
0.2.1 • Public • Published

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Shared resources for Dagbladet, Dinside and Se&Hør. Mostly responsible for handling ad requests for these sites.


Just run npm install. Then npm start.


./startDevServer.php - starts and webserver on port 8080, and opens your default browser to http://localhost:8080/test

To test all the sites in it's current state with your updated am-assets, you can run bash test/generateAndUpdate.sh.

If you also have changed the styleguide you can run the script bash test/generateAndUpdateWithStyleguide.sh that will update the links to the styleguide also. But then you need to run the correct styleguide on port 8080 (the default, you should only need to run grunt in the styleguide folder.

This file will go and download all our sites, and change the am-assets ref to get the latest file from the dist folder in this repo. Check http://localhost:8081/test for link to all pages


This repository will be deployed automagically when pushed to master. See wercker for more info

How to use

Placing adunits on the page is eazy-breezy. You just need a couple of things:

Including needed files

Make sure you have the Google Publisher Tag included in the head section of your page:

<script id="dfp-load">
   var googletag = googletag || {};
   googletag.cmd = googletag.cmd || [];
       (function() {
           var gads = document.createElement("script");
           gads.async = true;
           gads.type = "text/javascript";
           var useSSL = "https:" == document.location.protocol;
           gads.src = (useSSL ? "https:" : "http:") + "//www.googletagservices.com/tag/js/gpt.js";
           var node = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
           node.parentNode.insertBefore(gads, node);

Add the CSS to the page: https://am.medialaben.no/stylesheets/app.min.css

Add the javascript to the page: https://am.medialaben.no/scripts/app.min.js (preferably just before the closing body tag.)

Place an adunit on the page

Each adunit is defined by a div that contains some data attributes which is used to make a request to DFP. For example, the following adunit has these attributes:

  <div id="gpt-1" class="adunit small-320x250 medium-980x300-scaled large-980x300" data-sizes="[[980,300], [970,250]]" json='{"targeting": { "seqNo": "1" }}' data-slot="/8578/dagbladet.no/forside" data-load-on="load"> </div>

Required attributes:

  • id (gpt-1): The ID of the adunit. Like any good developer, you know that IDs have to be unique. This is no exception - all adunits on a page need to have a unique id.
  • class:
    • adunit: every adunit needs this class to get default styling.
    • small-320x250 medium-980x300-scaled large-980x300: How much space we allocate to the adunit. These classes are optional, but are highly recommended as they prevent the page from jumping when an ad loads.
  • data-sizes ([[980,300], [970,250]]): What size(s) in DFP we want to ask for. Accepts one -or twodimensional arrays.
  • json ({"targeting": { "seqNo": "1", "pos": "2" }}): Used for targeting.
  • data-slot (/8578/dagbladet.no/forside): The DFP slot to ask for.
  • data-load-on (load): When to make a request to DFP. load means to make a request on page load, view means it's lazyloaded. 400px before it's visible in viewport is default, but this can be overruled with data-threshold attribute (see below).

Optional attributes

  • data-collapse (0|1): If reply from DFP was empty, collapse the adunit. We don't really use this, ever.
  • data-threshold ({num}): If the adunit is lazyloaded, this attribute overrules the default 300px.

As a library

Currently only a few selected features can be used from the library. Code is located in /src and compiles to /lib.


At the moment we have multiple Google Tag Manager-containers with the same code duplicated everywhere. We're hoping to move the code to a library that can be included across all sites. It also gives us the possibility to write more modern JavaScript as well. This is currently implemented to SOL.no.

Next steps

Implement more features and make use of the code in the library for the browserified version as well.


Add it to package.json in the project you want to use it:

   "am-assets": "git+https://SOME_VALID_TOKEN:x-oauth-basic@github.com/dbmedialab/am-assets.git#master",

and then simply do npm install.


import AmAssets from 'am-assets';
const am = new AmAssets({ config }); // See code for config details
am.activeTime();  // Enables activeTime.
am.metaRefresh(); // Enables metaRefrsh.

or if you want to import a specific library do:

import activeTime from 'am-assets/lib/analytics/active-time';

activeTime({ config }); // See code for config details.

Tracking inscreen time

In order to measure the exposure articles and ads have on visitors we track how long their elements are inscreen. These metrics gets pushed to @dbmedialab/aas.


Please refer to src/analytics/article-tracking/readme.md to see how article tracking works.


Please refer to src/analytics/viewability-tracking to see how ad tracking works.

Dependencies (10)

Dev Dependencies (15)

Package Sidebar


npm i @aller/am-assets

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  • kevinmidboe