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11.1.2 • Public • Published

SDK Generator

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This package provides schematics generators to create an SDK based on an OpenAPI specifications. There are two SDK generators in the Otter Framework: Typescript and Java. The Java generator is currently in maintenance mode and only the Typescript generator is actively supported and will see future evolutions.

Typescript SDK

The Typescript SDK generator is a custom template for the OpenAPITools generator with a full integration of the @ama-sdk/core client capabilities.

It supports both Swagger 2+ and Open API 3 specifications.


Create a new repository

Generate a new single SDK repository

npm create @ama-sdk typescript <project-name> -- [--spec-path=./path/to/spec.yaml]


yarn create @ama-sdk typescript <project-name> [--spec-path=./path/to/spec.yaml]

[!WARNING] Please notice that the command yarn create is not available for versions >= 2.0.0 (see Yarn cli commands).

[!TIP] Get more information on the @ama-sdk/create package.

Create a new Otter workspace package

The Angular schematics package is required to use these generators:

if you are in an Otter project:

yarn ng add @ama-sdk/schematics
yarn ng add @ama-sdk/core


npx -p @angular/cli ng add @ama-sdk/schematics
npx -p @angular/cli ng add @ama-sdk/core

How to use?

The typescript generator provides 3 generators:

  • shell: To generate the "shell" of an SDK package
  • core: To (re)generate the SDK based on a specified OpenApi specification
  • create: To create a new SDK from scratch (i.e. chain shell and core)

You can generate the shell in an existing monorepo with the command:

#Monorepo with Otter:
yarn ng g sdk sdkName

# Monorepo without Otter;
yarn schematics @o3r/workspace:sdk sdkName

or from scratch, with the NPM initializer:

npm create @ama-sdk typescript <project-name>

The generated package comes with the following script in the package.json:

  // ...
  "generate": "yarn schematics @ama-sdk/schematics:typescript-core --spec-path ./openapi-spec.yaml",
  "upgrade:repository": "yarn schematics @ama-sdk/schematics:typescript-shell"

[!NOTE] Use generate to (re)generate your SDK based on the content of ./openapi-spec.yaml (make sure you have this file at the root of your project) and upgrade:repository to regenerate the structure of your project.

[!TIP] The --spec-path parameter supports YAML and JSON file formats based on the file system path or remote URL. The --spec-package-name parameter can be used as an alternative to --spec-path if you want to generate an SDK with specs from an npm package. It comes with the optional parameters --spec-package-registry and --spec-package-path to be able to retrieve the npm package and the specs file from it. By default, the generator expects the package.json file inside the npm module containing the specs, to have an export with the key ./openapi.[yaml|yml|json] and the value will be the relative path to the spec file inside the package.

If you use Yarn2+ with PnP, you can modify the following scripts in package.json to generate the SDK based on specifications in a dependency package:

  // ...
  "resolve": "node -e 'process.stdout.write(require.resolve(process.argv[1]));'",
  "generate": "yarn schematics @ama-sdk/schematics:typescript-core --spec-path $(yarn resolve @my/dep/spec-file.yaml)",

Light SDK

It is also possible to generate a "light" SDK. This type of SDK does not need to generate revivers, which results in a simplified version of the code and reduces the size of the bundle.

Please note that revivers are generated for SDKs that use:

  • non-stringified dates
  • dictionaries
  • extensible models

If your specification file includes dates, there are multiple options for the generation of your SDK involving the global property option stringifyDate:

  • By default, the option stringifyDate is set to true. Set it to false if you want date-time objects to be generated as Date and date objects to be generated as utils.Date. For more information related to these types, check out this documentation. This can be done by adding --global-property stringifyDate=false to the generator command or by adding the global property to the openapitools.json.

Example to use Date:

yarn schematics @ama-sdk/schematics:typescript-core --spec-path ./swagger-spec.yaml --global-property stringifyDate=false
Extensible models

You may be in a case in which you want to be able to extend your SDK models and therefore ensure that revivers are generated (more info on how to extend a model here). To do this, you can use the global property option allowModelExtension by adding --global-property allowModelExtension to the generator command.


yarn schematics @ama-sdk/schematics:typescript-core --spec-path ./swagger-spec.yaml --global-property allowModelExtension

Generator Configuration


It is possible to configure the SDK code generation by passing parameters to the generator command line to override the default configuration values. The available parameters are:

  • --spec-path: Path to the swagger specification used to generate the SDK
  • --spec-config-path: Path to the spec generation configuration
  • --global-property: Comma separated string of options to give to the openapi-generator-cli
  • --output-path: Output path for the generated SDK
  • --generator-custom-path: Path to a custom generator

Also, another parameter is available called OpenAPI Normalizer which transforms the input OpenAPI specification (which may not perfectly conform) to make it workable with OpenAPI Generator. There are several rules that are supported which can be found here.

