
1.0.1 • Public • Published

Url Change Event

const initialize = require('@abradley2/url-change-event')

Convenience module for intercepting all link clicks on the body of the document that have either data-link="replaceState" or data-link="pushState" attributes, calling the corresponding history method, and then firing a urlchange event on the window when the location of the document has changed in this way.

This makes it very simple to support routing in single page applications.


const initialize = require('@abradley2/url-change-event')

// initialize the listeners and interceptors. Returns a function
// that will unsubscribe these listeners.
const stopListening = initialize()

// you can now listen to the "urlchange" event on the window
window.addEventListener('urlchange', (event) => {
  // you can handle this however. The location on the document is passed for convenience

  return document.location === event.detail // true

A link that triggers replaceState should look similar to this:

<a href="/path/in/application#someAnchor" data-link="replaceState"> Go somewhere! </a>

A link that triggers pushState should look similar to this:

<a href="/push/some/state?query=true" data-link="pushState"> Go somewhere! </a>

The data-link attribute is important. If the value is either pushState or replaceState, then preventDefault will be called and the event triggered. If not, then nothing happens.

Popstate events

In addition to navigation via page links, the urlchange event is also fired for the popstate event, so there's no need to manually subscribe to that as well.


The initialization function for this helper method takes on optional argument: a function which recieves the element of the link clicked as it's first argument, and then returns whatever data is desired to be passed as the state argument in the subsequent history change.

const initialize = require('@abradley2/url-change-event')

initialize(function getStateFromElement(el) {
  // this can be anything really. It is passed as the `stateObj` to the history method
  // (the first argument to either history.replaceState or history.pushState)
  return {
    data: el.getAttribute('data-link-state')


To have the title of the document change in response to a link being clicked, via the second argument to the invoked history method, just set the data-title attribute to the desired document title on any associated data-link element.




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