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0.8.63 • Public • Published

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Boilerplate Middleware

Boilerplate middleware for Node projects in MyCareersFuture.


  • [x] express compatible server
  • [x] cookie handling
  • [x] json body data handling ("application/json")
  • [x] form body data handling ("application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
  • [x] basic http header security
  • [x] content security policy
  • [x] cross-origin-resource-sharing support
  • [x] application metrics
  • [x] server request logging
  • [x] distributed tracing
  • [ ] endpoint: /healthz
  • [ ] endpoint protection for /healthz
  • [ ] endpoint: /readyz
  • [ ] endpoint protection for /readyz
  • [x] endpoint: /metrics
  • [ ] endpoint protection for /metrics


Install it via npm or yarn:

npm i @mcf/server-boilerplate-middleware
# or
yarn add @mcf/server-boilerplate-middleware


import {createServer} from '@mcf/server-boilerplate-middleware';
const server = createServer();
// ...


The returned server is an Express server with the following additional APIs.


Options are passed into the constructor function to create the server

import {createServer} from '@mcf/server-boilerplate-middleware';
const {server} = createServer({

enableCookieParser : Boolean

Type Default Example
Boolean true serverBoilerplate({enableCookieParser: true})

enableCompression : Boolean

Type Default Example
Boolean true serverBoilerplate({enableCompression: true})

enableCSP : Boolean

Type Default Example
Boolean true serverBoilerplate({enableCSP: true})

enableCORS : Boolean

Type Default Example
Boolean true serverBoilerplate({enableCORS: true})

enableHttpHeadersSecurity : Boolean

Type Default Example
Boolean true serverBoilerplate({enableHttpHeadersSecurity: true})

enableMetrics : Boolean

Type Default Example
Boolean true serverBoilerplate({enableMetrics: true})

enableSerializer : Boolean

Type Default Example
Boolean true serverBoilerplate({enableSerializer: true})

enableServerLogging : Boolean

Type Default Example
Boolean true serverBoilerplate({enableServerLogging: true})

enableXray : Boolean

Type Default Example
Boolean true serverBoilerplate({enableXray: true})

compressionOptions : Object

This configuration is only relevant if the enableCompression parameter was not set to false

Key Type Notes Defaults To
chunkSize Number size in bytes of chunk 16384
level Number 0-9 - see https://www.npmjs.com/package/compression for more information 9
threshold Number minimum size in bytes before compression kicks in 102400

Defaults to:

const conpressionOptions = {
  chunkSize: 16 * 1024, // 16kb
  level: 9,
  threshold: 300 * 1024, // 300kb

cspOptions : Object

This option is only relevant if the enableCSP flag is not set to false.

Key Type Notes Defaults To
childSrc Array<String> populates the child-src value of the CSP header ['\'none\'']
connectSrc Array<String> populates the connect-src value of the CSP header ['\'none\'']
defaultSrc Array<String> populates the default-src value of the CSP header ['\'none\'']
fontSrc Array<String> populates the font-src value of the CSP header ['\'none\'']
imgSrc Array<String> populates the img-src value of the CSP header ['\'none\'']
scriptSrc Array<String> populates the script-src value of the CSP header ['\'none\'']
styleSrc Array<String> populates the style-src value of the CSP header ['\'none\'']
frameAncestors Array<String> populates the frame-ancestors value of the CSP header ['\'none\'']
reportUri String populates the report-uri value of the CSP header '/csp-report'

Defaults to:

const cspOptions = {
  childSrc: ['\'none\''],
  connectSrc: ['\'none\''],
  defaultSrc: ['\'none\''],
  fontSrc: ['\'none\''],
  imgSrc: ['\'none\''],
  scriptSrc: ['\'none\''],
  styleSrc: ['\'none\''],
  frameAncestors: ['\'none\''],
  reportUri: '/csp-report',

The above configuration produces the following CSP:

"child-src 'none'; connect-src 'none'; default-src 'none'; font-src 'none'; img-src 'none'; script-src 'none'; style-src 'none'; frame-ancestors 'none'; report-uri /csp-report"

corsOptions : Object

This configuration is only relevant if the enableCORS parameter was not set to false

Key Type Notes Defaults To
allowedHeaders Array<String> provides the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header value []
allowedMethods Array<String> provides the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header value ['GET', 'POST', 'PATCH', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'OPTIONS']
allowedOrigins Array<String> provides the Access-Control-Allow-Origins header value []
credentials Boolean provides the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header value true
preflightContinue Boolean decides whether to pass the request on or respond with 204 false

Defaults to:

const corsOptions = {
  allowedHeaders: [],
  allowedMethods: ['GET', 'POST', 'PATCH', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'OPTIONS'],
  allowedOrigins: [],
  credentials: true,
  preflightContinue: false,

metricsOptions : Object

This configuration is only relevant if the enableMetrics parameter was not set to false

