
2.1.4 • Public • Published


This little nodejs command-line script allows you to easily compile and publish node and es6 compliant code packages to npm. Init your project with minimal babel configuration for es6, compile to cjs and publish to npm with only two commands.


This package requires yarn to behave correctly.

# install yarn
sudo apt install yarn
# or (deprecated)
sudo npm install -g yarn

# TODO install globally
sudo npm install -g @kebab-case/npm-simple-publisher

Migrate from @1.x

This version adds linter before build and breaking init changes options.

  • Run npm i -g @kebab-case/npm-simple-publisher@latest
  • Backup your package.json in package.bkp.json and remove the package.json.script and package.json.eslintConfig entries of the original file.
  • Run kc-nsp init -su (it will skip any existing file other than config.local.json and package.json)
  • Add your own scripts / eslintConfig in the newly created entries.
  • Now the build and publish scripts won't complete if eslint fails
  • If you have any other problems please report on the github issues page ; in the meanwhile you can revert package.bkp.json to package.json


  • First, create your new project your-project-name and a sub-folder your-project-name/src for your source code.

  • Using terminal, navigate to your project root folder, i.e. cd your-project-name

  • Enter the following command to init your project:

    kc-nsp init

    You can re-run this command afterwards, but you will need to add the -f option to force overwrite of files, or the -s to skip existing files. Use the -su options to only update your package.json (existing scripts / eslint config won't be replaced).

  • Enter prompted values. ~ stands for null. You can replace vars later in the newly created config.local.json with yours:

      "NSP_USERNAME": "your npm username",
      "NSP_PASSWORD": "your npm password",
      "NSP_EMAIL": "your public npm email",
      "NSP_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION": "your package description",
      "NSP_PACKAGE_KEYWORDS": "comma,separated,keywords",
      "NSP_PACKAGE_LICENSE": "license to use - default: MIT",
      "NSP_PACKAGE_VERSION": "default: 1.0.0",
      "NSP_PACKAGE_PRIVATE": "true|false", 
      "NSP_SCOPED_PACKAGE": "true|false: use true to scope package as @username/package-name",
      "NSP_SCOPE_NAME": "scope name - default: @username",
      "NSP_APP_ENTRY_POINT": "app entry point - relative to ./src directory - default: index.js",
      "NSP_REPOSITORY_HOMEPAGE": "full URL to your remote git repo homepage - default: null",
      "NSP_ISSUES": "full URL to your bug tracker - automatically defined if github homepage provided",
      "NSP_REPOSITORY_REMOTE": "full https URL to your remote .git - automatically defined if github homepage provided"

    N.B.: this file is gitignored, so you can set your npm password confidently.

    You can find a list of supported licenses here after - your license field must exactly match a filename without extension: https://github.com/spdx/license-list-data/tree/master/text

    You shall modify LICENSE file by replacing some generic fields (, , , and so on) by their literal values.

    P.S. Default package name will be your-project-name folder name, but it can be changed in config.local.json.

  • You can now write es6 in your ./src folder and set up your own settings in package.json and .gitignore.

  • DO NOT forget to add your fantastic README.md! If you don't, @kc/NSP will add a placeholder before publishing.

  • Ready to publish to npm ? Use the kc-nsp publish script!

    First, the kc-nsp build sub-command will create a dist folder will be created with cjs-compliant code, and your src entry point will be used as an es6 module. Your package.json will be modified accordingly (using kc-nsp generate-pj subcommand).

    You can use publish with following options:

    # skip build
    kc-nsp publish --skip-build
    kc-nsp publish -s
    # update version
    kc-nsp publish --update-version=%s # with %s: M => new major version / m : new minor version / r : new revision
    kc-nsp publish -t %s
    # skip publish confirmation
    kc-nsp publish --yes
    kc-nsp publish -y
    # override default git commit message
    kc-nps publish --commit-message="my commit message"
    kc-nps publish -m "my commit message"
    # override default git tag message
    kc-nps publish --tag-message="my tag message"
    kc-nps publish -v="my tag message"
    # use custom publish hooks - see detailed help about using hooks here after
    kc-nps publish --publish-on=hook1 --publish-on=hook2
    kc-nps publish --p=hook1 --p=hook2
    # deprecate one or more older major versions - in development


You can define your own publishing hooks, which will be executed after git push (if configured) and before npm publish. Each hook is a command-line of your choice with any arguments you want. To do so:

  1. Add your own hook either in ./config.json (if you want to version your hooks), either in ./config.local.json (if you don't). Format of hooks field:
  "NSP_HOOKS": {
    "hook-name": [
      ["list of arguments"],
        "prompt_question1": "answer to prompt_question1"
      "interactive script (true|false)",
        "hidden_field1 (should match any of prompt_question)"
  1. Hooks rely on @kebab-case/node-command-manager/interactiveShell to be executed. To get more help about interactiveShell, please visit https://www.npmjs.com/package/@kebab-case/node-command-manager#interactive-shell Note that you can define hooks with blank / undefined entries (like passwords), so you can version it; if you do so, you will be prompted values for these.
  2. Don't modify the null field if you don't exactly know what you are doing
  3. prompt_questions and hidden_fields can use regex syntax to match your command prompt.
  4. Use kc-nps publish -p hook-name1 -p hook-name2 ... to use your hooks. If you do so, you will have to specify every hook you want to use, even git and npm, or they'll simply be skipped. You can add a script entry in package.json to avoid typing all that hooks every single time :
  "scripts": {
    // bunch of scripts
    "kn-publish": "kc-nps publish -p npm -p git -p my hook"

This way you can publish more quickly using yarn kn-publish [other publish args].


Type kc-nsp --help to get help on all available commands, and kc-nsp [module] --help for further help on a specific one.


  • argv
  • core-js
  • fs
  • prompt-async
  • request
  • @kebab-case/node-command-manager

Powered by @kebab-case/npm-simple-publisher

This package has been brought to you by npm-simple-publisher

This little nodejs command-line script allows you to easily compile and publish node and es6 compliant code packages to npm. Init your project with minimal babel configuration for es6, compile to cjs and publish to npm with only two commands.

Try it now:

sudo apt install yarn
sudo npm install -g @kebab-case/npm-simple-publisher
mkdir my_project
cd my_project
# getting help about command
kc-nsp -h # list of command modules
kc-nsp init -h # and so on
# getting started
kc-nsp init -f # create project 
# ... do things in my_project/src, using proposed build or your own (not npm-friendly)
kc-nsp publish -t M|m|r # publish new Major / minor version or revision

Basically, that's all!

Find on npm: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@kebab-case/npm-simple-publisher

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npm i @kebab-case/npm-simple-publisher

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  • kebab-case