- getBatches: Can only fetch one at a time, due to errors on Hashavshevet's side. If filters applied (...and if not), only the first batch that matches it is returned. Note that creating a pdf report on UI does work for the exact same form. Current the only way to make it partially work is to ask for one batch each request. An alternative is to create form based on transactions, and filter response for unique items.
- getBatches: adding issueDate filter makes temporary batches (with no issue date) impossible to fetch, since filters are mandatory and not optional.
- getBatches: the first batch (id=1) which existed on Hashavshevet account (initDate = 01/01/1990) was impossible to retrieve via the form. might be filters issue.
- ImportTransactionsToBatch: the imported attribute DebitCredit(/debitOrCreditNumber) is flipped on server side (requesting the record's data will result in opposite value). In addition, results have values of -1/1, but documentation mentions 0/1 as acceptable values (in practice, -1 is also acceptable and behaves as 0).
- ImportTransactionsToBatch: ValueDate and DueDate are switched. the value of each is inputed into the other on server.
- Import: if a string contains the char '״' it gets server error (502). happens for sure on ImportTransactionsToBatch>Description.
- Import quota limit: aperently there's a limit of 40 items in a single import (at least, on importBankPageMutation).
- Reference attribute limit: the Reference field (at least on bank pages) is limited to int32, any bigger num causes error.
- Ghost responses:When fetching data from Hashavshevet with export form, and activating filter (e.g getting a transaction by specific ID), and no match exists, the response is an item with NULLs in all attributes
- Updating data: currently there's no method for updating or deleting data via the API. Only importing and viewing.
- getRecords: The form in Hashavshevet on which this request is built, is derived from accounts catalogue. So if a transaction is imported with fault account ID, it will not appear on records requests.
- rename fields according to our convention
- complete missing calls commented on .meshrc.ymal
- after mesh fix, add "type": "module" to package,json (and can use node-fetch LTS for authToken req)
- find fix for "errors" attribute conflict between Mesh and hashavshevet