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Structuring datasets into Merkle Sum Trees

This is a Typescript (backend-friendly) library used to create Merkle Sum Trees where each node entry is username -> balance. The root of this tree contains the aggregated sum of all the node entries, thereby, representing the total assets/liabilities of a firm.

But coming to the point.

What is a Merkle Sum Tree?

A merkle sum tree is a binary Merkle Tree with the following properties:

  • Each entry of the merkle tree is a struct, of username and balance
  • Each leaf node of the merkle tree contains a hash and a sum. The hash is equal to h(username, balance). The sum is equal to the balance itself, at the node level.
  • Each non-leaf node contains a hash and a sum. The hash is equal to h(left_child.hash, left_child.sum, right_child.hash, right_child.sum). The sum is therefore equal to the sum of the sum of it's children.
  • The root node represents the executed/constructed state of the tree and contains all the users'/entry balances. The merkleSumTree() is a Typescript implementation of a Merkle Sum Tree and it provides all the functions to construct the above mentioned modified Merkle Tree by just ingesting data from a csv file, picking up only the username -> balance.

This diagram is a representation of a similar Merkle Sum Tree



Installing the package

  • The package can be directly installed from the npm registry with the following command:
    $ npm i @0xagnish/zk-data-prep

For Database

  • Import your database to a csv file, for example this

API Guide

new MerkleSumTree (pathToCsv : string) : MerkleSumTree

import { MerkleSumTree } from '0xagnish/zk-data-prep';

const pathToCsv = 'test/entryPatterns/entry-16-valid.csv';

const tree = new MerkleSumTree(pathToCsv);
//constructs a tree using the given entries in the csv dataset

entries: [] Entry

The entries contain the username parsed as BigInt. This transformation is needed in order to make the entries hashing friendly and later on operate with zkSNARKs.

const entries = tree.entries
// [
//       Entry {
//         _usernameToBigInt: 7440338505707899769n,
//         _balance: 7534n,
//         _username: 'gAdsIaKy'
//       },
//       Entry {
//         _usernameToBigInt: 6008493982388733799n,
//         _balance: 2060n,
//         _username: 'SbuqOZGg'
//       },
//       ...
// ]

leaves : [] Node

const root = tree.root 
    // {
    //   hash: 5256203632563331423195629050622063453704745190370457907459595269961493651429n,
    //   sum: 84359n
    // }

indexOf (username: string, balance: bigint) : number

Returns the index of an entry in the tree. If the entry does not exist in the tree, it returns -1.

const index = tree.indexOf("gAdsIaKy", BigInt(7534)) // 0

createProof (index: number) : MerkleProof

Creates a proof of membership for an entry identified by its index. The MerkleProof contains the path from the leaf to the root.

const proof = tree.createProof(0)

verifyProof(proof: MerkleProof) : boolean

Verifies a proof and returns true or false. It verifies that a leaf is included in the tree and that the sum computed from the leaf to the root is equal to the total sum of the tree.



To construct a Merkle Sum Tree with 262144 (2**18 leaves) it takes:

Time taken OS/Kernel RAM
108s Ubuntu 22 LTS 8 GB
154s Macbook Air M1 8 GB

Dependencies (2)

Dev Dependencies (7)

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npm i @0xagnish/zk-data-prep

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  • 0xagnish