5D Chess Renderer
PIXI.js based renderer to create 5d chess boards based off of 5d-chess-js.
What does 5D Chess Renderer do?
- Render boards and pieces using 5d-chess-js data
- Render previous moves and actions as arrows
- Provide configuration / palette options
- Handle mouse / touch events for zooming, panning, move selection, and arrow drawing
What does 5D Chess Renderer not do?
- Does not handle keyboard events
- Does not handle sound
- Does not handle additional GUI elements (submitting, undo, forfeit, chess clock, etc.)
Documentation is available here!
To run local copy, use the command npm run docs-start
All source code is released under AGPL v3.0 (license can be found under the LICENSE file).
Chess piece images were derived from SVG files released under CC BY-SA v3.0 (license can be found under the PIECE_LICENSE file).
Any addition copyrightable material not covered under AGPL v3.0 is released under CC BY-SA v3.0.