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- State: development
- Demo: https://artsy.github.io/reaction
- CI:
- NPM:
- Point People: @alloy & @l2succes
$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/artsy/reaction.git
$ cd reaction
$ npm install -g yarn
$ yarn install
$ cp .env.oss .env
Development of components happen in storybooks:
$ yarn start $ open http://localhost:9001/
Run the tests:
$ yarn test
Run the tests continuously (or use
):$ yarn test -- --watch
In vscode, run the
TypeScript: Run type-checker
task and open thePROBLEMS
view to see continuous type-checker results. -
After updating components, be sure to deploy a new demo (sharing is caring!):
$ yarn deploy-storybook
When using new changes in metaphysics’ schema, be sure to update the local schema copy:
$ yarn sync-schema
There are some suggested VSCode extensions in
and additional docs at docs/vscode.md.
Commits and Deployments
Circle CI is set up to publish releases to NPM automatically via semantic-release following every successful merge to master.
Release versions (major, minor, patch) are triggered by commit messages, when they adhere to Ember conventions:
[TAG context] commit message
Valid tags for release include PATCH, DOC, FIX (patch), FEATURE (minor), and BREAKING (major). Commits that do not adhere to this convention will not trigger an NPM release.
Example Patch Release
[FIX onboarding] Modal does not open
[PATCH] Bump version
Example Minor (Feature) Release
[FEATURE auctions] Add relay-based slider component
Example Major (Breaking) Release
[BREAKING publishing] Replace children with props for caption editing