Key Type Notes Defaults To
livenessCheckEndpoint String defines the liveness check endpoint for ignoring in metrics '/healthz'
metricsEndpoint String defines the metrics endpoint for ignoring in metrics '/metrics'
probeIntervalInMilliseconds Number defines interval between metrics scrape 3000
readinessCheckEndpoint String defines the readiness check endpoint for ignoring in metrics '/readyz'
pushgatewayUrl String defines the pushgateway URL - when this is not null, the pushgateway is considered activated null
pushgatewayJobName String defines the job name of the job being pushed to the pushgateway - use this to define the application instance when running in a cluster `process.env.USER
pushgatewayTimeout Number defines the timeout of the pushgateway if enabled 10000

Defaults to:

const metricsOptions = {
  livenessCheckEndpoint: '/healthz',
  metricsEndpoint: '/metrics',
  probeIntervalInMilliseconds: 3000,
  readinessCheckEndpoint: '/readyz',
  pushgatewayUrl: null,
  pushgatewayJobName: process.env.USER || 'unknown',
  pushgatewayTimeout: 10000,

loggingOptions : Object

This configuration is only relevant if the enableServerLogging parameter was not set to false

Key Type Notes Defaults To
additionalTokenizers Array of Tokenizers Additional tokenizers with the schema {id: string, fn: (req: Request, res: Response) => any} []
logger IApplicationLogger Used by the server to create a child logger undefined
logStream String Specifies a stream to use instead of the default console. For example, use this to link Morgan up with Winston null
hostnameType String If set to "os", the os.hostname() will be used. For all other values, process.env[hostnameType] is used. "os"

Defaults to:

const loggingOptions = {
  additionalTokenizers: [],
  logger: createLogger(),
  logStream: null,
  hostnameType: 'os',


Installing Dependencies

Run the following from the root of the repository to initialise the dependencies since Lerna manages the dependencies for us across the multiple packages:

npx lerna bootstrap

Running Tests

Note: seems like the tests will fail if run locally on a Macbook. This is because prom-client emits metrics which are platform specific and the tests care catered to Linux. So please spin up linux container by doing docker-compose up and running the tests from within the node container.

To run the tests during development, use at the root directory:

npx lerna run --scope @mcf/server-boilerplate-middleware test:watch

To run the tests on the built package, use:

npx lerna run --scope @mcf/server-boilerplate-middleware test

To run a test server using the boilerplate server, use:

npx lerna run --scope @mcf/server-boilerplate-middleware start


npx lerna run --scope @mcf/server-boilerplate-middleware build

Integration Example

Run the following to setup an example environment:

Open a new terminal and run the following to create server a on port 11111:

SVC_ID=a PORT=11111 npm start;

Open another terminal and run the following to create server b on port 22222:

RSVC_ID=a SVC_ID=b PORT=22222 PROXY_PORT=11111 npm start;

Verify that your local Zipkin instance works and then run the following in yet another terminal to demonstrate tracing:

curl "http://localhost:22222/proxy";



  • set frameguard action (i.e. x-frame-options) to deny
  • set frameAncestors csp directive to none


  • set referrer policy to strict-origin-when-cross-origin explicitly


  • update 'strict-transport-security : max-age to the recommended period of 2 years


  • update 'strict-transport-security : max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload' as per CSA requirements


  • removed zipkin
  • added aws xray tracing


  • added keepalive and header timeout configuration


  • changed configuration signature for tracing



  • added distributed tracing capabilities
  • server instance now exports the following methods:
    • .getTracer()
    • .getContext()
    • .getRequest()



  • added :logStream property in loggingOptions options for providing Morgan with a custom logger to use


  • added Morgan server request logging



  • changed the preflightContinue option to be false by default


  • added features to accommodate a push gateway model (see pushgatewayUrl, pushgatewayTimeout and pushgatewayJobName for more info)
  • if pushgatewayUrl is defined in the metricsOptions options property, the push gateway metrics flow model is activated, metrics will be pushed every :probeIntervalInMilliseconds milliseconds`


  • added Prometheus metrics (see enableMetrics and metricsOptions properties)


  • added CORS support (see enableCORS and corsOptions)



  • added gzip compression module


  • refactored security module into two submodules: http headers and csp
  • also changed API for content security policy (CSP)
  • added new flag, enableCSP, for server initialisation



  • added connect-src to CSP configuration


  • fixed ci pipeline problems, no changes to functionality, we can now expect stably numbered patch releases



  • added content security policy configuration for:
    • 'default-src'
    • 'child-src'
    • 'font-src'
    • 'img-src'
    • 'script-src'
    • 'style-src'
    • 'report-uri'
  • added basic http security headers
    • hides 'x-powered-by'
    • adds 'x-xss-protection: 1; mode=block'
    • adds 'x-content-type-options : nosniff'
    • adds 'x-dns-prefetch-control : off'
    • adds 'x-download-options : noopen'
    • adds 'x-frame-options : SAMEORIGIN'
    • adds 'strict-transport-security : max-age=15552000; includeSubDomains'
  • added body data parsing suport for Content-Type: application/json
  • added body data parsing suport for Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  • added cookie parsing superpowers



  • fixed behaviour to allow import via require('@mcf/server-boilerplate-middleware') without a .default property


  • initial commit with an Express compatible server




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  • at_govtech
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  • vicheng.gt
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