
8.2.3 • Public • Published

OD Forms

A series of components to make building html forms fast and easy. NEW in 8.2.0: Dynamic labels!

<od-form> is a smart component to wrap other OD Form elements. It offers a series of benefits over semantic html forms while maintaining the ability to interact as one would normally with an html form. Supports semantic html attributes.

<od-form-array> is a smart component to wrap other OD Form elements. It creates a series of od-form elements based on a template to return an array of data. It also allows for simple creation and deletion of entries.

<od-form-input> is a simple component to create an input element. Like other Form Elements it comes with a series of styling and functional benefits including built in labels and semantic html attributes.

<od-form-textarea> is a simple component to create a textarea element. Like other Form Elements it comes with a series of styling and functional benefits including built in labels and semantic html attributes.

<od-form-selectlist> is a simple component to create a select element. Like other Form Elements it comes with a series of styling and functional benefits including built in labels and semantic html attributes. Supports both dynamic options and statically defined options.

<od-form-multiselect> is a simple component to create a series of checkbox elements. Like other Form Elements it comes with a series of styling and functional benefits including built in labels and semantic html attributes. Supports both dynamic options and statically defined options.

<od-form-radioselect> is a simple component to create a series of radio elements. Like other Form Elements it comes with a series of styling and functional benefits including built in labels and semantic html attributes. Supports both dynamic options and statically defined options.

<od-form-richtext> is a simple component to create custom richtext field. Like other Form Elements it comes with a series of styling and functional benefits including built in labels and semantic html attributes.


  • Install with npm
npm i @orcden/od-forms


** Please note that your usage may differ depending on your framework **

import { OdForm, OdFormInput } from '@orcden/od-forms';
<od-form id='od-form1'>                 //unique id required
    <od-form-input  name='first-name'   //required
                    autocomplete='given-name'>First Name: </od-form-input>
    <od-form-textarea   name='textarea'>Textarea: </od-form-textarea>

    <od-form-selectlist name='select1'
                        options-get='http://myapiroute.com/api/options' //returns [{ optionName: 'option 1', id: '0' },...]
        <label slot='label'>Select1:</label>
        <option value=''>-</option> //statically defined option

    <od-form-multiselect    name='multi'
        <label slot='label'>Multi:</label>
        <od-form-input  value='1st'>1st: </od-form-input> //statically defined option
    <od-form-radioselect    name='radio'
        <label slot='label'>Radio:</label>
        <od-form-input  value='1st'>1st: </od-form-input>
<od-form-array id='od-form-array1'>                 //unique id required
    <od-form-input  name='first-name'               //required
                    autocomplete='given-name'>First Name: </od-form-input>
    <od-form-textarea   name='textarea'>Textarea: </od-form-textarea>
    <od-form-radioselect    name='radio'
        <label slot='label'>Radio:</label>
        <od-form-input  value='1st'>1st: </od-form-input>

//  **Also supports any other OD Form Element**


OD Form

Attribute Type Default Description
disabled Boolean false Toggles the hiding of the input fields and the display of the value fields.
inline Boolean false Tells the form to display all of its elements in a single line. Overrides child element inline attributes
** Also supports any semantic html form attribute

OD Form Array

Attribute Type Default Description
disabled Boolean false Toggles the hiding of the input fields and the display of the value fields.
inline Boolean false Tells all child forms to display all of its elements in a single line. Overrides child element inline attributes

OD Form Input

Attribute Type Default Description
inline Boolean false Tells the element to align its input field inline with its label field
value String undefined Two-way binding support to set/get the html input value property
checked Boolean false Two-way binding support to set/get the html input checked property
** Also supports any semantic html input attribute

OD Form Textarea

Attribute Type Default Description
inline Boolean false Tells the element to align its input field inline with its label field
value String undefined Two-way binding support to set/get the html input value property
** Also supports any semantic html input attribute

OD Form Selectlist

Attribute Type Default Description
inline Boolean false Tells the element to align its input field inline with its label field
options-get String null For dynamic options calls. This is the url of your option route
options-label String null For dynamic options calls. This is the field identifier that corresponds to your option's label field ex. 'optionName'
options-value String null For dynamic options calls. This is the field identifier that corresponds to your option's value field ex. 'id'
** Also supports any semantic html input attribute

OD Form Multiselect

Attribute Type Default Description
inline Boolean false Tells the element to align its input field inline with its label field
options-get String null For dynamic options calls. This is the url of your option route
options-label String null For dynamic options calls. This is the field identifier that corresponds to your option's label field ex. 'optionName'
options-value String null For dynamic options calls. This is the field identifier that corresponds to your option's value field ex. 'id'
** Also supports any semantic html input attribute

OD Form Radioselect

Attribute Type Default Description
inline Boolean false Tells the element to align its input field inline with its label field
options-get String null For dynamic options calls. This is the url of your option route
options-label String null For dynamic options calls. This is the field identifier that corresponds to your option's label field ex. 'optionName'
options-value String null For dynamic options calls. This is the field identifier that corresponds to your option's value field ex. 'id'
** Also supports any semantic html input attribute

OD Form Richtext

Attribute Type Default Description
disabled Boolean false Hides the input field and
inline Boolean false Tells the element to align its input field inline with its label field
required Boolean false Lets the form know that the field needs a value before continuing


OD Form

Property Type Default Description
form HTMLFormElement HTMLFormElement Get only. Returns the created html form. Can be used for any semantic html form hooks
disabled Boolean false Toggles the hiding of the input fields and the display of the value fields.
inline Boolean false Tells the form to display all of its elements in a single line. Overrides child element inline attributes

