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Arelle iXBRL Viewer


The Arelle iXBRL Viewer allows Inline XBRL (or iXBRL) reports to be viewed interactively in a web browser. The viewer allows users to access the tagged XBRL data embedded in an iXBRL report. Key features include:

  • Full text search on taxonomy labels and references
  • View full details of tagged facts
  • Export tables to Excel
  • Visualize and navigate calculation relationships
  • Produce on-the-fly graphs using XBRL data

A sample viewer is provided in the examples for those interested.

The viewer project consists of two components:

  • A plugin for the Arelle XBRL tool
  • The Javascript viewer application

In order to view an iXBRL report in the viewer, it must first be prepared using the Arelle plugin. The preparation process updates the iXBRL file to include:

  1. A link to the Javascript viewer
  2. A block of JSON data that contains the results of processing the XBRL data and associated taxonomy

Once prepared, the resulting file provides an entirely standalone viewer. Once prepared, the viewer is entirely standalone, and does not require access to the taxonomy, or to any online services. The only dependency is on the javascript viewer application, which is a single file which can be accessed directly online, downloaded or built locally.

The javascript viewer application is a single Javascript file called ixbrlviewer.js. It contains all of the javascript that runs the viewer functionality.


The python portion of this repo is developed using Python 3.9.

  1. Clone the iXBRL Viewer git repository.
  2. Download and install Arelle

Accessing the JavaScript viewer application

Accessing via the CDN

The JavaScript file is available via a CDN. It can be accessed via the following url:

https://cdn-prod.wdesk.com/ixbrl-viewer/<version tag>/ixbrlviewer.js

Where <version tag> is the current version of ixbrl-viewer you are using. For instance 1.0.0.

Accessing via Github

When a new version of ixbrl-viewer is released, the javascript is included as a release asset. The asset can be found on the releases page for each version of the ixbrl-viewer.

Building the JavaScript locally

  1. Install npm. Instructions can be found here: https://www.npmjs.com/get-npm
  2. Install the dependencies for javascript by running: npm install. This command must be run from within the ixbrl-viewer directory (i.e. the root of your checkout of the repository).
  3. Run npm run prod. This will create the ixbrlviewer.js in the iXBRLViewerPlugin/viewer/dist directory.

JavaScript Versioning

The ixbrl-viewer plugin embeds processed XBRL metadata in the HTML that has a specific format read by the JavaScript. The metadata produced by a version will be broken if a major version bump is released. The new javascript won't necessarily work with older versions of the generated metadata. if a minor version bump is released, then the metadata format was updated, any ixbrl-viewer produced on that minor version will have to use at least that minor version for the javascript.

Producing an ixbrl-viewer via the Arelle GUI

Preparing an iXBRL file via the GUI

  1. Open Arelle and select Manage Plugins from the Help menu.

  2. Press Browse under "Find plug-in modules".

  3. Browse to the iXBRLViewerPlugin directory within your checkout of the iXBRL Viewer git repository and select the __init__.py file within it.

  4. Press Close and then Yes when prompted to restart Arelle.

  5. You should now have a Save iXBRL Viewer instance on the Tools menu.

  6. Open the ixbrl filing zip in Arelle

  7. Select Save iXBRL Viewer instance option on the Tools menu

  8. Provide a script URL to the ixbrlviewer.js file.

    This url can be one of the following:

    1. https://cdn-prod.wdesk.com/ixbrl-viewer/<version tag>/ixbrlviewer.js
    2. A relative url to the downloaded ixviewer.js from github
    3. A relative url to the locally built ixviewer.js
  9. Save the viewer iXBRL file to a new file in the newly created directory by selecting Browse, browsing to the directory, and providing a file name.

  10. You should now be able to open the created file in Chrome, and the iXBRL viewer should load.

Preparing an iXBRL document set using the Arelle GUI

To prepare an iXBRL document set, open the document set in Arelle. The process is as for a single file, except that a directory should be selected as the output location, rather than a file.

