TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.14.1-20240908 • Public • Published


Some JavaScript util functions.

Mostly it's a draft version for personal use.


/** @deprecated */
export { formatSizeWinLike as bytesToSizeWinLike };
 * Formats bytes mostly like Windows does,
 * but in some rare cases the result is different.
 * Check the file with tests.
 * @see format-size-win-like.test.js
 * @param {number} bytes
 * @return {string}
export declare function formatSizeWinLike(bytes: number): string;
 * @example
 * 10.1005859375 -> "10.1"
 * 9.99902343750 -> "9.99"
 * 836.966796875 -> "836"
 * 0.08   -> "0.08"
 * 0.099  -> "0.09"
 * 0.0099 -> "0"
 * @param {number} number
 * @return {string}
export declare function toTruncPrecision3(number: number): string;
/** @deprecated */
export { formatNumber as tripleSizeGroups };
 * Useful for file byte size formatting:
 * 34456909 -> 34 456 909
 * @param {number} num
 * @return {string}
 * */
export declare function formatNumber(num: number): string;
 * "Sun, 10 Jan 2021 22:22:22 GMT" -> "2021.01.10"
 * @param {Date | string | number?} [dateValue]
 * @param {boolean} [utc = true]
 * @return {string}
export declare function dateToDayDateString(dateValue?: Date | string | number, utc?: boolean): string;
 * "Sun, 10 Jan 2021 22:22:22 GMT" -> "2021.01.10 22:22:22Z"
 * @param {Date | string | number} [dateValue]
 * @param {boolean?} [utc = true]
 * @return {string}
export declare function dateToDayDateTimeString(dateValue?: Date | string | number, utc?: boolean): string;
 * "Sun, 10 Jan 2021 22:22:22 GMT" -> "2021.01.10 22:22:22"
 * @param {Date | string | number} [dateValue]
 * @return {string}
export declare function localDate(dateValue?: number | string | Date): string;
 * "Sun, 10 Jan 2021 22:22:22 GMT" -> "2021.01.10"
 * @param {Date | string | number} [dateValue]
 * @return {string}
export declare function localDateTime(dateValue?: number | string | Date): string;
 * Formats date. Supports: YY.YYYY.MM.DD HH:mm:SS.
 * Default format: "YYYY.MM.DD".
 * formatDate() -> "2022.01.07"
 * @param {Date | string | number} [dateValue]
 * @param {string}  [pattern = "YYYY.MM.DD"]
 * @param {boolean} [utc = true]
 * @return {string}
export declare function formatDate(dateValue?: Date | string | number, pattern?: string, utc?: boolean): string;
/** A classic `debounce` wrap function. */
export declare function debounce<A extends any[]>(runnable: (...args: A) => unknown, ms?: number, scope?: any): (...args: A) => void;
/** A classic `throttle` wrap function. */
export declare function throttle<A extends any[]>(runnable: (...args: A) => any, time?: number, scope?: any): (...args: A) => void;
 * Allows to run a function as a `throttled` one, run it without a delay (`runNow`), or `clear` the deferred callback.
 * @example
 * const {throttled, runNow, clear} = getThrottle(300, true);
 * for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
 *     throttled(() => {
 *         console.log(i);
 *     });
 *     await sleep(10);
 * }
 * runNow(); // run the last callback without delay
export declare function getThrottle(ms?: number, runFirstImmediately?: boolean): {
    throttled: (callback: Function, runNow?: boolean) => void;
    runNow: (clearDelayed?: boolean) => any;
    clear: () => void;
 * Sleeps `ms` milliseconds.
 * If param is `undefined` it sleeps until the next macro-task.
 * Note: With `0` real ms will be `4`+ ms.
 * @param {number?} ms
 * */
export declare function sleep(ms?: number): Promise<void>;
 * Interruptible `sleep`.
 * If was interrupted resolves with the interrupt reason (`signal.reason`).
 * @param {number} ms
 * @param {AbortSignal} signal
export declare function sleepEx(ms: number, signal: AbortSignal): Promise<void | any>;
export declare function isString(value: unknown): value is string;
export declare function isAnyString(value: unknown): value is (string | String);
 * Java's `hashCode` like.
 * @example
 * hashString("Lorem Ipsum") === -488052133
 * hashString("Qwerty") === -1862984904
 * hashString("A") === 65
 * hashString("👾👽💀") === -2019372252
 * @param {string} str
 * @return {number}
export declare function hashString(str: string): number;
export type DownloadBlobOpt = {
  /** The URL to be added as a hash in the downloaded blob URL. Useful to keep the original file URL. */
  url?: string;
  /** The delay before `revokeObjectURL`. 5000 by default. */
  timeout?: number;
export declare function downloadBlob(blob: Blob, name: string, url?: string): void;
export declare function downloadBlob(blob: Blob, name: string, opt: DownloadBlobOpt): void;

*.d.ts (sync)

 * Use it when in one place you need to `enqueue()` some `value`, until `close()`.
 * In other place you can iterate over this queue in for-await loop.
 * `enqueue` does not add a value until there is a free space in the queue, you should `await` it.
 * (`size` parameter of `constructor`).
 * Use `close()` after you finished to `enqueue()` data.
export declare class AsyncBufferQueue<T> {
    private values;
    private done;
    private promise;
    private resolve;
    private semaphore;
    constructor(size?: number);
    close(): void;
    enqueue(value: T): Promise<void>;
    [Symbol.asyncIterator](): AsyncGenerator<T>;
export declare class CountLatch {
    private count;
    private promise;
    private resolve;
    /** @param {number} count = 0 */
    constructor(count?: number);
    countDown(): void;
    countUp(): void;
    /** Makes this object "Thenable" */
    then(resolve: VoidFunc, reject: VoidFunc): Promise<void>;
export type Node<T> = {
    value: T;
    next: Node<T> | null;
/** "LinkedList" with `Array` interface */
export declare class Queue<T> {
    length: number;
    private _last;
    private _first;
    push(value: T): void;
    shift(): T | undefined;
/** The most simple semaphore implementation. */
export declare class Semaphore {
    private readonly max;
    private count;
    private readonly resolveQueue;
    /** @param {number} [max = 1] - by default, it works as a mutex. */
    constructor(max?: number);
    /** @return {Promise<unknown>} */
    acquire(): Promise<unknown>;
    /** @return {void} */
    release(): void;
/** `resolve`/`reject` of `Promise` with no result. */
export type VoidFunc = (value: void) => void;


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  • Based on SemVer:

    npm install git+https://github.com/alttiri/util-js.git#semver:1.3.0

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    "@alttiri/util-js": "github:alttiri/util-js#semver:1.3.0"

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    npm install git+https://github.com/alttiri/util-js.git#eea3068f8c70c6a500a44b69aeb0cb65ac8b80a6

    Or add

    "@alttiri/util-js": "github:alttiri/util-js#eea3068f8c70c6a500a44b69aeb0cb65ac8b80a6"

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    See available commits hashes.

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  • alttiri