Easy CSS reset.
You can either install the npm package directly, or use a CDN like unpkg.
Install the
npm package.npm install @4mbl/css-reset
Import the CSS reset file in your main CSS file.
@import '@4mbl/css-reset/reset.css';
Or include it directly in a HTML file.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="node_modules/@4mbl/css-reset/reset.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://www.unpkg.com/@4mbl/css-reset@latest/reset.css" />
You should replace "latest" in the URL with the newest version to avoid breaking changes in the future!
There is currently only one branch available, but more might be added in the future.
As there is only one branch available, the package and branch versioning are the same.
Each change to the CSS reset increments the major version. This might change if a new branch is added in the future.