This package aims to provide useful scripts & functions to quickly write cross platform node-js scripts.
Included in the project.
- cmd
- runCommand
- runCommandInteractive
- git
- cleanLocalBranches // runnable if env has --run=true
- getCurrentGitBranch // runnable if env has --run=true
- helpers
- file
- filesInDirectory
- dirsInDirectory
- dirExists
- fileExists
- writeFile
- copyDir
- copyFile
- removeDir
- createDir
- removeFile
- readFile
- getFileOrFolderName
- getTemplate
- string
- containsWhitespace
- containsNumbers
- containsAlphabets
- isOnlyAlphanumeric
- isOnlyNumeric
- isOnlyAlpha
- isInteger
- replace
- env
- onProcessExit
- getEnvVars
- file