
8.0.3 • Public • Published

Cache module for appolo.

Cache methods results using appolo-cache​ with optional redis store


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key Description Type Default
id cacheProvider injector id string cacheProvider
connection redis connection string string ``
memory true to use memory store boolean true
db true to use redis store boolean false
maxSize max memory store items number 1000
keyPrefix redis prefix key string c

all option are optional and will be added as defaults to cache options in config/modules/all.ts

import {CacheModule} from '@appolo/cache';

export = async function (app: App) {
    await app.module(new CacheModule({maxSize:100}));

   // or with redis store
   await app.module(new CacheModule({db:true,connection:"redis://redis-connection-string"}));


Cache Options

key Description Type Default
id custom cache id string className_methodName
maxSize max cache size number 1000
maxAge set maximum age in ms of all cache items number unlimited
clone clone the cache result boolean false
interval set cache refresh interval in ms number undefined
resolver function to get the cache key by default the first argument will be used as the cache key. function undefined
multi if no resolver defined use all the arguments as key else use the first argument as key boolean false
peek use peek method instead of get boolean false
refresh refresh cache on half maxAge expire boolean false
keyPrefix redis prefix key string c
memory true to use memory store boolean true
db true to use redis store boolean false
dbMaxAge set maximum age in ms of all cache items in db if not defined maxAge will be used number unlimited


import { cache,define } from 'appolo';

export class SomeClass {
    private counter = 0;

    method() {
       return ++this.counter

    // will be refreshed every 5 sec
    async method2(key:string) {
        let result = await doSomeThingAsync(key)
        return result;

     // will try to get items from memroy with expire
     // of 1 minute then from redis with expire of one hour
        async method2(key:string) {
            let result = await doSomeThingAsync(key)
            return result;


createCache(options: ICacheOptions, valueFn: Function, scope?: any)

create new cache wrapper

  • options - cache options
  • valueFn - value function will be called to get the value
  • scope - scope of the value function


return cache wrapper by id


cache wrapper instance

get<T>(...args: any[]): Promise<T> | T

get value from cache if not found the value fn will be called

get cache

return appolo-cache​ instance


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