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0.1.9 • Public • Published

Appstrax Admin Services Node.js Library

Table of Contents


Appstrax in partnership with CodeCapsules provides software tools and infrastructure to assist in the development, hosting and managing of your applications.

Getting Started

To use the Appstrax Services, an instance of the API is required. Each API instance has an admin panel which allows admin users to manage registered users, application data and uploaded files and application configuration accordingly.

To get this instance set-up, first send an email to info@appstrax.tech and we'll help create, host and manage your Appstrax API here: https://codecapsules.io/


Add @appstrax/admin-services as a project dependency:

npm install @appstrax/admin-services


Initialize the appstrax-admin-services libraries:

// import the services library
import { AppstraxServices } from '@appstrax/admin-services';

// initialize the service
await AppstraxServices.init({
  apiUrl: '' // the base URL of your Appstrax Services API
  apiKey: '' // create your api-key in the Appstrax Services admin panel

User Service

This library integrates with the Appstrax Auth API and is used in nodejs applications.

To get started import appstraxUsers into your project:

import { appstraxUsers, User } from '@appstrax/admin-services/auth';

Create User

try {
  let user = new User();
  user.email = email;
  user.password = password;
  user.data = {
    name: name,
    surname: surname,
    ... // any other user profile fields

  user = await appstraxUsers.create(user);
  console.log('Successfully Created: ', user.id);
} catch (err) {
  // something went wrong while trying to create the User

Update User

try {
  user.data = {
    name: name,
    surname: surname,
    age: 29,
    career: 'Software Engineer',

  user = await appstraxUsers.update(user);
  console.log('Successfully Updated: ', user.data);
} catch (err) {
  // something went wrong while trying to update the User

Delete User

try {
  await appstraxUsers.delete(user.id);
  console.log('Successfully Deleted.');
} catch (err) {
  // something went wrong while trying to delete the User

Change User Password

try {
  await appstraxUsers.changePassword(user.id, newPassword);
  console.log('Successfully Changed Password.');
} catch (err) {
  // something went wrong changing the password

Find User by Id

try {
  user = await appstraxUsers.findById(user.id);
  console.log('Successfully Found: ', user);
} catch (err) {
  // something went wrong while querying the collection

Querying Users With Find

The appstraxUsers.find() function takes a FetchQuery as an argument and returns a FindResultDto


A query to search for the users table similar to:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE email LIKE '%Joe%' ORDER BY email ASC LIMIT 5
try {
  const result: FindResultDto = await appstraxUsers.find({
    where: { email: { [Operator.LIKE]: "Joe" } },
    order: { email: "ASC" }
    offset: 0,
    limit: 5,

  this.totalUsers = result.count;
  this.userData = result.data;
} catch (err) {
  // something went wrong while querying the database

A query to search for the users table similar to:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE email LIKE '%Joe%' OR name LIKE '%Joe%' OR surname LIKE '%Joe%' LIMIT 5
try {
  const result: FindResultDto = await appstraxUsers.find({
    where: {
      [Operator.OR]: [
        { email: { [Operator.LIKE]: "Joe" } },
        { name: { [Operator.LIKE]: "Joe" } },
        { surname: { [Operator.LIKE]: "Joe" } },
    offset: 0,
    limit: 5,

  this.totalUsers = result.count;
  this.userData = result.data;
} catch (err) {
  // something went wrong while querying the database

Database Service

This library integrates with the Appstrax Database API and is used in nodejs applications.

To get started import appstraxDb into your project:

import { appstraxDb } from '@appstrax/admin-services/database';

Create Document

// create a new Document in the 'profiles' collection, returns a DocumentDto
try {
  const document: DocumentDto = await appstraxDb.create('profiles', {
    name: 'John',
    surname: 'Doe',
    career: 'Software Engineer',
  console.log('Document Created: ', document);
} catch (err) {
  // something went wrong while creating the document

Edit Document

// edit documents 
try {
  const document: DocumentDto = await appstraxDb.edit('profiles', document.id, {
    name: 'John Frederick',
    surname: 'Doe',
    career: 'Software Engineer',
  console.log('Document Edited:', document);
} catch (err) {
  // something went wrong while editing the document

Delete Document

// delete documents
 try {
  await appstraxDb.delete('profiles', document.id);
  console.log('Document Deleted.');
} catch (err) {
  // something went wrong while deleting the document

Find Document By Id

// findById returns a DocumentDto from the 'profiles' collection
try {
  const document: DocumentDto = await appstraxDb.findById('profiles', documentId);
  console.log('Document Found: ', document);
} catch (err) {
  // something went wrong while querying the 'profiles' collection

Find Documents

// find() returns a FindResultDto<DocumentDto>
try {
  const result: FindResultDto = await appstraxDb.find('profiles');
  console.log('Documents Found: ', results.data);
} catch (err) {
  // something went wrong while querying the 'profiles' collection

// find() accepts an optional FetchQuery as its second parameter
// in example below we find all documents where `career` includes 'Software'
try {
  const result: FindResultDto = await appstraxDb.find('profiles', {
    where: { career: { [Operator.LIKE]: 'Software' } },
  console.log('Documents Found: ', result.data);
} catch (err) {
  // something went wrong while querying the 'profiles' collection

CRUD Service

The CrudService is a abstract class which wraps the Create, Read, Update and Delete functions in appstraxDb. The CrudService is declared with a model which extends the Model class, this model is the type that the service Creates, Reads, Updates and Deletes.

