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2.2.0 • Public • Published


The @dudadev/partner-api library provides convenient access to Duda's public APIs from applications written in server-side Javascript.

  1. Requirements
  2. Installation
  3. Usage
  4. Configuration
    1. Initialize with config object
    2. API Environments
    3. Network Retries
  5. Request Overrides
  6. Responses
    1. Success
    2. Errors
  7. Debugging
  8. App Store
    1. Authenticating requests
    2. Handling different api_endpoint values
    3. Utility functions
  9. More Information


Node v14 or higher.


Install the package with:

npm install @dudadev/partner-api --save
# or
yarn add @dudadev/partner-api


The package needs to be configured with your API credentials:

const { Duda } = require('@dudadev/partner-api');

const duda = new Duda({
  user: process.env.DUDA_API_USER,
  pass: process.env.DUDA_API_PASS,
  env: Duda.Envs.direct,

duda.sites.get({ site_name: "a-site-name" })
  .then(site => console.log(site))
  .catch(error => console.error(error));

Or using ES modules and async/await:

// async / await
(async function () {
  try {
    const site = await duda.sites.get({ site_name: "a-site-name" });
  } catch (error) {
    console.log(error.status, error.error);
    // handle error


Initialize with config object

The package can be initialized with several options:

const duda = new Duda({
  user: 'api-user',
  pass: 'api-pass',
  env: Duda.Envs.sandbox, // also, .direct, .eu

API Environments

  • Duda.Envs.eu: api.eu.duda.co
  • Duda.Envs.direct: api.duda.co
  • Duda.Envs.sandbox: api-sandbox.duda.co

Request Timeout

The request timeout limit. The maximum number of milliseconds before a request is considered to be timed out. This will trigger a timeout event handler and reject the promise with an ECONNRESET error code. This option defaults to 10000ms.

const duda = new Duda({
  timeout: 1000

Network Retries

Automatic network retries can be enabled with the maxNetworkRetries config option. This will retry requests n times with exponential backoff if they fail due to an intermittent network problem. It's recommended you also set the timeout config option when enabling retries. Keep in mind that the timeout config is related to the timeout of the request, it does not affect the timing of the exponential backoff.

const duda = new Duda({
  maxNetworkRetries: 2,
  timeout: 1000

Request Overrides

You can override the http.RequestOptions of any method on a per-request basis by passing a second object with custom options:

const { Duda } = require('@dudadev/partner-api');

const duda = new Duda({
  user: process.env.DUDA_API_USER,
  pass: process.env.DUDA_API_PASS,
  env: Duda.Envs.direct,

duda.sites.get({ site_name: 'a-site-name' }, {
  host: 'api-special.duda.co',
  auth: 'another-username:another-password',
  headers: {
    'X-CUSTOM-HEADER': 'a-value',
  .then((site) => console.log(site))
  .catch((error) => console.error(error))



The library will attempt to parse all successful responses as JSON, and will return the raw value if it can't.


The library will either throw (for promises) or return (for callbacks) the following payload after receiving a status code >= 400:

interface ErrorResponse<DudaError> {
  status: number;
  error: DudaError;


You can debug requests made by the library by setting the DUDA_API_LOG_LEVEL environment variable to one of the following levels:

  1. error: only shows fatal errors
  2. warning: shows all errors and warnings
  3. info: high-level debugging information
  4. debug: verbose debugging information

The library will display logs that are >= DUDA_API_LOG_LEVEL. So, for example, setting the log level to warning (2) would log all warnings (2) and errors (1).

The logger will attempt to redact any sensitive information before it logs using the following regular expressions:

  • /(user(name)?|pass(word)?|auth(orization)?)":"[^"]+/gi
  • /(Bearer|Basic) [^"]+/gi

Example using debug

$ DUDA_API_LOG_LEVEL=debug node index.js
[debug] 8ce2a72d-d6b6-4fe8-bf39-45ebe99f7233 no http agent defined: received=undefined
[info] 8ce2a72d-d6b6-4fe8-bf39-45ebe99f7233 new request: method=get endpoint=api-sandbox.duda.co/api/sites/multiscreen/374f37ea1eff44e7966b2c685ded251a/pages
[debug] 8ce2a72d-d6b6-4fe8-bf39-45ebe99f7233 full request details: req={"headers":{},"method":"get","path":"/api/sites/multiscreen/374f37ea1eff44e7966b2c685ded251a/pages","auth": [redacted],"host":"api-sandbox.duda.co"}
[debug] 8ce2a72d-d6b6-4fe8-bf39-45ebe99f7233 data received: raw={"results":[{"uuid":"683340afe033436caab26cf8a548b1dd","title":"Home","path":"home","seo":{"no_index":false}}]}
[debug] 8ce2a72d-d6b6-4fe8-bf39-45ebe99f7233 request ended: status=200 time=0.51s

App Store API

If you're an app developer, you can access the App Store API under duda.appstore after calling new Duda(opts).

Authenticating requests

API Endpoints protected by an X-DUDA-ACCESS-TOKEN expect method calls to include a token property set to the authorization_code without Bearer included.

  site_name: 'a-site-name',
  token: 'authorization-code',

Handling different api_endpoint values

You can use the request override feature to set the host of a method call to the correct api_endpoint for a particular site.

function getSite(site: string) {
  const {
  } = getInstallFromDB(site);

  return duda.appstore.sites.get({
    site_name: site_name,
    token: auth.authorization_code,
  }, {
    host: api_endpoint,

  .then((site) => console.log(site))
  .catch((err) => console.log(err.status, err.error))

Utility functions

Included under Duda.appstore is utils which contains useful methods for validating webhooks & signatures.

function validateWebook(req: YourRequestObject): boolean {
  // conform request object
  return duda.appstore.utils.validateWebook(process.env.SECRET_KEY, req.headers, req.body);

function validateSSO(req: YourRequestObject): boolean {
  // conform request object
  return duda.appstore.utils.validateSSOLink(process.env.SECRET_KEY, req.query);

More Information


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