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A JavaScript-based library for managing/storing up to 24 Boolean switches within an integer value.


$ npm install @aevnpm/bitwise-stor


Simple cases:

pack() & unpack() with primitive value manipulation:

const bws = require("@aevnpm/bitwise-stor");

// get integer value from boolean string 
const val = bws.pack('101');  // val = 5

// get a binary digit string (right-most-significant) from an integer
const bits = bws.unpack(val); // bits = '101'

Array cases:

packArray() & unpackArray() with, you guessed it, Array types

const bws = require("@aevnpm/bitwise-stor");

// get integer value from array of bits string 
const val = bws.packArrayOfBits([1, 0, 1]);  // val = 5

// get integer value from array of bool values 
const val2 = bws.packArrayOfBool([true, false, true]);  // val = 5

// get a binary digit string (right-most-significant) from an integer
const bits = bws.unpackArrayOfBit(val); // bits = [1, 0, 1]
const bits = bws.unpackArrayOfBoolean(val); // bits = [true, false, true]

Object cases:

pack() & unpack() from a JSON object. The following requirements apply:

  • only boolean properties get packed
  • packing is shallow (no deep navigation of the object)
  • only up to 24 values are packed
  • the names of any packed properties are 64-bit encoded under the bwsPackedPropNames key
  • the integer value of the packed bits is stored under the bwsPackedValue key
  • the first boolean key is the most significant bit when packed


const bws = require("@aevnpm/bitwise-stor");
const jsonObj = {
    name: 'Billy Russo',
    hasScars: true,
    canFeelLove: false,
    age: 38,
    cashOnHand: 4500,
    isHospitalized: false,
    isDeceased: false,
    heightInMeeters: 1.9,
    hasBankAccount: true

const packedObject = bws.packJson(jsonObj);
console.log({ packedObject })

// Console:
//  packedObject: {
//    name: 'Billy Russo',
//    age: 38,
//    cashOnHand: 4500,
//    heightInMeeters: 1.9,
//    bwsPackedPropNames: { ... 64-bit encoding ...},
//    bwsPackedValue: 17
//  } 

const unpackedObject = bws.unpackJson(packedObj);
console.log({ unpackedObject });

// Console:
//  packedObject: {
//    name: 'Billy Russo',
//    age: 38,
//    cashOnHand: 4500,
//    isDeceased: false,
//    heightInMeeters: 1.9,
//    hasScars: true,
//    canFeelLove: false,
//    isHospitalized: false,
//    isDeceased: false,
//    hasBankAccount: true
//  }


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