This parameter can be passed with --openapi-normalizer followed by the rules to be enabled in OpenAPI normalizer in the form of RULE_1=true,RULE_2=original.

Example: --openapi-normalizer REFACTOR_ALLOF_WITH_PROPERTIES_ONLY=true


There is also a possibility to configure the SDK code generation in openapitools.json. The structure for this file looks something like this:

  "$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator-cli/master/apps/generator-cli/src/config.schema.json",
  "generator-cli": {
    "version": "0.0.0",
    "storageDir": ".openapi-generator",
    "generators": { // optional
      "example-sdk": { // any name you like (can be referenced using --generator-key)
        "generatorName": "typescriptFetch",
        "output": ".",
        "inputSpec": "./swagger-spec.yaml" // supports YAML and JSON formats, based on the file system path or remote URL

example-sdk corresponds to the key of the generator which can be referenced in the generator command as a parameter, for example:

yarn schematics @ama-sdk/schematics:typescript-core --generator-key example-sdk

The properties generatorName, output, and inputSpec are required and additional properties can be added (available properties described in the schema here). For example, we can add the previously described global properties stringifyDate and allowModelExtension:

  "$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator-cli/master/apps/generator-cli/src/config.schema.json",
  "generator-cli": {
    "version": "0.0.0",
    "storageDir": ".openapi-generator",
    "generators": {
      "example-sdk": {
        "generatorName": "typescriptFetch",
        "output": ".",
        "inputSpec": "./openapi-spec.yaml", // or "./openapi-spec.json" according to the specification format
        "globalProperty": {
          "stringifyDate": false,
          "allowModelExtension": true

We have added the possibility in the generator command to both specify the generator key and override specific properties of said key. For example, if we want to use the properties of example-sdk from openapitools.json but override the global properties we can do so like this:

yarn schematics @ama-sdk/schematics:typescript-core --generator-key example-sdk --global-property stringifyDate=false

[!CAUTION] If the parameter --generator-key is provided in combination with other parameters to be overridden, the limitation is that not all properties from openapitools.json will be taken into account (contrary to the case when there is only the --generator-key parameter). As of now, the only properties that will be taken into account are output, inputSpec, config, globalProperty which can be overridden with the parameters --output-path, --spec-path, --spec-config-path, and --global-property.

[!NOTE] The parameters --generator-custom-path and --openapi-normalizer are not impacted and will always be taken into account if provided.

[!NOTE] The values provided by the parameter --global-property will actually be merged with the values of globalProperty from openapitools.json (rather than override them like the other properties).


To help to apply changes on the Shell part of the SDK repository, a migrate schematic is exposed:

yarn schematics @ama-sdk/schematics:migrate --from 10.0.0 [--to 11.0.0]


  • The --from parameter is mandatory to provide the version of the original @ama-sdk/schematics package from which the rules should be run.
  • The optional --to parameter allows to indicate a version until which the rules should be run. The current installed version will be used if not provided.


The OpenApi generator extracts an enhanced JSON data model from the specification YAML and uses this data model to feed the templates to generate the code. If there is an issue with the files generated with the spec provided, the generator provides debugging features that log this data model.

You can use global property options to pass one or both of the following options:

  • debugModels - logs the full JSON structure used to generate models
  • debugOperations - logs the full JSON structure used to generate operations


yarn schematics @ama-sdk/schematics:typescript-core --spec-path ./openapi-spec.yaml --global-property debugModels,debugOperations

You can also use npx instead of yarn in the command.

You can correlate this data model with the templates used by the generator.

Going further

For more information on the generated SDK and how the framework supports different feature such as the Composition, you can refer to the dedicated SDK documentation:

Java Client Core SDK

[!WARNING] This feature is on maintenance mode and will see no future evolution

Generate a Java Client Core SDK:

Make sure to have a ./swagger-spec.yaml file at the root of your project and run:

yarn schematics @ama-sdk/schematics:java-client-core --spec-path ./swagger-spec.yaml --swagger-config-path ./swagger-codegen-config.json

Default swagger config will be used if --swagger-config-path is not provided.


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