
0.1.39 • Public • Published


This is a React component to visualize graph data in 2D and 3D. It is based on force-graph and 3d-force-graph, which use d3-force and d3-force-3d for the simulation.

How to install

Install it as a package from NPM:

npm i @acdh/network-visualization

You can also include the UMD build in a script tag, and access the components on the NetworkVisualization global:

<script src="network-visualization.umd.js"></script>

The UMD build is also available via CDN:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/@acdh/network-visualization@0/lib/network-visualization.umd.js"></script>

When using the UMD build, make sure to also include react and, if you plan to use the 3D component, three (note that three does not follow semantic versioning, last known working version is 0.126.1):


See the examples folder for how to use the UMD build.

How to use

The package exports three components: the basic <Visualization /> and <Visualization3D /> components, and a <SelectionControls /> component that wraps the visualization components and handles selecting/deselecting nodes in the graph.

For a 2D visualization:

import React from 'react'
import { Visualization } from '@acdh/network-visualization'

const MyComponent = props => (
  <div style={{ position: 'relative', width: '600px', height: '600px' }}>
        nodes: [
          { id: 'n1', label: 'Node 1', type: 't1' },
          { id: 'n2', label: 'Node 2', type: 't2' },
          { id: 'n3', label: 'Node 3', type: 't2' },
        edges: [
          { id: 'e1', label: 'Edge 1', source: 'n1', target: 'n2', type: 'r1' },
          { id: 'e2', label: 'Edge 2', source: 'n1', target: 'n3', type: 'r1' },
        types: {
          nodes: [
            { id: 't1', label: 'Category 1', color: '#006699' },
            { id: 't2', label: 'Category 2', color: '#669900' },
          edges: [{ id: 'r1', label: 'Relation 1', color: '#990066' }],

The graph prop is the only required prop. It must include the graph's nodes and edges, as well as a types object describing the node and edge types. All entities in the graph can have an optional label and a color, where labels and colors defined on individual nodes/edges take precedence over labels and colors defined for node types/edge types.

Note that nodes, edges, types.nodes and types.edges can be provided as arrays, or as objects mapped by id, e.g.:

  nodes: {
    n1: {
      id: 'n1'
    n2: {
      id: 'n2',

When the graph data changes during the lifetime of the component, by default new nodes and edges will be added to the previously provided graph. If you want to replace a graph, you can add the replace property to the graph object:

   nodes: [],
   edges: [],
   types: {
     edges: [],
     nodes: []
+  replace: true,

Selection controls

Click interactions which allow selecting/deselecting nodes can be added with the <SelectionControls /> component:

import React from 'react'
import { SelectionControls as Visualization } from '@acdh/network-visualization'

const MyComponent = props => (
  <div style={{ position: 'relative', width: '600px', height: '600px' }}>
    <Visualization dimensions={3} graph={props.graph} />

By default, SelectionControls is an uncontrolled component, i.e. it holds the state of selected nodes internally. It is possible to switch it to a controlled component by providing a Set of ids with the selectedNodeIds prop.

Live example

You can view a live example of the components in storybook, by either locally running npm run storybook, or here.


Visualization and Visualization3D

prop type default description
backgroundColor string Canvas color
dagMode string | null null Layout mode for directed acyclical graphs
graph object Graph data, see above for the expected format
height number container height Canvas height
highlightedNodeIds Set<string> Ids of highlighted nodes
onNodeClick function Event callback fired when clicking on a node. Receives an object with { node, graph, forceGraph } as argument
onSimulationEnd function Event callback fired when simulation ends
onSimulationTick function Event callback fired every simulation tick
onZoom function Event callback fired on every zoom/pan interaction
selectedNodeIds Set<string> Ids of selected nodes
showNeighborsOnly bool false Only how neighbors of selected nodes
width number container width Canvas width


Has all props from <Visualization />, and adds:

prop type default description
dimensions number 2 2D or 3D layout
onNodeDeselect function Event callback fired when node is deselected. Receives the node object as argument (and the set of currently selected node ids when used as an uncontrolled component)
onNodeSelect function Event callback fired when node is selected. Receives the node object as argument (and the set of currently selected node ids when used as an uncontrolled component)


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