Producing an ixbrl-viewer via the Arelle command line

Preparing an iXBRL file via the command line

The plugin can also be used on the command line:

python3 Arelle/arelleCmdLine.py --plugins=<path to iXBRLViewerPlugin> -f ixbrl-report.html --save-viewer ixbrl-report-viewer.html --viewer-url https://cdn-prod.wdesk.com/ixbrl-viewer/<version tag>/ixbrlviewer.js


  • "Arelle/arelleCmdLine.py" should be the path to your installation of Arelle

  • The plugin path needs to an absolute file path to the ixbrl-viewer plugin

  • The viewer url can be one of the following:

    1. https://cdn-prod.wdesk.com/ixbrl-viewer/<version tag>/ixbrlviewer.js
    2. A relative url to the downloaded ixviewer.js from github
    3. A relative url to the locally built ixviewer.js

Preparing an iXBRL document set

The iXBRL Viewer supports Inline XBRL document sets. This requires the inlineXbrlDocumentSet plugin. The input is specified using JSON in the following form:

    "ixds": [
      { "file": "file1.html" },
      { "file": "file2.html" },

The output must be specified as a directory. For example:

python3 Arelle/arelleCmdLine.py --plugins '/path/to/iXBRLViewerPlugin|inlineXbrlDocumentSet' -f '[{"ixds":[{"file":"document1.html"},{"file":"document2.html"}]}]'  --save-viewer out-dir --viewer-url https://cdn-prod.wdesk.com/ixbrl-viewer/<version tag>/ixbrlviewer.js


  • The first file specified is the "primary" file, and should be opened in a browser to use the viewer. The other files will be loaded in separate tabs within the viewer.

  • "Arelle/arelleCmdLine.py" should be the path to your installation of Arelle

  • The plugin path needs to an absolute file path to the ixbrl-viewer plugin

  • The viewer url can be one of the following:

    1. https://cdn-prod.wdesk.com/ixbrl-viewer/<version tag>/ixbrlviewer.js
    2. A relative url to the downloaded ixviewer.js from github
    3. A relative url to the locally built ixviewer.js

Using build-viewer.py

As an alternative to the standard Arelle command line, the samples/build-viewer.py script can also be used. To use the script, both the Arelle source code and the iXBRLViewerPlugin must be on the Python path. e.g.:

PYTHONPATH=/path/to/Arelle:/path/to/ixbrl-viewer ./samples/build-viewer.py --help

A document set can be processed by passing a directory as input. All .html and .xhtml in the directory will be combined into a document set. The generated files will be saved into the directory specified by the --out option.

Taxonomy packages can be specified using --package-dir. All ZIP files in the specified directories will be loaded as taxonomy packages.


PYTHONPATH=/path/to/Arelle:/path/to/ixbrl-viewer ./samples/build-viewer.py --out out-dir --package-dir /my/packages/ ixds-dir

Running tests

Running unit tests

In order to run the javascript unit tests make sure that you have installed all of the npm requirements.

Run the following command to run javascript unit tests: npm run test

In order to run the python unit tests make sure that you have pip installed requirements-dev.txt.

Run the following command to run python unit tests: nose2

Running Puppeteer tests

All commands should be run from repository root

  1. Install the npm requirements(instructions under Building the javascript locally).

  2. Install Arelle

    pip install arelle-release .
  3. [Terminal 1] Start the puppeteer serve

    npm run puppeteerServe 
    • This command generates the ixbrlviewer.js, uses Arelle to generate several test files, then serves the files via a nodejs http-server.
    • Currently changes to application code require restarting this step to take effect.
  4. Start the puppeteer tests

    • [Terminal 2]:

      npm run test:puppeteer
    • IDE:

      • Many of the IDE's on the market can run tests via the UI. The following is an example configuration for intellij. Once set you can right-click on the test name or file and select the run option. ixbrl-viewer
      • Debug runs with breakpoints are also typically supported.

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  • aaroncameron-wk