Similarly to appstraxDb, the CrudService uses a collection name which represents the "table" that the data is stored in on the server.

To get started import CrudService & Model into your project:

import { CrudService, Model } from '@appstrax/admin-services/database';

Create your custom Model & Service:

// Profile is an example of the 'type' that the CrudService is declared with
// NB. each field requires a default value. (fieldName = defaultValue)
export class Profile extends Model {
  name: string = '';
  surname: string = '';
  career: string = '';

// ProfileService is an example of how to implement the CrudService
// 'profiles' is the collection name
export class ProfileService extends CrudService<Profile> {
  constructor() {
    super('profiles', Profile);

We can now use the ProfileService as follows:

const profileService = new ProfileService();
var createdProfileId: string = '';

// example of create 
try {
  const profile = new Profile();
  profile.name = 'Jane';
  profile.surname = 'Doe';
  profile.career = 'Software Engineer';

  // the `save` function is used to create and update
  let createdProfile = await profileService.save(profile);
  createdProfileId = createdProfile.id;
  console.log('Profile Created: ', createdProfileId);
} catch (err) {
  // something went wrong while creating the profile

// example of findById, returns an instantiated `Profile` or null.
try {
  const profile = await profileService.findById(createdProfileId);
  console.log('Profile Fetched: ', profile);
} catch (err) {
  // something went wrong when fetching

// example of find, returns a FindResultDto
try {
  const findResult = await profileService.find(); // find all profiles

  const profiles = findResult.data;
  console.log('Profiles Fetched: ', profiles);
} catch (err) {
  // something went wrong when fetching

// example of find with a FetchQuery
try {
  const findResult = await profileService.find({
    where: { career: { [Operator.LIKE]: 'Software' } },

  const profiles = findResult.data;
  console.log('Profiles Fetched: ', profiles);
} catch (err) {
  // something went wrong when fetching

// example of delete
try {
  await profileService.delete(createdProfileId);

  console.log('Profile Deleted: ', createdProfileId);
} catch (err) {
  // something went wrong while deleting the profile

Storage Service

This library integrates with the Appstrax Storage API and is used in nodejs applications.

To get started import appstraxStorage into your project:

import { appstraxStorage } from '@appstrax/admin-services/storage';

Upload File

// Upload File
try {
  const result = await appstraxStorage.uploadFile(
    (e) => {
      var percentCompleted = Math.round((e.loaded * 100) / e.total);
      console.log('Percentage Completed: ', percentCompleted);
  console.log('File Uploaded: ', result.downloadUrl);
} catch (err) {
  // something went wrong while uploading the file

Delete File

// Delete File using downloadUrl
try {
  await appstraxStorage.deleteFile(result.downloadUrl);
  console.log('File Deleted');
} catch (err) {
  // something went wrong while deleting the file

Fetch Directory

// Fetch Directory by path
try {
  const directoryDto = await appstraxStorage.fetchDirectory('');
  console.log('Directory: ', directoryDto);
} catch (err) {
  // something went wrong while fetching the directory

The appstraxStorage.fetchDirectory function returns a DirDto as defined below

interface DirDto {
  totalFiles: number;
  dirItems: DirItemDto[];

interface DirItemDto {
  name: string; // the name of the file or folder
  type: 'folder' | 'file';

Create Directory

// Create Directory by path
try {
  await appstraxStorage.createDirectory('/DirectoryA/DirectoryB');
} catch (err) {
  // something went wrong while creating the directory

Delete Directory

// Delete Directory by path
try {
  await appstraxStorage.deleteDirectory('/DirectoryA/DirectoryB');
} catch (err) {
  // something went wrong while deleting the directory

Query Models

The find() function accepts FetchQuery as an argument

Fetch Query

export interface FetchQuery {
  where?: Where;
  order?: Order;
  offset?: number;
  limit?: number;

export interface Where {
  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
  [key: string | Operator]: object | Operator | [] | number | string | boolean;

export interface Order {
  [key: string]: OrderDirection;

export enum OrderDirection {
  /** Ascending Order Direction */
  ASC = 'ASC',
  /** Descending Order Direction */
  DESC = 'DESC',

Query Operators

export enum Operator {
  /** Equal To Operator */
  /** Not Equal To Operator */
  /** And Operator */
  AND = 'AND',
  /** Or Operator */
  OR = 'OR',
  /** Greater Than Operator */
  GT = 'GT',
  /** Greater Than or Equal To Operator */
  GTE = 'GTE',
  /** Less Than Operator */
  LT = 'LT',
  /** Less Than or Equal To Operator */
  LTE = 'LTE',
  /** Like Operator */
  LIKE = 'LIKE',
  /** Not Like Operator */
  /** In Operator */
  IN = 'IN',

Query Results

The find() function returns FindResultDto:

// querying the data returns a FindResultDto<DocumentDto> from the collection
export interface FindResultDto<T extends DocumentDto | Model> {
  data: T[];
  where: Where;
  order: Order;
  limit: number;
  offset: number;
  count: number;

export class DocumentDto {
  id: string;
  data: any = {};
  createdAt: Date = null;
  updatedAt: Date = null;


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