
0.0.0-dev.10 • Public • Published

Browser Repl

React Browser component for Mongo Shell


import { Shell } from 'mongosh-browser-repl';

export () => {
  return <Shell runtime={runtime} />;

Built-in Runtimes


Uses an iframe window as sandbox for code execution. NOTE: the execution is not really sandboxed, the top window is accessible.

import { IframeRuntime } from 'mongosh-browser-repl';

const runtime = new IframeRuntime(serviceProvider);


<Shell />

Shell is a React component with the following properties:

  • runtime: Runtime: The runtime used to evaluate code.
  • onOutputChanged?: (output: readonly ShellOutputEntry[]) => void: A function called each time the output changes with an array of ShellOutputEntryes.
  • onHistoryChanged?: (history: readonly string[]) => void: A function called each time the history changes with an array of history entries ordered from the most recent to the oldest entry.
  • redactInfo?: boolean: If set, the shell will omit or redact entries containing sensitive info from history. Defaults to false.
  • maxOutputLength?: number: The maxiumum number of lines to keep in the output. Defaults to 1000.
  • maxHistoryLength?: number: The maxiumum number of lines to keep in the history. Defaults to 1000.
  • initialOutput?: readonly ShellOutputEntry[]: An array of entries to be displayed in the output area. Can be used to restore the output between sessions, or to setup a greeting message. Note: new entries will not be appended to the array.
  • initialHistory?: readonly string[]: An array of history entries to prepopulate the history. Can be used to restore the history between sessions. Entries must be ordered from the most recent to the oldest. Note: new entries will not be appended to the array.


An object representing an entry in the shell output, with the following properties:

  • format: 'input' | 'output' | 'error': the type of the entry
  • type?: string: the shell api type if the entry value is a shell api object.
  • value: any: the value that has to be rendered in output.




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  • noel_kim
  • glenan
  • l34130
  • gsts007
  • tony_jang
  • bear-bear-bear
  • _minimal