This package has been deprecated

Author message:

Deprecated! The @rockr/rock-ui is no longer maintained. Change to @reverb-ui/react

TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.6.6 • Public • Published


Reverb Design System component kit in React

Using Rockr UI in a react project

Install the kit package in your react project

yarn add @rockr/rock-ui

or, with npm:

npm i -S @rockr/rock-ui

In your entry file (e.g app.tsx) use the theme provider

# app.tsx

import * as React from "react"
import { ThemeProvider, RockUITheme } from "@rockr/rock-ui"

// Use at the root of your app
function App() {
  return (
    <ThemeProvider theme={RockUITheme} resetCSS>
      <App />

Use any component from the library

# MyComponent.tsx
import React from 'react'
import { Button } from '@rockr/rock-ui'

const MyComponent = () => <Button colorScheme="blue">Foobar</Button>


npm start # or yarn start

This builds to /dist and runs the project in watch mode so any edits you save inside src causes a rebuild to /dist.


Run inside another terminal:

yarn storybook

This loads the stories from ./src/components/**/stories/*.stories.tsx.

NOTE: Stories should reference the components as if using the library, similar to the example playground. This means importing from the root project directory. This has been aliased in the tsconfig and the storybook webpack config as a helper.


Code quality is set up with prettier, husky, and lint-staged. Adjust the respective fields in package.json accordingly.


Jest tests are set up to run with npm test or yarn test. This runs the test watcher (Jest) in an interactive mode. By default, runs tests related to files changed since the last commit.


RockUI uses Rollup v1.x as a bundler and generates multiple rollup configs for various module formats and build settings. See Optimizations for details.


tsconfig.json is set up to interpret dom and esnext types, as well as react for jsx. Adjust according to your needs.

Named Exports

Per Palmer Group guidelines, always use named exports. Code split inside your React app instead of your React library.

Publishing to NPM

We use to publish to NPM

Known Issues

  1. The progress component preview doesn't seem to work in the official docs examples however, it works fine for us.

  2. The checkbox and radio border color is inherited. So if it is not set on a parent, it will be white. And chances are high for the background to be white as well, so it will seem that the property is not set.




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