
0.13.0 • Public • Published

Andive UI Library

Style <div /> the Ambler way.


Getting started

  • yarn add @ambler/andive react react-dom styled-components

Any React project

  1. Render the component which reset the SPA Css.
import {Baseline} from '@ambler/andive'
import App from './app'

function HelloWorld() {
  return (
      <Baseline />
      <App />
  1. Import the Asap Google font (default Andive's font).
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Asap" />
  1. Enjoy the set of components and rules andive provides :)


To style our components we use styled-components. To avoid dependency collisions and let you configure your styled-components it is set as a peerDependency






How to release

If you are working on andive and want to share some unstable future features or refactor, do it from the canary channel. The canary channel mirrors the stable one.

Canary workflow

Manually you:

  • checkout the canary branch
  • commit some changes
  • yarn release:canary
  • git push origin canary --follow-tags

Then CircleCI does:

  • build the package
  • TODO: test (removed because no test exists as of now)
  • push to npm with the @canary tag

Production workflow

Manullay you:

  • checkout the master branch
  • merge canary, when ready and stable, into master
  • yarn release
  • git push origin master --follow-tags

Then CircleCI does:

  • build the package
  • push to npm with the default @latest tag

Publish the storybook

After a release is done, deploy the according storybook with:

  • yarn share

  • if canary: now alias <outputed-now-build-url> andive-canary.ambler.fr

  • else if prod: now alias <outputed-now-build-url> andive.ambler.fr

Project dependencies and setup

  • Prettier VSCode: we let eslint format the code through eslint. Keep editor.formatOnSave disabled to let eslint.autoFixOnSave do his job.

  • Eslint eslint uses prettier to format and disable its rules. This can be done through eslint-plugin-prettier and eslint-config-prettier, yet eslint-plugin-prettier exposes a "recommended" config that turns on both dependencies. See https://prettier.io/docs/en/eslint.html#use-both for more details.

    babel-eslint is the parser used to lint.

    eslint-plugin-react needs a configuration under settings.react key in .eslintrc to a least specify the react version. See https://github.com/yannickcr/eslint-plugin-react#configuration.

  • Babel babel is used to transpile our components to commonjs format.

  • Package versions are fixed with exact-version (except for peerDependencies because we want react and react-dom to match any minor update)


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  • rhaven
  • chabou
  • nbarray