TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.7.0 • Public • Published

Modal window/popup which main purpose is to open as image galery. But it can handle also other type of content like Youtube, Vimeo or HTML5 videos, iframes, custom HTML content or HTML content from some existing element on the page. It can recognize type of media from the source url. If it is not possible to recognize media type, default type is iframe. You can force media type by media parameter (see examples below).


Using npm

$ npm install @superkoders/modal

Using yarn

$ yarn add @superkoders/modal

How to use

There are two methods exported: initModal and createModal. First one adds click listeners to each element in given context which matches modalSelector option (by default '[data-modal]'). It returns array of modal instances created. Second one is for creating custom modal instance.

initModal: (options: ISKModalOptions) => ISKModal[]

import { initModal } from '@superkoders/modal';

// use default options

// or set some custom options
	customWrapperClass: 'my-custom-modal',
	closeOnBgClick: true,

How to create modal triggers in your HTML code

The easiest way is to do it with an a tag using its href attribute as an url for modal.

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhMYBfF7-hE" data-modal>Open Youtube video in the modal</a>

If you want to use some other element like button, you need to specify url in the data-modal attribute.

<button data-modal='{"url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhMYBfF7-hE"}'>Open Youtube video in the modal</button>

createModal: (items: ISKModalItem | ISKModalItem[], options?: Partial<ISKModalOptions>) => ISKModal

In this case, there are no triggers which open modal. Once you create an instance, you need to open it by yourself. Also you need to pass modal items, where only mandatory property is url. In our example below the modal will have two items, first is some image, second is some video.

import { createModal } from '@superkoders/modal';

const items = [
		url: 'url/to/some/image.jpg'
		url: 'url/to/some/video.mp4'

// create instance
const customModal = createModal(items, {
	customWrapperClass: 'my-custom-modal',
	closeOnBgClick: true,

// open modal

// go to next slide

// close modal


Modal options ISKModalOptions

These options you can adjust during initialization.

context: Element | Document

Context element, in which to search for modal items (triggers)
Default value: document

parentElement: Element

Element, which is used as a parent for modal element in DOM
Default value: document.body

modalSelector: string

Element selector, which is used for modal triggers
Default value: '[data-modal]'

closeSelector: string

Element selector, which is used to close the modal
Default value: '.js-modal-close'

customWrapperClass: string

Custom CSS class, which is added to the modal element
Default value: undefined

infinite: boolean

It determines if modal items are shown in a loop
Default value: false

closeOnBgClick: boolean

It determines if modal will close after background click
Default value: undefined

plugins: ISKModalPlugin[]

Plugins array to initialize
Default value: undefined

hideNav: boolean

It determines if the navigation (arrows, bullets) is hidden or not
Default value: undefined

customData: any

Any data which you can use for example in plugins
Default value: undefined

closeIcon: string

String which represents an icon for close button, it can be also HTML code
Default value: '&#x000D7;'

prevIcon: string

String which represents an icon for previous button, it can be also HTML code
Default value: '&#x02190;'

nextIcon: string

String which represents an icon for next button, it can be also HTML code
Default value: '&#x02192;'

loadIcon: string

String which represents an icon for loader, it can be also HTML code
Default value: '<span class="b-modal__loader-icon"><span>&#x021BA;</span></span>'

removeOnClose: boolean

It determines if modal element will be removed from DOM after close
Default value: false

enableScrollLock: boolean

Enables or disables scroll lock. Default value: true

enableFocusTrap: boolean

Enables or disables focus trap. Default value: true

focusTrapOptions: FocusTrapOptions

Focus trap custom options. See Focus trap package page for more info Default value:

	allowOutsideClick: true,

useSwipe: boolean

Enables or disables swipe slide change. Default value: true

buildStructure: (modal: Element, fragments: IModalFragments) => void

Method which builds the modal HTML structure, not really necessary to change if you use grid for CSS
Default value:

(modal, {
}) => {
	const wrapper = document.createElement('div');


headerTpl: (options?: ISKModalOptions) => string

Method for header template
Default value:

