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2.0.1 • Public • Published

Faceteer Expression Builder

The Faceteer Expression Builder is a set of functions that can be used to create filter expressions for Dynamo DB queries, or condition expressions for PutItem, UpdateItem, and DeleteItem operations.


Install with npm:

npm i @faceteer/expression-builder --save

Install with yarn:

yarn add @faceteer/expression-builder

Condition Expression

Condition expressions are used when you want to conditionally put, update, or delete an item from DynamoDB.

The condition expression builder will take in an array representing a condition expression and generate the expression with placeholders for the attribute names and values.

The following operands are supported for condition expressions:

=, <, <=, >, >=, <>

// The status is active
["status", "=", "active"];
// Age is greater than or equal to 65
["age", ">=", 65];
// The last updated time was before Jan 5, 2020
["lastUpdated", "<", new Date("2020-01-05")];


// Ids between 57242 and 99980
["id", "between", 57242, 99980];
// Last name starts with "m", "n", or "o"
["lastName", "between", "m", "O"];


// The industry begins with marketing
["industry", "begins_with", "marketing"];
// Zip code begins with 11
["zipCode", "begins_with", "11"];


// The attribute billingPlan exists
["billingPlan", "exists"];


// The attribute deletedAt does not exist
["deletedAt", "not_exists"];


// The company name contains the letters "LLC"
["companyName", "contains", "LLC"];
// The array of users contains the name "larry"
["users", "contains", "larry"];


// Users where the first name is greater than 20 characters
["firstName", "size", ">=", 20];
// Images where the size is less than 2048 bytes
["image", "size", "<", 2048];
// Products where there is only one review
["reviews", "size", "=", 1];


// Posts that have a status of draft or queued
["postStatus", "in", ["draft", "queued"]];


// An active user with a billing plan
[["billingPlan", "exists"], "AND", ["status", "=", "active"]];
// Users with a first name longer than 20 characters or a missing first name
[["firstName", "size", ">=", 20], "OR", ["firstName", "not_exists"]];

Filter Expression

Filter expressions are used when you want to query Dynamo DB, but only want a subset of the queried results.

The filter expression builder will take in an array representing a filter expression and generate the expression with placeholders for the attribute names and values.

The following operands are supported for filter expressions:

  • =
  • <
  • <=
  • >=
  • <>
  • between
  • begins_with

For all operands besides between the structure of a filter expression array is [{attribute}, {operand}, {value}].

// Users that signed during or after 2020
const newUsersFilter = expressionBuilder.filter(["signedUpDate", ">=", "2020"]);

// Active users
const activeUsersFilter = expressionBuilder.filter(["status", "=", "active"]);

// Users who's industry begins with marketing
const industryFilter = expressionBuilder.filter([

For between the structure of a filter expression array is [{attribute}, "between", {start}, {end}].

// Users that signed up between 2015 and 2016
const signUpRangeFilter = expressionBuilder.filter([

You may also use the AND and OR operands to chain together multiple statements.

// Active users who signed up before 2010
const signUpFilter = builder.filter([
  ["signedUpDate", ">", "2010"],
  ["status", "=", "active"],


The compiled expression will return an object with three properties.

Property Description
names A map containing attribute names indexed by their placeholders.
values A map containing attribute values in the Dynamo DB format indexed by their placeholders.
expression The filter expression string.

These can be used direct with the DynamoDB client in the aws-sdk

// Using a condition expression for a put
import * as builder from "./condition";
import { DynamoDB } from "aws-sdk";
import { Converter } from "@faceteer/converter";

const ddb = new DynamoDB();

const statusCondition = builder.condition([
  ["Retry", "Pending"],

  TableName: "Posts",
  Item: Converter.marshall(post),
  ConditionExpression: statusCondition.expression,
  ExpressionAttributeNames: statusCondition.names,
  ExpressionAttributeValues: statusCondition.values,
// Using a filter expression for a query
import * as expressionBuilder from "@faceteer/expression-builder";
import { DynamoDB } from "aws-sdk";

const ddb = new DynamoDB();

// Filter for users that signed during or after 2020
const signUpFilter = expressionBuilder.filter(["signedUpDate", ">=", "2020"]);

// Query the Dynamo DB table and add the placeholder
// names, values, and the filter expression
  TableName: "MyOrganizationTable",
  KeyConditionExpression: `#PK = :partition AND #SK begins_with (:sort)`,
  ExpressionAttributeNames: {
    // The expression builder will generate bindings for
    // expression attribute names
    "#PK": "PK",
    "#SK": "SK",
  ExpressionAttributeValues: {
    // The expression builder will generate bindings for
    // expression attribute values
    ":partition": {
      S: "#ORG_5753732",
    ":sort": {
      S: "#USER",
  FilterExpression: signUpFilter.expression,



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