OD Form Array

Property Type Default Description
forms Array Array Get only. Returns an array of the created html forms. Can be used for any semantic html form hooks
disabled Boolean false Toggles the hiding of the input fields and the display of the value fields.
inline Boolean false Tells the form to display all of its elements in a single line. Overrides child element inline attributes

OD Form Input

Property Type Default Description
input HTMLInputElement HTMLInputElement Get only. Returns the created html input. Can be used for any semantic html form hooks.
labelText String String '' Returns the text of the created html label. Can be used to set label text
inline Boolean false Tells the element to align its input field inline with its label field
value String undefined get/set the html input value property
checked Boolean false get/set the html input checked property

OD Form Textarea

Property Type Default Description
input HTMLInputElement HTMLInputElement Get only. Returns the created html input. Can be used for any semantic html form hooks.
labelText String String '' Returns the text of the created html label. Can be used to set label text
inline Boolean false Tells the element to align its input field inline with its label field
value String undefined get/set the html input value property

OD Form Selectlist

Property Type Default Description
input HTMLInputElement HTMLInputElement Get only. Returns the created html input. Can be used for any semantic html form hooks.
labelText String String '' Returns the text of the created html label. Can be used to set label text
inline Boolean false Tells the element to align its input field inline with its label field
value String undefined get/set the current selected value
optionsGet String null For dynamic options calls. This is the url of your option route
optionsLabel String null For dynamic options calls. This is the field identifier that corresponds to your option's label field ex. 'optionName'
optionsValue String null For dynamic options calls. This is the field identifier that corresponds to your option's value field ex. 'id'

OD Form Multiselect

Property Type Default Description
inputs Array Array Get only. Returns an array of the nested inputs. Can be used for any semantic html form hooks.
labelText String String '' Returns the text of the created html label. Can be used to set label text
inline Boolean false Tells the element to align its input field inline with its label field
value String/Array undefined get/set the current selected values
optionsGet String null For dynamic options calls. This is the url of your option route
optionsLabel String null For dynamic options calls. This is the field identifier that corresponds to your option's label field ex. 'optionName'
optionsValue String null For dynamic options calls. This is the field identifier that corresponds to your option's value field ex. 'id'

OD Form Radioselect

Property Type Default Description
inputs Array Array Get only. Returns an array of the nested inputs. Can be used for any semantic html form hooks.
labelText String String '' Returns the text of the created html label. Can be used to set label text
inline Boolean false Tells the element to align its input field inline with its label field
value String undefined get/set the current selected value
optionsGet String null For dynamic options calls. This is the url of your option route
optionsLabel String null For dynamic options calls. This is the field identifier that corresponds to your option's label field ex. 'optionName'
optionsValue String null For dynamic options calls. This is the field identifier that corresponds to your option's value field ex. 'id'

OD Form Richtext

Property Type Default Description
input HTMLInputElement HTMLInputElement Get only. Returns the created html input. Can be used for any semantic html form hooks.
labelText String String '' Returns the text of the created html label. Can be used to set label text
inline Boolean false Tells the element to align its input field inline with its label field
value String undefined get/set the html input value property
editor Quill Quill Get only. Returns the Quill inhstance for any required hooks


OD Form

Name returns Parameters Description
submitForm undefined None Triggers an html submit event on the html form with custom validation.
htmlSubmitForm undefined None Triggers an html submit event on the html form with html validation.
reset undefined None Triggers a reset/clearing of the form data
validate Boolean None Cycles through inputs and validates each one.
htmlValidate Boolean None Triggers an html validation of the form.
getData Object None Returns a JSON Object of the FormData associated with the html form.
getValue Object String name Returns the current value in the form associated with the given name parameter
setValue undefined String name, Object data Sets the value in the form associated with the given name parameter
setChecked undefined String name, String value, Boolean isChecked Sets the associated checkbox or radio in the form associated with the given name parameter
populate undefined Object data Populates the form with data based on a simple JSON Object.
saveAutocomplete undefined None Triggers the form to save autocomplete data in the browser.

OD Form Array

Name returns Parameters Description
addNewEntry HTMLElement None Adds a new form based on the template to the DOM.
deleteEntry undefined Sting id Deletes the corresponding form entry from the DOM .
validate Boolean None Cycles through form entries and validates each one.
getData Array None Returns a JSON Array of the FormData associated with the html form entries.
populate undefined Object data Populates the form with data based on a simple JSON Array.
reset undefined None Triggers a reset/clearing of all data in each form

Any Form Element

Name returns Parameters Description
listen undefined eventName, callback Adds an event listener to the form element in the ssame way you would a normal listener


  • CSS variables are available to alter the default styling provided
Shadow Part Description
form Selects the html form
table The table used for aligning labels and inputs
table-row Rows under the table part
table-cell Cells under the rows part
label-cell Cells under the rows part containing the field label
input-cell Cells under the rows part containing the input element
field-label The labels used for identifying separate fields
value-label The labels used in place of the inputs to display the current value
form-input Selects inputs in the html form
form-select Selects 'select' elements in the html form
form-textarea Seelects Textareas in the form
array-container The div used to insert new forms
array-fieldset Selects the wrapper fieldset around each form
od-form Selects the OD Form Elements nested in each fieldset
add-button The add button used to add new entries
delete-button The button used to delete corresponding entries


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  • mackw1990
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