(options) => `
	<button type="button" class="b-modal__close ${ModalClasses.CLOSE}">
		<span class="b-modal__close-text u-vhide">Close</span>

titleTpl: (text: string) => string

Method for title template
Default value:

(text: string) => `<h3>${text}</h3>`

descTpl: (text: string) => string

Method for description template
Default value:

(text: string) => `<p>${text}<p>`

prevTpl: (options?: ISKModalOptions) => string

Method for previous button template
Default value:

(options) => `<button type="button" class="b-modal__prev-btn ${ModalClasses.PREV_TRIGGER}">${options.prevIcon}</button>`

nextTpl: (options?: ISKModalOptions) => string

Method for next button template
Default value:

(options) => `<button type="button" class="b-modal__next-btn ${ModalClasses.NEXT_TRIGGER}">${options.nextIcon}</button>`

navTpl: (items: ISKModalItem[]) => string

Method for navigation (bullets) template
Default value:

(items) =>
		.map((_item, index) => `<span class="b-modal__nav-item ${ModalClasses.NAV_TRIGGER}" data-modal-index="${index}"></span>`)

loaderTpl: (options?: ISKModalOptions) => string

Method for loader template
Default value:

(options) => `<span class="b-modal__loader-icon"><span>${options.loadIcon}</span></span>`

imageLoader: (src: string) => Promise<Node>

Method which is used for loading images
Default value:

(src) => {
	return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
		let img = new Image();
		img.addEventListener('load', () => resolve(img));
		img.addEventListener('error', () => {
			reject(new Error(`Failed to load image with src: ${src}`));
		img.draggable = false;
		img.src = src;

fetchLoader: (url: string, element?: Element) => Promise<string>

Method which is used for fetching content from a server
Default value:

async (url) => await fetch(url).then((response) => response.text())

onModalOpen: (event?: Event, data?: { id: number }) => void

Handler, which runs after modal is opened
Default value: undefined

onModalClose: (event?: Event, data?: { id: number }) => void

Handler, which runs after modal is closed
Default value: undefined

onModalContentLoaded: (event?: Event, data?: { modal: ISKModal }) => void

Handler, which runs after modal content is loaded
Default value: undefined

onModalSlideChanged: (event?: Event, data?: { page: number }) => void

Handler, which runs after modal slide has changed
Default value: undefined

Modal items (ISKModalItem)

All these parameters is possible to add to data-modal attribute. In case of createModal, these are properties of the modal item object.

url: string | string[]

Media url. In case of images, it can be an array. Then more images are shown on one slide.

medium: ModalMedium

Media type. Posible values in ModalMedium enum exported from @superkoders/modal

title: string

Text, which will appear in modal title

desc: string

Text, which will appear in modal description

gallery: string

Gallery key, which is used for grouping items into one modal. If it is undefined, each modal uses its own popup.

[key: string]: any

It is possible to add more custom parameters, which can be used in plugins for example.

Plugins (ISKModalPlugin)

Plugins enable another modal customization. It has these three parameters:

init: (modal: ISKModal) => void

Init method

destroy: (modal: ISKModal) => void

Destroy method, it runs after modal redraw (if reInitOnRedraw is set to true) or after modal destroy

reInitOnRedraw: boolean

Plugin example


export const myPlugin = {
	init: (modal) => {
		// do some stuff like add event listeners or add some elements to DOM
	destroy: (modal) => {
		// use when you need to remove some listeners or remove some elements from DOM
	reInitOnRedraw: true,


import { initModal } from '@superkoders/modal';
import { myPlugin } from './my-plugin.js';

	plugins: [myPlugin]

Určuje, zda se má plugin reinicializovat při překreslení modalu

Scroll lock and fixed elements

Modal uses scroll-lock npm package when it is opened. If you use some fixed elements on your page, like fixed (sticky) header, then add data-scroll-lock-fill-gap data attribute, which guarantees that the content of the fixed element does not jump.



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  • martina.paclikova
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