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1.0.1 • Public • Published


React Native compatible implementation of the NTP Client Protocol.

Used to ensure the time used is in sync across distributed systems. The sync is achieved by the following process:

  • Fetches the time from an NTP server.
  • Adjusts for network latency and transfer time
  • Computes the delta between the NTP server and the system clock and stores the delta for later use.
  • Uses all the stored deltas to get the average time drift from UTC.
  • Allows for specifying multiple NTP servers as backups in case of network errors.
  • Ability to get historical details on (un)successful syncs, errors, and raw time values


npm i @luneo7/react-native-ntp-sync

React Native Compatibility

React Native Version >=0.60.0 - react-native-udp for more information.

Getting Started

  1. Install the module with: yarn add @luneo7/react-native-ntp-sync or npm install @luneo7/react-native-ntp-sync.
  2. Install the native required dependency: yarn add react-native-udp or npm install react-native-udp.
  3. Using React Native >= 0.60, on iOS run pod install in ios directory.


Import the module into your codebase

import ntpClient from '@luneo7/react-native-ntp-sync';

Create an instance of the clock object passing in the required params. See the options section below for options that can be used.

var options = {};

// create a new instance
var clock = ntp = new ntpSync(options);

// get the current unix timestamp
var currentTime = clock.getTime();


// manually sync the time
var result = await clock.syncTime();


The client constructor can accept the following options. all options are optional

Basic Options
  • autoSync (boolean) : A flag to control if the client will do automatic synchronizatin. Defaults to true
  • history (+int) : The number of delta values that should be maintained and used for calculating your local time drift. Defaults to 10 if not present, zero, or supplied value is not a number. Supplied value must be > 0
  • servers (array of NtpServer) { server: string; port: number; } : The server used to do the NTP synchronization. Defaults to
      { server: "time.google.com", port: 123 },
      { server: "time.cloudflare.com", port: 123 },
      { server: "0.pool.ntp.org", port: 123 },
      { server: "1.pool.ntp.org", port: 123 },
  • syncInterval (+number) : The time (in milliseconds) between each call to an NTP server to get the latest UTC timestamp. Defaults to 5 minutes
  • syncOnCreation (boolean) : A flag to control the NTP sync upon instantiation. Defaults to true. (immediate NTP server fetch attempt)
  • syncTimeout (+number) : The timeout (in milliseconds) that will be used in every NTP syncronization . Defaults to 10 seconds
  "history": 10,
  "syncOnCreation": false,



Returns an Object of historical details generated as clockSync runs. It includes several fields that can be used to determine the behavior of a running clockSync instance. Each call represents an individual 'snapshot' of the current clockSync instance. History is not updated when instance is offline.


  • currentConsecutiveErrorCount (int) : Count of current string of errors since entering an error state (isInErrorState === true). Resets to 0 upon successful sync.
  • currentServer (object) : Object containing server info of the server that will be used for the next sync. Props are:
    • server (string) : the NTP server name
    • port (int) : the NTP port
  • deltas (array<object>) : This array will contain a 'rolling' list of raw time values returned from each successful NTP server sync wrapped in a simple object with the following keys: (note: array length is limited to config.history; oldest at index 0)
    • dt (+/- int) : The calculated delta (in ms) between local time and the value returned from NTP.
    • ntp (int) : The unix epoch-relative time (in ms) returned from the NTP server. (raw value returned from server) note: ntp + -1(dt) = local time of sync
  • errors (array<object>) : This array will contain a 'rolling' list of any errors that have occurred during sync attempts. (note: array length is limited to config.history; oldest at index 0). The object contains typical fields found in JS Errors as well as additional information.
    • name (string) : JavaScript Error name
    • message (string) : JavaScript Error message
    • server (object) : The server that encountered the sync error. Same keys as currentServer object. (possibly different values)
    • stack (string) : JavaScript Error stack trace (if available)
    • time (int) : The local unix epoch-relative timestamp when error was encountered (in ms)
  • isInErrorState (boolean) : Flag indicating if the last attempted sync was an error (true) Resets to false upon successful sync.
  • lastSyncTime (int) : The local unix epoch-relative timestamp of last successful sync (in ms)
  • lastNtpTime (int) : The NTP unix epoch-relative timestamp of the last successful sync (raw value returned from server)
  • lastError (object) : The error info of the last sync error that was encountered. Object keys are same as objects in the errors array.
  • lifetimeErrorCount (int) : A running total of all errors encountered since clockSync instance was created.
  • maxConsecutiveErrorCount (int) : Greatest number of errors in a single error state (before a successful sync).


Returns unix timestamp based on delta values between server and your local time. This is the time that can be used instead of new Date().getTime()


An on-demand method that will force a sync with an NTP server. NOTE: You generally do not need to invoke a manual sync since ntpClient automatically runs sync according to the specified syncInterval interval (or its default).


An on-demand method that will start auto sync according to the specified syncInterval interval (or its default).


An on-demand method that will stop auto sync according.

Based On

@jet/react0native-ntp-client is based on react-native-clock-sync and react-native-ntp-client by Artem Russkikh


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  • luneo7