

export class AbstractEntity {
    id: number;

@EntityRoute({ path: "/users", operations: ["create", "update", "details", "list", "delete"] })
export class User extends AbstractEntity {
    name: string;

    @Subresource(() => Article)
    @OneToMany(() => Article, (article) => article.author)
    articles: Article[];

export class Article extends AbstractEntity {
    title: string;

    content: string;

    @ManyToOne(() => User, (user) => user.articles)
    author: User;

It will automatically generate those routes :

    "/users : post",
    "/users/mapping : post",
    "/users/:id(\\d+) : put",
    "/users/:id(\\d+)/mapping : put",
    "/users/:id(\\d+) : get",
    "/users/:id(\\d+)/mapping : get",
    "/users : get",
    "/users/mapping : get",
    "/users/:id(\\d+) : delete",
    "/users/:UserId(\\d+)/articles : post",
    "/users/:UserId(\\d+)/articles : get",
    "/users/:UserId(\\d+)/articles/:id(\\d+) : delete",

Register your Entity Routes

Using Koa

import { AddressInfo } from "net";
import { makeKoaEntityRouters } from "@astahmer/entity-routes";
import * as Koa from "koa";
import * as bodyParser from "koa-bodyparser";
import { Connection } from "typeorm";
export async function setupKoaApp(connection: Connection) {
    const entities = connection.entityMetadatas.map((meta) => meta.target) as Function[];
    const bridgeRouters = await makeKoaEntityRouters({ connection, entities, options });
    const app = new Koa();
    / Register all routes on koa server
    bridgeRouters.forEach((router) => app.use(router.instance.routes()));
    / Always validate when no groups are passed on validators
    const server = app.listen(); / random port
    const baseURL = `${(server.address() as AddressInfo).port}`;
    const client = axios.create({ baseURL });
    return { baseURL, server, client };

Using Express/Next/Nuxt

import { AddressInfo } from "net";
import { makeExpressEntityRouters } from "@astahmer/entity-routes";
import * as bodyParser from "body-parser";
import * as express from "express";
import { Connection } from "typeorm";
export async function setupExpressApp(connection: Connection) {
    const entities = connection.entityMetadatas.map((meta) => meta.target) as Function[];
    const bridgeRouters = await makeExpressEntityRouters({ connection, entities, options });
    const app = express();
    app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }));
    / Register all routes on Express server
    bridgeRouters.forEach((router) => app.use(router.instance));
    const server = app.listen(); / random port
    const baseURL = `${(server.address() as AddressInfo).port}`;
    const client = axios.create({ baseURL });
    return { baseURL, server, client };

Final step

That's it. There is no final step. Your routes are ready.


  • 0 config required
  • Compatible with Express, Koa, Next, Nuxt and any other middleware-based framework using adapters
  • Out-of-the-box support for Koa/Express integrations
  • Type-safe API
  • Almost complete code coverage (95%+)
  • Everything (types included) is exported so you can use it your own way


MIT © 2020 Alexandre Stahmer

Inspired by an internal project made at ACSEO with ApiPlatform (Symfony/PHP)

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  • astahmer