
0.0.4 • Public • Published

FlexBox Component For Vue3

简介 | Description


A flex-box component developed based on vue3.

使用 | Usage


安装 | Install

npm i @alanlee97/vue3-flex-box

引入组件 | Import Component


In the place where you need to use the flex - box component into it.

import FlexBox from '@alanlee97/vue3-flex-box';


Or you can globally import flex-box, import it in main.ts.

import { createApp } from 'vue'
import FlexBox from '@alanlee97/vue3-flex-box';
import '@alanlee97/vue3-flex-box/dist/style.css';

const app = createApp(App);
app.component('flex-box', FlexBox);

引入样式 | Import Style


Import style file in main.ts.

import '@alanlee97/vue3-flex-box/dist/style.css';

验证是否生效 | Validation

<script setup lang="ts">
// This starter template is using Vue 3 <script setup> SFCs
// Check out https://v3.vuejs.org/api/sfc-script-setup.html#sfc-script-setup
import FlexBox from '@alanlee97/vue3-flex-box';

  <FlexBox space-between>


You can see that the component works.


通过v-flex指令使用flex-box | Use flex-box with v-flex directive

注册v-flex指令 | Register v-flex directive

import { createApp } from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
import '@alanlee97/vue3-flex-box/dist/style.css';
import { vFlex } from '@alanlee97/vue3-flex-box';

const app = createApp(App);
app.directive('flex', vFlex);

通过指令修饰符的方式控制flex的效果 | Control the effect of flex by directive modifiers

<div v-flex.space-between>

<div v-flex.between.wrap.center-v>

FlexBox属性 | Attributes

属性 类型 默认值 说明
height string | number 盒子的高度
Height of box
width string | number 盒子的宽度
Width of box
centerH boolean false 元素水平居中
Center element horizontally
centerV boolean false 元素垂直居中
Center elements vertically
centerHV boolean false 元素水平垂直居中
Center elements horizontally and vertically
spaceBetween boolean false 元素两边对齐
Align elements on both sides
between boolean false spaceBetween的属性简写(别名),元素两边对齐
The attribute abbreviation (alias) of spaceBetween
spaceAround boolean false 元素两边间距环绕
The spacing between two sides of the element is half of the other spacing
around boolean false spaceAround的属性简写(别名),元素两边间距环绕
Attribute abbreviation (alias) of spaceAround
spaceEvenly boolean false 元素间距均等
Space elements equally
evenly boolean false spaceEvenly的属性简写(别名),元素间距均等
Attribute abbreviation (alias) of spaceEvenly
directionRow boolean false flex-box的方向,水平方向
Direction of flex box, horizontal-direction
directionR boolean false directionRow的属性简写(别名),flex-box的方向,水平方向
Attribute abbreviation (alias) of directionRow
horizontal boolean false directionRow的别名,flex-box的方向,水平方向
Attribute abbreviation (alias) of directionRow
directionColumn boolean false flex-box的方向,垂直方向
Direction of flex box, vertical-direction
directionC boolean false directionColumn的属性简写(别名),flex-box的方向,垂直方向
Attribute abbreviation (alias) of directionColumn
vertical boolean false directionColumn的别名,flex-box的方向,垂直方向
Attribute abbreviation (alias) of directionColumn
direction string 手动指定flex-box的方向,同css的flex-direction的取值
Manually specify the direction of the flex box
itemAlignStart boolean false 元素排布的位置,从开端位置排列
The position of element arrangement, arranged from the beginning
itemAlignEnd boolean false 元素排布的位置,从末端位置排列
The position of the element arrangement, arranged from the end position
flexNum boolean flex的占比数,同css的flex属性的取值
Flex number
wrap boolean false 是否换行
Whether the element wraps

类型定义 | Type

interface FlexBoxProps {
  height?: string | number
  width?: string | number
  centerH?: boolean
  centerV?: boolean
  centerHV?: boolean
  spaceBetween?: boolean
  between?: boolean // the alias of spaceBetween
  spaceAround?: boolean
  around?: boolean // the alias of spaceAround
  spaceEvenly?: boolean
  evenly?: boolean // the alias of spaceEvenly
  directionRow?: boolean
  directionR?: boolean // the alias of directionRow
  horizontal?: boolean // the alias of directionRow
  directionColumn?: boolean
  directionC?: boolean // the alias of directionColumn
  vertical?: boolean // the alias of directionColumn
  direction?: 'row' | 'column' | 'row-reverse' | 'column-reverse'
  itemAlignStart?: boolean
  itemAlignEnd?: boolean
  flexNum?: number
  wrap?: boolean


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Version History

  • Version
    Downloads (Last 7 Days)
    • Published
  • 0.0.4
  • 0.0.3
  • 0.0.2
  • 0.0.1

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  • alanlee97