TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.5.4 • Public • Published

Table of Contents


I ❤️ stitches && ❤️ tailwind

What if stitches + tailwind = 👶?

  • Create fully-typed React styled components using atomic css classes.
  • Organize your atomic css with variants props
  • Declare default props for your base component
  • Polymorphic and composable. Reuse quark styles from one component to another.

Use with your favorite atomic css library:

For framerwork-agnostic styling, use @quarkcss/core


npm install @quarkcss/react

pnpm install @quarkcss/react

yarn add @quarkcss/react
Package Minified Gzipped
@quarkcss/core 1.02KB 0.54KB
@quarkcss/react 1.09KB 0.55KB


import { styled } from '@quarkcss/react'

const StyledButton = styled('button', {
  base: 'bg-red-500',
  variants: {
    size: {
      small: 'w-4 h-4',

      //use arrays to organize multiple classes
      medium: ['w-8', 'h-8'], 

      //template strings multi-line support
      large: ` 
    color: {
      red: 'bg-red-500',
      blue: 'bg-blue-500'
    //boolean variants (when `true` or `null` keys are declared, variant prop will have `true | falsey` type)
    rounded: { 
      true: 'rounded-full', //`rounded === true`
      null: 'rounded-none'  //`rounded === falsey` (undefined | false | null | 0) or undeclared
      //❌ false: 'rounded-none' (Don't use 'false', Since `null` encompasses `falsey` and undeclared values)

      //Define additional keys along with boolean keys (true / null)
      small: 'rounded-sm',
      medium: 'rounded-md',
  //compound variants
  compound: [
      size: 'small',
      color: 'red',
      value: 'border-2 border-red-500'
      size: 'medium',
      color: 'blue',
      value: 'border-2 border-blue-500'
  //default variants
  defaults: {
    size: 'small',
    color: 'red'
}, {
  //default component props - initialize default props for your base component <button />
  disabled: true,
  onclick: () => console.log('button is clicked')

// If you don't need variants, you can also declare your base class names as a `string` or `string[]`
const Center = styled('div', 'flex items-center justify-center', { 'aria-label': 'center' })

//You can use the element tag directly
const Bold = styled.span('font-bold')
// const Bold = styled.span({ base: 'font-bold' }) //same as above

// Declare Variants as Props
const App = () => {
  return (
    <StyledButton size="medium" color="blue" rounded>
      <Bold>Click Me</Bold>

Custom Components

For components like framer-motion (motion.div) and Radix Primatives

import { styled } from '@quarkcss/react'
import { motion } from 'framer-motion'

const MotionBox = styled(motion.div, {
  /* Style Config */
}, {
  //Initialize default props for your base component <motion.div />
  variants: {
    initial: { opacity: 0, x: -100},
    animate: { opacity: 1, x: 0}
  initial: 'initial',
  animate: 'animate',
  transition: {
    type: 'spring',
    stiffness: 500,
    damping: 30
import { styled } from '@quarkcss/react'
import * as Slider from '@radix-ui/react-slider'

//Radix Primatives
const StyledSlider = styled(Slider.Root, {
  /* ... */

Polymorphic Components

Use the as prop to change the underlying component. Typescript will automatically infer the correct props for the new component.

const StyledComponet = styled('span', {
  /* ... */

const App = () => {
  return (
      <StyledComponent as="button">
        Click Me
      <StyledComponent as={motion.div}>
        Click Me

⚠️ Warning: If you declared default props, make sure they are compatible with the new component. Otherwise compose with its core css.

Compose with @quark/core css function

import { styled, css } from '@quarkcss/react'

// `css` re-exported from @quarkcss/core
const containercss = css({
  base: /* ... */
  variants: { /* ... */ }
  compound: [ /* ... */ ]
  defaults: { /* ... */ }

// Directly pass quark css function to styled
const StyledContainer = styled('div', containercss)

// Retrieve quark css from Styled Component

Now we can re-use quark config without using as, and pass different default component props

//example with framer-motion

const MotionContainer = styled(motion.div, StyledContainer.CSS, {
  //Declare default props for your base component <motion.div />
  initial: { x: -100 },
  animate: { x: 0 },
  transition: {
    type: 'spring',
    stiffness: 500,
    damping: 30


//Extract QuarkVariants from styled component
const StyledContainer = styled({ /* ... */ }})

type QuarkVariants = QuarkComponentVariantProps<typeof StyledContainer>
//Or Interface Version
interface QuarkVariants extends QuarkComponentVariants<typeof StyledContainer> {}

//To Extract Props from Styled Component use ✔️
import { PropsOf } from '@quarkcss/react'
type StyledComponentProps = PropsOf<typeof StyledContainer>

//instead of reacts ComponentProps ❌
import { ComponentProps } from 'react'
type StyledComponentProps = ComponentProps<typeof StyledContainer>

//The polymorphic 'as' prop makes ComponentProps infer all undeclared props as `any` 
//even thought the declared props are typed correctly.


  • Specificity
    • css classes are not applied based on ordering specificity (unlike css-in-js / stitches)
      • design your variants such that atomic classes do not conflict
      • if all else fails, overide with !important (i.e. !bg-red-500)
  • Set Tailwind VSCode plugin to recognize atomic class names outside of <... className="">
    • in VSCode settings.json:
    "tailwindCSS.experimental.classRegex": ["\"([^\"]*)\"", "'([^']*)'"],
    //TODO: Need to find more surgical regex to match atomic class names in QuarkConfig

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  • cpakken