
1.0.1 • Public • Published


ReScript bindings, modules, and functions for Remix.

Requires ReScript v11.

This is a work in progress and is not complete


npm install @jvlk/rescript-remix

Update rescript.json to include it in your dependencies.

"bs-dependencies": [

If you want to have .res files directly in the app/routes directory you will need to set the file extension to .jsx in rescript.json.

Note: ReScript does not allow you to have $ in file names so you will need to create a JavaScript file for routes with params such as blog/$id.jsx and import from your generated JavaScript files.

Add ReScript extenstions to Remix's ignored files so it doesn't try and load them in as routes and uses the generated .jsx files.

// remix.config.js
export default {
    ignoredRouteFiles: ["**/.*", "**/*.res", "**/*.resi"],


You can add types to Remix's links and meta functions

external styles: string = "default"

let links: Remix.Links.t = () => [Remix.Links.Href({rel: "stylesheet", href: styles})]

let meta: Remix.Meta.t = () => [
  Remix.Meta.Content({name: "viewport", content: "width=device-width, initial-scale=1"}),
  Remix.Meta.Title({title: "My site"}),
    name: "description",
    content: "a website",
  Remix.Meta.Charset({charset: "UTF-8"}),

let make = () => {
  <html lang="en">
      <link rel="icon" href="" />
      <Remix.Meta />
      <Remix.Links />
        <Remix.Outlet />
      <Remix.Scripts />
      <Remix.LiveReload />

let default = make


To create a typed loader you can use Remix.MakeLoader higher order module (functor). This will create a type for a loader as well as a typed useLoaderData hook that has a typed response.

// _index.res
module Data = {
  type t = {posts: Posts.t} // type for the data returned by the loader
  type params // route params
  type context = { "NODE_ENV": string, "API_KEY": string } // context passed from the server

module Loader = Remix.MakeLoader(Data) // create a Loader module for this route

let loader: Loader.t /** use Loader.t to add typing to the exported loader function */= async ({context}) => {
  let secret = context["API_KEY"]
  let data = await Posts.query(secret)
  Loader.json( // this is Remix's json function typed to Data.t
    {posts: data}, // if this doesn't match Data.t you'll get a type error
      headers: { // you can add headers to the response
        "Cache-Control": "max-age=300, s-maxage=3600",

let make = () => {
  let {posts} = Loader.useLoaderData() // the data from the hook is fully typed
    ->Array.map(post => <Post post />)

let default = make // you have to export make as default for route files


To create an action you can use Remix.MakeAction.

module ActionData = {
  type t
  type context = Env.context

module Action = Remix.MakeAction(ActionData)

let action: Action.t = async ({context, request}) => {
    /** */
    Js.null // actions expect you to return a value or null



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  • jderochervlk